Star citizen players get what they deserve if they buy this. It is pretty clear this game will never be finished and its only purpose is to extract money from whales with more money than brain cells.
First off, I would never spend that much on a game. Got a $70 starter pack. Nothing more than you would spend on a normal game. Can’t blame cig for playing the monetization game. Either there’s regulations that stops this shit or capitalism goes brr. That’s the world we’ve built.
As for the game itself; when Star Citizen works there’s nothing like it. A huge space battle followed by a tense zero g boarding action. Taking the cargo and salvage afterwards. Hell, just flying across a solar system and landing on a planet and getting out and walking around – all without a load screen – is something to be experienced.
To anyone reading this. If you’re the type of person that has the resources and you buy games at ~50-70 price point, do it. Even with all the alpha bullshit. Even with all the easy echo chamber shit posts. There’s some magic happening with SC.
Plenty of streamers if you’re on the fence. Berks is good if you just want to catch a stream.
You can blame CIG for the monetization game, you can blame anyone doing it. Especially when the goal post gets moved over and over and over. When the goal post was placed specifically to increase monetization. I’m glad people like them game at it’s current state, but it’s hard to argue that there arnt some ethical monetization issues at hand.
It’s hard to agree with that when you can buy in for $40 and get 2 games.
2 games? I was promised one of those games in 2016. The other is starting to resemble a game after a decade, but still not a “game”.
Nobody was promised anything in 2016. I backed in 2014 with the express knowledge that the pledge was to support the development of two games at whatever pace it took to do it to the standards they stated from the beginning, and not to compromise for the sake of delivering something less than that. They have been very clear from the beginning that it was not going to be a quick release, but a release that upheld the dreams they were putting on paper. THAT’S what you backed, and they have been very clear about that since day 1.
And the fact that many people have hundreds or thousands of hours in the 'verse at this point tells me it’s plenty of a game at this point for people to have gotten their money’s worth.
I know i paid less than $100 for my package and have more hours in the game than more than half my stream library, so seems like a game to me… And one that’s been plenty worth my entertainment dollars.
Answer the Call in 2016, not ringing any bells??
That was never announced as a solid release date for SQ42. Yes, there was branding on the page that COULD have been interpreted that way, but there was never a statement or announcement saying that was happening. CitizenCon the same year they announced there were delays that were going to prevent what they HOPED would be released in 2016, as is quite common, particularly when the scope of the project changes as much as it did due to stretch goals and increased scope. They then provided a multitude of new tools and platforms for people to understand the behind the scenes and current progress so further miscommunication would hopefully be minimized.
Star citizen has raked in almost a billion dollars. It is on par with all the revenue WOW has ever raked in in all of its expansions combined. Its a whale harvester with a game slapped on top. Youre free to think its fun, it should be given how much money had been dumped into it but everyone else is also free to think its more or less a ripoff/scam.
At its peak, WoW had 12 million people paying $15 a month. That’s over a Billion in 6 months.
Is that wow as in world of warcraft that you are talking about? Years ago, wow had already raked in billions upon billions, it’s bound to be far over 10 billion now. Star citizen won’t even come close to that.
I’m a cheap starter too. Really enjoy the game for sure! It completely ruined Starfield for me… I was out of Starfield the first time I “flew” the spaceship… Loading screens… All of it… Star Citizen killed any joy in that game for me. Haha.
Yes. Starfield is single player even.
There’s lots of talk about SC taking a billion and having nothing to show for it.
No one else is putting a mining rover into one ship, then flying that combo onto a bigger ship, and then flying that shipducken around.
They’re doing things no one else is doing. Things no one else has done. This isn’t just another unreal engine. Or creation kit, or whatever Bethesda is calling their zombie.
Starfield doesn’t even have real planets. It’s just 1k squares surrounded by loading screens.
Anyway, I’m ranting now. SC is notorious for its funding and long development. It’s easy internet points to shit on it. Like the video game shorthand for the Nickelback conversation cul-de-sac.
