Also, fun fact: drag queen isnt an ideology. Children simply are more engaged with wild and colorful aesthetics than they would be with you buncha fucking droll-ass, bible-thumping prudes
No, we call fascism fascism. The only ones who hate being called fascists are fascists. And if it looks like a fascist, acts like a fascist, walks like a fascist and quacks like a fascist, we can safely assume that it’s a fascist, much like this ‘penix’ guy
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Ah yes, drag queen ≘ serial killer
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You put Drag Queens in the same list as terrorists and serial killers, dude. I’d say they interpreted it just how you intended.
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Also, fun fact: drag queen isnt an ideology. Children simply are more engaged with wild and colorful aesthetics than they would be with you buncha fucking droll-ass, bible-thumping prudes
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No I dont. If it doesnt matter, what does it matter so much TO YOU?
And who the fuck are you to be telling everyone else how to live their fucking lives?
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Imma need to to read your post again slowly and then explain clearly how you think that is a valid and logical point.
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My dude, you just described yourself.
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No it isn’t. It isn’t straightforward at all. That’s exactly why I asked.
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What’s prostitute makeup?
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I mean, sure I could Google it. I was asking you because I was wondering what you meant by it.
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No its not read what you wrote and stand by it
The last Republican story hour really didn’t end well
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You are so far from reality that I’m not sure you could find your way back if you wanted to.
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Reality is not comforting. That’s why you run from it. The rest of us just deal with reality as it is no matter how uncomfortable it is.
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What’s “weird and crazy” about that?
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No answer?
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Bro, my kids literally can’t drive. If I don’t want them to go to senator story hour, I wouldn’t take them to senator story hour.
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What makes drag queens scum bags?
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If you could answer honestly, you would have answered. Instead, you deflected like a coward. Everything you say is a vacuous as your skull.
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Thanks for proving my point. You’ve got nothing worth saying but you just can’t resist saying something. Get help, you really need it.
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Told on himself in what way?
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Idk bruh you seem big mad about the whole thing, not sure I can take the claim at face value.
And for the record, I don’t give a shit if Republican senators want to read “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” to some kids.
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Is that what they do? You’re sure they don’t just read a story? Have you been to many?
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I’m just asking about your experience with Drag Queen Story Hour.
The same could be said about Sunday school, right? A setting where a story is chosen to be read to children with the intention of influencing them?
And it involves men in dresses!
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It sure does seem like you care. That’s like the only thing I know about you.
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What if they disagree with you? Will you mind your own business? Or are you a busybody?
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We have those already; why do you think the teachers’ unions are a fascist target?
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No, we call fascism fascism. The only ones who hate being called fascists are fascists. And if it looks like a fascist, acts like a fascist, walks like a fascist and quacks like a fascist, we can safely assume that it’s a fascist, much like this ‘penix’ guy
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Clear, simple logic. Even a caveman can understand it.
Too bad you aren’t that erudite
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We have those already; why do you think the teachers’ unions are a fascist target?