Los Tigres del Norte is one of the more popular corridos bands, people in San Jose looooove that shit. Like thelastaxolotl said a lot of them are narcocorridos now and can be pretty brutal
Seriously, “Black Sabbath” gives me chills every time I listen to it. Sooooo ahead of their time, can’t even imagine what metal would look like now without them
Love that they were making some of the heaviest music of all time while wearing jumpsuits and shit lol
Soundtrack to my childhood, so good
Hell yeah that’s dope. They were a band that a lot of my friends were obsessed with over the years but for whatever reason I never decided to give them a chance. Looks like now is that time
Absolutely. I’d you have any recommendations of other artists that are in a similar vein to his music pls hit me with them
Ah jealous! I learned about him through a friend who got to see him live; said it was probably one of the loudest, bowel shakingest shows he’s ever been to and this man plays death/black metal and noise music lol
I read an article yesterday, may have been from CBS News or something??? It took FOURTEEN PARAGRAPHS before ANYTHING at all was mentioned about the “death to arab” chants and burning of Palestinian flags. Before and after that paragraph it was all talking about jews being chased down in the streets, it’s horrifying that people would do this, in ashamed of our country, it was a pogrom…then just casually dropping the real reason it happened. I couldn’t believe they even included that info at all
Oh wow I loooove that description, definitely fits
This is what was popular on MTV circa 1997
Well here is your chance
This was the quintessential DMB song when I was growing up
So are you saying that in your daily life you never walk around with your shoulders or arms exposed?
And are you saying that your arms/shoulders are more apt to burn than the rest of your body, or you notice that they tan more easily?
I used to live in California and I went to visit Chicago and Minne to see if they’d be places I would want to move to, I LOVED Minneapolis for the short time I was there but couldn’t commit since it was so far away and I’m a baby lol.
The home of Hüsker Du and Prince though? Hella tempting. Love that the house show scene is thriving, such an important aspect of punk to be able to have that
Lolllll Kool-Aid man! That’s fair, I’m so used to people automatically dehumanizing homeless people (thanks reddit) that I’m ready to throw hands when the conversation comes up lol. I appreciate you being rational
I’m not a shrink lol I’m a case manager.
I disagree with the idea that so many homeless are so mentally ill that conversing with them isn’t worth it. It should take the most minimal ability to read human behavior to see when someone is having a hard time and you shouldn’t engage but there are many who don’t experience persistent psychosis who you can talk to, or at least give a nod and hello.
Care to explain what you mean by “actual professionals”?
So I work full time with homeless people who deal with mental illness and substance use issues.
If you are struggling with surviving yourself, you can only do what you can do. This world is fucked up and you shouldn’t be struggling, and those people on the street shouldn’t be in that position either, and it always seems like the burden to assist the poorest in our society is put on to other poor people, because we can actually understand what it’s like at least a little.
There may be times when you can only spare some change, other times maybe 5 or 10 dollars. Other times, nothing at all. If you have the ability at all, even the smallest amount can be helpful even if you don’t think it will be. But, if you feel hesitant, don’t beat yourself up for it. You thinking of giving ANYTHING AT ALL means you’re doing more than most people would.
Also, I think it’s important to try to let go of the moralistic thinking when it comes to people using the money for alcohol or drugs. People end up using drugs because of mental illness, people gave told me that at least when using they feel like they HAVE a reason why theyre hearing voices and seeing shit and its in their control.Because they lost their job due to becoming disabled and doctors won’t prescribe painkillers so they have to find something to numb the pain on the street. They were a foster kid who got kicked out with nothing, no family or friends and we’re physically and mentally abused for years so using drugs is the only way they know how to cope.
Another very real story I heard recently as to why someone drowned themselves in liquor for 15 years is because his nephew was playing hide and seek and hid under a pile of clothes in a closet. A fire started in the house; he was searching everywhere for the kid, and was digging and digging but couldn’t pull him out before the firemen forced him to leave. So he had to stand there and watch as his nephew burned alive because the firemen would not go back in to get him. You don’t know someone’s story and why they got to where they are. If you don’t want your money going to drugs or alcohol, you can make the choice to not give anyone money on the off chance that they happen to have a substance use issue, but remember they are people too with a lot of trauma.
he DOES have a lot of horns…and bondage gear…oh fuck