It deserves its detractors. It also delivers a hell of an experience for $45 and deserves its recognition. The nuance of that second point is lost in the crowd usually.
Ever tried Elite Dangerous?
Elite dangerous is tragic. If they had half the budget Star Citizen has it could be an amazing game, but instead they’re forced to practically abandon development for years at a time in order to focus on games that bring in a profit.
Still, if you have a VR headset, a HOTAS, and enough patience to learn how to fly, it’s an unmatched experience.
don’t forget VoiceAttack. Speaking to your spaceship and having it answer back (for me, in the voice of William Shatner)
“raise landing gear, all power to engines, on my mark engage jump drive… mark.”
No I haven’t…
Give it a shot. It’s less polished in some aspects to SC, but there are so many different systems that they have still barely been explored, even after all these years. The flight is pretty damn good too.
I’ve been playing it for years and I certainly hope it’s never “finished”. It gets massive updates every 3 months (quarterly), and even after it’s officially 1.0 I hope it continues to get regular updates. The version is irrelevant to me at this point - it’s fun, interesting, and unlike anything else out there, and it only gets better with each update. That’s all I want out of the project.
So you want a service instead of a game?
It’s an MMO, so…
I got roped in by a former schoolmate in 2013 or whenever their kickstarter was. I liked freelancer and thought this would be something like that. I took the smallest pack for around thirty bucks. I tried it every couple of years but it always was just a janky mess that barely functioned with an almost cult like following. Really strange one this.
Allegedly someone is making a Freelancer-esque like open world space game. Its called “Underspace”, and it looks decent. Release sometime in the first half of this year, I think.
Thank you, loved freelancer, will keep an eye out for it.
Looks very cool, cautious optimism here…
Oh, that looks pretty cool! I saw they have a demo on I’ll give that a spin when I get home. Thanks for sharing!
Everspace 1 (Roguelite) and Everspace 2 (RPG) both were built with the Freelancer mindset. I can highly recommend both!
They’re both very good.
I’ve been paying Helium Rain. It’s free to play on steam. No micro transactions or anything. It’s Newtonian physics though.
Imagine buying 50k worth of digital assets in one go. They’re already downloaded on your computer anyway. You just can’t use them in game lmao
Pretty sure it’s simply there to make headlines, outrage people and get some people who don’t care to see what the game is about
Last I checked they had an ecosystem that any developer would kill to have. A closed off pool of players who are all loyal. Everyone I’ve talked to that has gotten to play it has defended it. So it obviously has something going. I think most people just expected a normal release and it seems to have morphed into a different business model?
As an Early Access, it has a LOT of jank; but it’s unlike anything else that has ever existed. It really is a no-compromises, persistent, open, seamless sci-fi universe. It gets massive updates every 3 months, and those updates have been getting gradually bigger and more meaningful over the last 2 years. We’ve seen huge amounts of progress, so the developers are actually delivering. And regardless of how you feel about their business model as an outsider, it’s successfully ensuring that progress can continue in perpetuity, which is exactly what all of us regular players want.
I skipped the original Kickstarter because even the smaller scope of that pitch seemed impossible on the budget they were asking. Then I watched the project for years as it seemed like it was falling apart. I didn’t actually buy in until they showed off planet tech, and it was obvious that (1) they had finally gotten their development problems fixed and (2) their business model was capable of funding the project indefinitely (no matter how long it took to realize the vision). As of now, I have well over 1,000 hours in the game… probably more than anything else I’ve ever played.
It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled.
They aren’t fooled though. Its a real game that offers what it says it does, hand crafted solar systems. Its just fucken nuts seeing whale catching tactics outside of mobile games.
Not to mention heavy ingestion of copium or the gambler’s fallacy
I mean, it’s better than some mobile games that have cost people even more than 50 grand through incremental purchases. Here you get every ship.
Here you get everyship.
