Buy your local Hamiltonian a drink?
Buy your local Hamiltonian a drink?
I used to have the time to be good at PvP games. I used to have the reflexes too. Then I got older and PvP games left me behind, so I left them behind. Turning 40 this year
A gain for unions might be a gain for non union if we’re talking comparable industries, like union electricians or plumbers. Those are industries where people can leave their non union employer and go union, or work to unionize their employer.
For general office work that’s not the case. Government administration positions don’t all have non union equivalents. Office workers don’t generally unionize. You can’t just quit your non union job and get a government job, those are hard to come by. So a gain for government service workers is irrelevant to the general public, or in the case of increased wages just means increased taxes. There’s a sense of jealousy of those with government positions, as well as schadenfreude when they get screwed over.
That’s because everyone in the general public was forced into the office before the government workers. At least the majority of them. If the government unions were fighting a return to office for everyone else, then there would be solidarity going back to fight it for the government office workers. Instead everyone just feels that it’s a good thing the gov’t office workers are going back because hey, my employer made me go back, why should they have it any better?
I wish Canadians had some balls like that but we just bend over every time while complaining about it
I would’ve loved to see an expansion or two for the game to tie up some storylines
I look forward to playing it in about 10 years
It’s a pirate action rpg
The answer is late spring or early fall but late spring is when the bugs come out around here so that’s wasted too
Any YouTube video that should be an article is an instant no thanks from me
Doesn’t have to be a monopoly to be shit, oligopolies are crap for consumers too
Let me know when the blue collar workers stop licking boots and start actually fighting back
It’s a personal decision. I’m happy I have them, but it’s very hard work. There really is a lot of emotional payoff through watching them grow up and helping shape them as human beings. Totally understand those that aren’t able to or willing to put up with the downsides though.
Add children and you won’t even have time to breathe
I hate that thing with a passion. All that energy spent on making those awful snoo avatars and shit. Just disgusting
Still trying to figure things out, I was a mod on a Warhammer subreddit so I might just remake it here
Hey all, giving lemmy a try since RIF is gone
Doot doot