You get a 5 second delay before they flip the switch if you’re a firefox user.
Can I just say I use chrome so I can get executed instantly?
Yep, just change your user-agent and they’ll flip the switch immediately.
“Remove element: Electric chair”
Zap element: Convict
Excuse me but my user agent says I am “prison warden”, not “Firefox convict”
Someone made a filter for that and it works well. It’s in one of the posts that talked about YouTube doing that (I think the one in the Technology sub).
Denying profit to corporations is theft, so using adblockers will be put on the same level as digital piracy. How dare you consume content without letting your eyeballs get force-fed ads.
ME - “Not looking at the billboard when driving to work”
Police - “STOP! You violated a law!”
after all that capital invested in marketing people better fucking buy. coca cola now spends more on marketing than on producing the products. they are literally spending hundreds of millions of dollars to advertise the best know brand in the world.
To this day, I have never bought something because of an ad. I get the concept of letting people know your product exists, but I know Raid Shadow Legends exists already and I am not interested, so fuck off.
I would like to tell everyone that Raid: Shadow Legends is a shitty game and nobody should play it.
This message is brought to you by me, a private citizen with a desire for you not to waste your time.
So you admit that you’re a thief? If you see an ad it’s MANDATORY to buy that product otherwise the owner of the ad spent money for that ad for nothing!!!
Guilty as charged, your honor.
Denying profit to corporations is theft
Absolutely right. In fact, it should be illegal to see a product for sale and not immediately buy it. How dare you see a helpless corporation in need of money, freezing in the streets, and not immediately empty your wallet in exchange for trinkets that they so lovingly engineered to break in a set amount of time? You monster!
You wouldn’t block a car.
I would if I could. Fuck cars.
For a sec. I thought were fr in the first sentence. Then i remembered wich platform we’re on and why that probably is.
Using ad blockers is piracy, insofar as you’re avoiding paying the price the content provider has set for that content. The price is watching the ads, rather than being something directly monetary, and you’re not paying it.
That said, neither that nor piracy are theft, and in both cases I gladly pirate because the prices in most instances have gotten away too high for what you get. Either in terms of subscription cost, or the time and quantity of ads delivered.
deleted by creator
This is a bit of a chicken and an egg scenario. Who pays first? The user, the content creator, or the content host?
Who pays first? The user, the content creator, or the content host? I couldn’t care less. If my adblocker is that final straw that caused a company to go out of business, brings on the collapse of the internet as a whole, and ultimately the breakdown of western civilization, then all of it deserves to die. With that knowledge, I’d still update by block lists and donate to uBlock Origin.
deleted by creator
From what I understand, Youtube ain’t paying for content anyway. Creators are routinely being de-monitized
Yeah this sentiment can fuck right off
What? That piracy is fine and people should be honest with themselves about doing it?
Piracy is a service issue - just like adblocking, not a payment issue
It can certainly be both. A worse service might be worth a cheaper price. And people will pay extra for good service. That’s literally the airline ticket business model.
It was also 100% a payment issue back when I was a broke student and paying for things simply wasn’t an option. The fact that Steam offered a more convenient service than the pirates at the time was irrelevant because I couldn’t afford it.
This is a good point.
If you cannot pay, then you either pirate or not - you don’t buy, because you can’t. In either case, the producer loses nothing, because there is nothing to gain.
In the other case where you could pay, but doing so is much more painful than pirating, the producer is the idiot - they made it painful to buy. They are losing sales not because people don’t want to pay but because they make buying the product painful.
I am next for not leaving a tip at the coffee shop.
They’ll have you tip your executioner, and the minimum amount the kiosk will allow is 22%
It will show 22%, but really be 35%.
We’ve come full circle.
I am next for not leaving a tip at the self-checkout.
I am next for not tipping my landlord.
You monster! Did you know that (something, something, something their empolyer is an asshole who doesn’t pay them well but somehow you’re the bad guy here)?
… giving a tip before you actually get anything.
Be right behind you for having an unregistered 3D printer
How dare you!
He’s probably a filthy gun-printer!
Guns and dildos is pretty much all those things print!
But can those things print dildo guns?
Don’t do it! That’ll be the last straw and we’ll get registered for having too much fun.
No fun allowed!
You can tell by the missing fingers.
