Please don’t put any hate comments against the developers of lemmy or against the person who posted this.

I am also unhappy about what the main lemmy instance is doing.

What are your thoughts?

    3 years ago

    I explained that the source for your claims is not credible

    I used YOUR source that YOU used for YOUR claim. Without you using it as a source, I would have never used it as such.

    I ONLY used it as a means to proof the manipulative character of your argumentation. Me not following your rhetoric lead, is just me not joining your gaslighting.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      -33 years ago

      My sources don’t say what you seem to think they say. Be specific regarding what it is you think my source says that supports your point. It’s pretty hilarious that once confronted with your nonsense you’re screeching about gaslighting.