What an awesome show that must have been! Maybe I have to really go then!
What an awesome show that must have been! Maybe I have to really go then!
What a night! How were Heilung live if I may ask? I’ve been thinking of going to their show here in February.
“Enn” by Eivør, simply amazing! Was on a concert a few weeks back, totalt 600 people and it was a blast!
Have a listen: https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mfYUyMRk-zYA1V1Z04a7GGB106N2JT5vU&si=m-R3MtJD1CuUTmVV
Yhea, I’ve been using Eternity for almost all my Lemmy browsing. Only client for me!
TDLR, can’t really image stuff and really can’t image people, who especially not faces.
Nope, not even on my mind. I know that no matter what I’ll get the help and not be financially ruined.
Holy shit. That would probably have been a quick in and talk with a doctor and a quick test for about 15 USD + maybe 20 USD for the antibiotics here in Sweden. No monthly coverage other then state taxes.
Yup, I seem to remember the same thing and I also seem to remember it being loaded at boot. Iirc you can stop it when the system has started and you’ve logged in but then you have to reboot in order for it to load again so you can plain. But same, I also don’t use windows and haven’t played leaugh for many many years.
Well, in Sweden the party often chooses but you can also vote for a particular person if you’d like. It’s not mandatory though. This is for all levels, country wide, county and municipal.
If you’re in to a bit of a challenge then “Flow”. There’s many copies but I always played “Flow Free” for killing time.
Yhea, that’s my though. I wanna keep up to date and quite frequently change my system. I like having the reproducibility but feel like the immutable might get in the way. My servers though stay pretty static.
Yup, only reason I can’t move on is because of the AUR and the rolling release, though, having said that I’m thinking of trying NixOS but not quite sure it’s for me as it isn’t posix. It seems some software doesn’t really like that although I’ve heard it’s pretty awesome as a server OS.
I can understand your feeling. I first bought Witcher 3 in 2016 or so and didn’t touch it for years. Picked it up 2 years ago again and loved it. It’s not he best combat, not the best complex game but the story really hooked me. Mind you, it does take a couple of hours for it to get going. And the secondary quests (side quests) are some of the most memorable I’ve ever played.
I don’t remember the name but it’s a depiction of a cave explorer that got stuck like that and died. While there was help at the place to try and get him out they couldn’t. If I remember correctly he’s still stuck in that same place.
Holy hell. Sure, I bought my phone (a OnePlus 9) out of pocket but I pay about 20 USD for unlimited calls and SMS with 5Gb of data per month (I can also save unused data from each month to the other up to 15Gb). This is in Sweden for reference.
Yup, probably something that is the same in many languages though I can only speculate. It’s also the same in swedish any way.
Yhea, you really learn to dig through the man pages and, if you didn’t already know, learn that they are quite helpful.
I myself am a maintainer/main developer of a project and the people that help out in the group chat are a god sent. Takes a lot of pressure out of my day.
About the same. Been using my arch install with KDE for about 5 years with no major problems at all. I use systemd boot so I’ve not had the issue with grub as other people seem to have had.
I did a similar thing. Down from about 104kg to 74kg (30kg loss) (180cm tall and 30 years of age). Didn’t do any changes at all except drastically lower my food consumption in steps and totally stopped with sugar (soft drinks, candy, crisps and so on). In the beginning I lost about 1kg/week but of course that slows down.
It’s awesome not being winded after going up the stairs or having acid reflux.