…everyship… so far
Yeah and this isn’t for the average player. But still could you imagine being like “Add to Cart > Checkout” on 50k for a game?
Followed by the call from the bank “What the fuck is Cloud Imperium?” before your accountant files it under “bitcoin” because they stopped understanding and zoned out after “digital content”
No, but I won’t be in that situation anyways.
In that case ypu are quite litterarly paying for a bunch of boolean variables being changed from a 0 to a 1.
If this was done in powershell:
Get-Ship -identity * | Set-Ship -AvaliableToPlayer 1
Thats how they have to work. If you run into a player with a ship you don’t have it still needs the asset to display it on your client. It just makes it seem a little silly is all. You are paying for access, and thats true for all of these game cosmetics.
Those extra assets are also one of the reasons why some games take like 500Gb of
memorystorage to install.Yep, art and asset takes up the most space. It also has the most space reserved for data transfer in disc readers. Its definitely the reason the new CoDs are so huge, along with their techniques of massive redundancy (if that ol’ article about the way they load maps is true).
500gb of ‘memory’? Get off the internet grandpa.
Yep, it is the same in Forza Horizon, you can buy cars through DLC, and they basically just change the 0 to a 1.
The cars still exist in the world…
Only about half of those vehicles are actually in the game right now, too.
The thing is, with only one exception that I can think of, everything can be acquired in-game. The only reason you’d buy one of these ship packages is to have immediate access to those specific types of gameplay and, eventually, free in-game insurance (which otherwise also uses in-game currency). Sometimes these things make sense for player Orgs, but I can’t imagine any Org needing all vehicles at all times… especially at that price.
As someone who is in no way invested, has only seen this as some kind of vapor product but still mildly interested, what does it say about the in-game economy and required level of grind if 50k real world money is the fast track to owning all in-game ships? It’s got to be ludicrous, right?
That’s the weird thing about this, nobody would ever NEED to own all the vehicles at once… not even the biggest Org. The game just doesn’t work like that.
You’d need all the vehicles in Star Citizen like you’d need all the vehicles on earth. You just buy or rent what you need when you need it.
Thanks for the insight. There are a lot of zealots in the community who are happy to downvote or sometimes throw around terms like “strawman” but rarely are questions answered
Cocaine is expensive…
It’s a helluva drug
These are the NFTs people are somehow okay with paying for.
This is a good example of real uses of NFTs. Not some jpeg of a monkey.
No this is every bit as dumb. Its just a slightly different form of dumb
No, the whole market is run by one company. There is no point in having a blockchain.
Right! A third party system to track ownership for digital good likes this makes a little more sense. Still have to have other ecosystems that support it for it to matter though.
And then what do you have to play for?
Ships will be destroyed and the player will have to replace them later hehe.
People about to have a field day with this one.
Aren’t bundle deals for saving money? Won’t your rich fans already have bought ships from years ago? Who is this bundle for - the super rich instead of the usual insanely rich?
They let you “reclaim”/“melt” things you bought before. I think this is an attempt to make a few rich people that are $30k or so in “complete their collection”, and then probably repeat that year after year every time they release an updated pack.
I thought their view was to stop selling ships when the game finally releases. Considering they announced that their Citizen ??? game’s release was on the horizon, you’d think they’d pivot away from mugging whales off for ships, but I have a feeling this practice will never end in SC.
A few years ago, they added the ability to buy/rent ships with ingame money. So it seems that they are willing to deliver features they promised, even when those features compete with their ship sales.
A game that is still in early access and will most likely never leave it has DLCs worth 10 thousands dollars? Completely crazy how they just are able to do it and their community still defends them
I am a gamer, but you cannot convince me that any game is worth anything near $48k from the end consumer. At best you’ll get maybe $200 over the course of 3+ years with good dlc content.
Someone hasn’t seen the whales of F2P. I’ve seen stat cards in war thunder worth triple that of age 1 year
Compared to train Sim that’s cheap!
Do they owe sales tax on something that doesn’t exist?
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