whelp, there it is

  • @worfamerryman@beehaw.org
    4711 months ago

    It is sad to see an amazing app become rendered useless due to some companies greed. They were not even being reasonable with pricing nor did they really give the dev time to figure out what to do.

    I really hope that everyone leaves reddit and comes to the fediverse. Mastodon had a huge boost and it completely replaced twitter for me. I am sure Lemmy can do the same.

    • NotSteve_
      2511 months ago

      I’m hoping Christian ports Apollo to Lemmy. I’m not sure what the feasibility of doing so is but I’d actually pay a monthly subscription for the ability to continue using it

      • @worfamerryman@beehaw.org
        2111 months ago

        I think he wants the apps to die with its legacy. Maybe he would make another app that does it. I hope he does and I would pay a modest subscription for it.

        I hope that on June 30th, when it shuts down, the app doesn’t just give an error message but instead displays some kind of farewell message.

        • NotSteve_
          711 months ago

          Yeah a farewell would be good. In my dream scenario, he would open source it and the community could port it. That might be unlikely though