It isn’t “closed”, is it? From the issue on the GitLab repo it’s rate limited, but I still managed to install apps with Aurora yesterday.
It isn’t “closed”, is it? From the issue on the GitLab repo it’s rate limited, but I still managed to install apps with Aurora yesterday.
What kind of launch screen customization do people do? I used to use dashboard with copy-pasted config from its readme, but recently I’ve found it more useful to make it open my org note right upon launch, because that’s what I do most of the time.
Wait, I didn’t know that it’s possible to use RSS readers to view Reddit. Just tried it out, and it’s even better than using old Reddit (which I’ve been doing for ages).
Edit: Here’s how to use RSS readers to view Reddit.
If there’s content on Reddit
And there are a lot of content there indeed. I find myself constantly appending reddit
or site:reddit.com
to my search engine terms in a desperate attempt to get information from real-ish people and not from SEO shit.
I used to be on the vim side in the debates, but now that I’ve also used Emacs - Porque no los dos?