Fella cant math 😔
Fella cant math 😔
Yea, it got me too when I first saw it
Nah, my meme is better
Thanks for the advice, will do!
Aw HUGE congratulations!
Currently trying to get a diagnosis as well, my country’s system is also super bad.
That too. They really don’t want submarines crashing all the time.
Do you have a 15mb DSL connection or something? If it’s close to 100mb or more you should be fine on this front. Maybe your router is super old and cant handle lots of connections that the arr stack requires. You can limit the amount of parallel connections and the total bandwidth available to the arr stack.
As for Jellyfin, if the problem is your slow connection to the outside internet, then you can force transcode all streams to non local clients to a lower bitrate, but direct stream to local clients (assuming your router can handle that, but I’ve never seen a piece of networking equipment that is slower that 100mbs)
Also I’d recommend connecting to your router’s web gui and see what it says, how mush traffic is going around and so on. You can usually find your router’s ip and login details on a sticker on the back.
They grow up so fast! I remember saluting b1051 like it was yesterday.
Tame these tempers aahholes!
ULA snipers
So that’s why submarines don’t have windows
I like how they intentionally mentioned Capitol Hill in r/seattle, not even r/washington
Leave the femboy and his big tiddy goth gf alone!
At least I’m not bri’ish or fr*nch
or american…
Oooooh yea I get it. Would be funnier this way.
I game no idea how these two drinks relate to genitalia. There might be a misunderstanding between you and me. I just made a silly meaningless joke.
F u four calling me out like that but also thank you for validating my feelings.
Why tho? I don’t like it, too many interactions. I prefer acetaminophen.