Alright, I’ll post a handful just for you.
Wow that was a quick mood shift!
Memes will do that to a person
I was browsing your memes and forgot I was in your profile and was like why are all these memes on all. thanks for your service lol
Lol, happy to be a pretend All feed for ya
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it
But why have more memes when you can see the same picture about AdS iN tHe StArT mEnU again?
“ArCh LiNuX uSeR BtW”
Didn’t you know that telling a joke more times makes it funnier? smh my head…
every single time and honestly - i think that’s still better than just having infinite memes at your disposal
The Withdrawal Symptoms are real… I actually picked up reading mangas online as a replacement. Still have difficulties focusing on that one activity. Reddit has really damaged this ability of mine that I have to rebuild now…
Problem is yt shorts took over my brain after reddit
I feel ya. Same for me. I really have to force myself to NOT doomscroll short videos whatever the platform may be. Being able to focus for long durations on a single activity ain’t easy, but way more rewarding than eating a bunch of M&Ms one by one at high speeds.
I guess this is how smokers who try to quit feel.
teach a person to make memes and they’ll never stop meming for their life?
But my memes are terrible
Those are the best memes
Since quitting reddit my brain is going through shitpost withdrawal. If this keeps up I might read a bok again.
Same yo
I totally don’t constantly hit refresh like some kind of addict. Totally!
Each one is just so delicious, I want more.
🎶Oliver! Oliver! Never before has a boy wanted more [memes].🎶
You want some MORE?!
I hear ya theres not a lot of content here.
At least this way you can’t doomscroll
Which is good.
Literally the reason why I refuse to use lemmy … I’ll stay on Kbin until there’s a way to instantly hide posts after voting like we had on RES …
No, but you may definitely get the same memes repeated on different communities and magazines.