Neofeud is a Dystopic Cyberpunk adventure game in the vein of Blade Runner, but with an overlay of Game of Thrones-like political intrigue, and 1366x768, hand-painted, stylized visuals.

The art, stories and gameplay of Neofeud are a reflection of my experiences as a STEM teacher for the underserved youth of Honolulu’s inner city. Teaching robotics, programming, and sustainability is an often difficult, stressful, and even Kafka-esque endeavor – being in one of the richest, most beautiful places on Earth, yet dealing with families with working parents, who are living out of a van, or sleeping on the street. It is hard trying to keep the kids out of gangs, off of drugs, and on a path towards better opportunities, such as the ones I had growing up in a slum area of paradise while going to an upscale private school. I made Neofeud to be a fun and engaging game in and of itself, but I also wanted the player to think about the society in which we live, as well as the one which we may be heading toward if nothing is done.

  • 8Petros he/himOP
    13 years ago

    Kupcie gierkę, dorzućcie parę baksów ponad minimum. Odrobinę solidarności. A jak dobrze pójdzie, niebawem będzie i polska wersja.

  • @marcin
    13 years ago

    Bardzo polecam tę grę. Dobra historia, fajne postacie, świetne poczucie humoru, retro klimacik