Analysts have warned Windows 10 end of life plans could spark a global torrent of e-waste, with millions of devices expected to be scrapped in the coming years.
Research from Canalys shows that up to 240 million PCs globally could be terminated as a result of the shift over to Windows 11, raising critical questions about device refreshes and the responsibility of vendors to extend life cycles.
Fucking M$ being M$
Like you can’t exactly blame MS for people still using old arse components.
Likewise if people wanted they could keep using windows 10 or switch to a Linux distro to keep the machines running.
You also need a pc that has TPM 2.0 enabled. My 3yr old PC doesn’t have that enabled by default and I’m not even sure what that is or if the motherboard supports it (nor do I care, it’s keeping Microsoft from forcefully upgrading me to windows 11).
If you really want to use windows 11, download an ISO and flash it on a USB using You can disable TPM by checking a box in rufus
You’re probably better off using windows 10 LTSC (or LTSC IOT), which are long term support win10 versions aimed at enterprise, with the only real difference being they come devoid of bloatware and they are supported for many more years than the consumer version.
Even better, think about “making the jump” and upgrade to linux. The most beginner-oriented distros are stupid easy to use (and with a better UI and UX than windows imo), you do not need to use the command line at all, they will support your hardware and they will most likely have the exact programs and games you use.
I have no intention of upgrading to windows 11. I do plan on making the jump to Linux when Valve (hopefully) releases the arch-based version of SteamOS.
You don’t need to wait for valve to game on Arch. Just install steam on endeavourOS
I assume the longterm support version of windows 10 costs money.
AFAIK the upgrade to 11 is free.
Both’s LTSC channels cost money.
You can probably just enable it in the bios/uefi. Most modern CPUs have integrated TPM
I have a old gaming laptop that is not supported.
Intel i7-7820HK, 4cores 8 threads 2.9Ghz.
Released in 2017.
That’s not old-arse as far as I’m concerned, and I don’t see the need for an upgrade. I’m going to install Linux on this PC because I have the know-how and desire to check out how electron fares. But I can see how that is not an option for everyone.
I’ll be forced to switch to linux when 10 reaches end of life, but I’m genuinely not looking forward to it. I’ve tried it before and given up after hours of hair pulling. Not linux’s fault necessarily. Often driver issues.
That’s the thing a lot of fanboys forget. They often install linux on hardware they handpicked to be compatible on a pc they assembled themselves. Most casual users are upgrading an existing non-self assembled system, which may or may not be compatible, and contain parts that don’t have good driver support. Eg. a cheap realtek card that was never sold to consumers directly, meaning it would only be installed in windows systems.
Honestly, I may just not bother. Go on ebay, buy something newer. Shame though. System runs fine. Happily runs Cyberpunk and stuff like that. TBF because I’m a cheap bastard, I only have 500 euros invested in the thing. Bought it at aldi when it was discounted. Upgraded it with second hand ebay parts. LOL.
Drivers for new/cutting edge hardware will often lag behind for linux. Installing on hardware that is a few years old will generally be a breeze if you choose one of the big name distros. I personally use Linux Mint for the “it just works” ease.
Yeah. In my case linux Mint just didn’t.
Older hardware, lack of (good) drivers, mini-pc so not feasible to install a new network card, I tried, I really did. But I eventually gave up.
Great if it works, but sometimes you’re just SOL.
If it’s your own personal system, you will not be forced to switch to Linux or buy new hardware when windows 10 reaches EOL. Just keep using it…
The folks pretending that the EoL date for W10 is appropriate, are the new computer every two years and throw the old one out crew.
CPU’s 6 years and older are not supported. That isn’t old. I was using a 6 year old CPU perfectly happily until this year.
I also don’t have a TPM module so I am still unsupported anyway.
So an unsupported work around. cool, cool
True I can do that but most people won’t. I am not expecting my less tech savvy friends to even try if they even do know about this workaround.
The issue is TPM, and nothing else.
the basic requirements (compute power, ram, storage) to install windows hasn’t really changed at all since like vista or 7. dual core and 4gb ram were common even back at vista’s launch (and earlier, even. many late xp systems shipped with those specs).
due to bloat these older systems (like dual core windsor am2/dual core wolfdale lga775) fall flat with 10; but swap their original mechanical hdd for sata ssd and feed 'em at least 4gb ram and they run 10 as well as 7 or 8.