is ernest the spez of kbin? I just mean does he have the power to shut me down if he wanted and delete my stuff
wondering because of what’s going on with reddit
is ernest the spez of kbin? I just mean does he have the power to shut me down if he wanted and delete my stuff
wondering because of what’s going on with reddit
how can I downboost
but that’s what this post is, they’re quitting. did you reply in the wrong thread or something?
themselves? I haven’t seen Twitter Reddit or Fuckerberg file for bankruptcy. what they destroy is their communities and your ability to speak.
that’s much worse
I think that regular users don’t really care, why would anyone obsess about tracking down which account liked which post? the only people who get into that sort of thing, are people who likely manipulate with multiple accounts themselves. and they don’t wanna be traceable and that’s why they’re afraid of this feature.
they were always lying, they were always gonna replace people with AI. they just didn’t want you to know back then, that’s all this means. they still needed u to train their model…
“I don’t know how to use reddit. does that mean the protest was a failure?”
except the mod is active and posts regularly on r/spezresign. the sub was founded by u/StanIsBread, here are some of his recent posts on r/spezresign
the sub is 18 days old, are you joking about inactive mods or what
this. that way you don’t even have to delete stuff when all your comments are bad for The Man 🍻
cringe. grow up you fascist loser, go back to reddit
remember, when the execs of an evilcorp announce that their users are unhappy with something, it usually means that the execs are unhappy with something (and it’s usually their profit margin)
what I don’t get is why someone would go out of their way to try and convince somebody else that a protest is meaningless while the protest is going on. why would you take time to convince others to stop, what is there even to gain from that? only reddit would want that. if the protest was truly meaningless you wouldn’t have to argue against at all. clearly the protest have an effect on you and on reddit.
yes in your mind. block them out in your mind
gosh spez must be the dumbest person alive. how on earth does he manage to not kill himself every day out of sheer stupidity -.-
could this be used to create a feed that combines for example, m/mildlyinteresting on kbin with c/mildlyinteresting on into a single feed, as a bridge for users to browse the various scattered communties. it’s one of the main complaints from the anti fediverse shills on reddit
“obviously the word what has racist connotations all over it, and Trump has been using it as an alt right dog whistle” - spez probably
moderator of r/jailbait the sub that is now banned for cp
it’s millions of bot posts. and I’m sure Fuckerberg appreciates y’all spreading his pathetic PR for free and upvoting this shit