I dread the day that a politician seriously tries to outlaw my adorable octopus machine
Remember, according to the small Canadian man, adblock is theft
Piracy, actually, but yes. That tweet was such a dumpster fire. All it accomplished was it showed how grossly misinformed Linus was about this topic. How ad blocking equals copyright infringement is beyond me.
He’s 100% Dependent of advertising on YouTube. So his statement is not only biased but completely in favor of his income.
But then again theft is not theft according to the same small Canadian man.
It’s only theft if he loses money.
And sexual harassment in the workplace is not actually sexual harassment either according to the same man.
Ootl --what’d he do this time?
He auctioned of a startup’s prototype without permission.
I’ve followed Linus off and on from the jump, but I’ma listen to actual security experts over him lol.
All of you using adblockers are pathetic. You’ll willingly deprive companies of their revenue just because you can’t be bothered to see a few ads? It’s not like ads are harmful or anything!
…hang on I think porn just started playing on my computer I have to find where the popup is and close it… Right after I close this other popup that says I’ve won 69 trillion dollars, and this one for dick pills, and this one for free vbucks, and this online casino one, and that one saying I have 420 viruses on my PC, and this one from the local fringe religious group that says I’ll go to hell if I poop, and this one that straight up looks like it’s trying to download ransomware, and… Damn my battery just died from all the extra processing power those popups needed. Uh but adblock is still evil though, don’t forget that.
“Tell President Zuckerberg my only regret is that I have but one life to give to block his ads.”
“Ask not what social media can do for you but what you can do for social media.”
For refusing to drink the mountain dew verification can
Once they fully implement eyeball tracking to determine if you’re actually looking at ads, we’re all doomed.
It already was implemented in remote exams sooooo… As soon as society opinion is ready, and wait till musk will roll out his crazy neuralink, those of us who can’t tinker with tech are doomed indeed
And the things we find horrifying now will just be normal to the next generation. Remember when we used the term “creepshot”? The youngest adults today don’t understand what that is.
For refusing to stand up and shout “McDonalds” at the smart TV.
bUt BlOcKiNg AdS iS pIrAcY
AnD PiRaCy iS StEaLiNg
You wouldn’t download an ad, would you?
My ancestors are smiling at me, imperial!
what about us who
pirateshare almost everything?You will be judged by your peers. So seed often, at least 2:1.
seeding is caring. and I care a lot :)
You’re already dead.
This is the bad place.
Having friends that have no idea of adblockers, or scripblockers are makes me feel prehistoric
You’ve still got some miles left in you, don’t give up! Unless they’re green, then you’re screwed.
It’s an even worse crime to be running custom ROM on your phone or basically not just running whatever it came with with bootloader locked.
Yeah but I don’t think they’ll go for since there are far less people using custom ROM than using an adblocker
They’re already doing it. See custom ROMs and Google Wallet. A lot of banking apps refuse to work. Then there’s random apps like McDonald’s that refuse to work on custom ROMs or if the device is rooted.
Banking apps I kinda get even though I think it’s ass, but McD’s??
The comedy is that my banking app refuses to use biometrics (after update), because it says I have ““not original”” ROM, which is false. If this goes further I will flash firmware just for that app to think I have original ROM.
I’m in a weird position where my Google Wallet refused to work with my original ROM (MIUI) since I had unlocked bootloader, but my banking app worked. It used to be that both worked with my custom ROM, but now Wallet doesn’t work. I fixed that with Magisk + Zygisk + Play Integrity Fixer but then my banking app stopped working.
Fucking hell, just let me use whatever I want
I mean’t getting executed. Although I see your point. Either way I don’t plan on going back to stock. Los grew on me. Sucks but you could get them working with a sandbox. I used Gbox for a while but decided to stop for privacy reasons.
I managed to get Google Wallet working with Magisk + Zygisk + Play Integrity Fixer. Aaand my bank’s app stopped working.
It’s all so tiring.
Try Gbox or Google Space. Didn’t try banking apps but stopped receiving custom ROM on WhatsApp Signal and some other apps. Highly recommend using shelter from f-droid
I wouldn’t feel comfortable using Gbox or Gspace for banking, considering they don’t seem to be open source apps. Then again, searching online, a lot of people seem to be saying Wallet and banking apps don’t work with those solutions.
I’ll probably have to settle with my banking app not working and paying with card.