• piotrek416
    1210 months ago

    IoT itself isn’t bad. It’s the companies that are using it to spy on you. If IoT is FOSS/Libre it is good.

    But I agree that not everything should have internet access especially if it’s proprietary.

    • @Rai@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1510 months ago

      None of my appliances need to be connected to the internet. That’s asinine. (Not directed at you, more “old-man-yells-at-Cloud”)

      • Dudewitbow
        710 months ago

        I think the distinction is need. I dont like it when its mandatory, but i dont mind that the option is there. E.g some people like preheaing their oven on the drive home(or a warning that something on the stove is on if accodently left on), or in case of the dryer, when its done.

        One common one I think is helpful is those who may have forgotton to close their garage. Easy way to check without having to drive back and do so.