Mine is plain/lightly salted Doritos/tortilla chips dipped/scraped in unsalted butter.
I’m now wondering whether this is a little too specific of a question and I just really needed somewhere to get this off my chest…
I pick my nose.
I bet you do too, don’t judge.
Or do: It doesn’t really matter what you think of me because I’m not a telepath.
There are two types of people in the world: People who pick their nose, and liars.
Seriously though, slowly pulling out one of those boogers that tickles your brain is a unique joy.
I once had a bloody nose while walking, I was about a half hour away from home. Since I don’t carry tissues, I did what made the most sense and just held my thumb over my nostril. Once I got home I grabbed a tissue and took my thumb away while leaning over the bathroom sink. Nothing came out, but my nose was plugged. I twisted the tissue and inserted it, removing it pulled out a 3 inch long bloodclot cast of the inside of my sinus that fell onto the palm of my weak hand. It was like a slug made of blood. The feeling of it slithering from my face was what I imagine to be the closest approximation of what the loving embrace of a benevolent god feels like while cumming. It was a transcendental natural high that no experience has come close to.
I’ll do you one better. I pick my nose then sometimes (not always) have a lil snack :)
I dunno, I don’t really do guilt beyond truly bad acts done by choice.
That being said, I am a chocolate milk fiend.
I have to strictly limit myself or I’d drink nothing else, and not eat anything useful nutritionally.
Chocolate in general is my one true vice. I don’t drink, I don’t use recreational drugs, I’m monogamous (and happily so), I quit tobacco, and even caffeine beyond trace amounts in decaf. But you try an take chocolate out of my life, and I will fuck you up.
I’ll even accept Hershey’s if there’s nothing else available.
But chocolate milk? Fuck me running. Cold, sweet, chocolatey goodness. I will walk right the fuck over infants and kittens if there’s a cup on the other side. Puppies? I dunno, I think I’d try to step between them, but I’m not making promises.
Home made is incredible. But my particular weaknesses are the pet trumoo, and the promised land midnight. They use thickeners that up the silky texture. The promised land stuff is meant to be more like melted ice cream, and it succeeds.
Which, don’t even ask me how quick I can kill a pint of hagendaz chocolate. Don’t blink is all I’ll say there.
I have no guilt involved there, but holy fuck is it an indulgence.
Oh, man. I’m in my 30s, and now that my son is 6.5yo and has found his passion for chocolate milk, I rediscovered mine. We purposefully limit how much we buy every time we do the groceries, or we’d both be drinking the thing day and night. I’m slightly lactose intolerant, on top of it…
There’s a local brand in Vermont named monument farms - they make an insanely good whole chocolate milk. If you ever get a chance to have it go for it. I’m lactose intolerant but when I lived in Vermont I accepted all consequences to occasionally enjoy a nice tall glass of that.
VT eh? I was considering moving to Barre is that a good place? Remote worker, moving for scenery and just like VT.
Great place. Good views, good people and town hall day. Barre is relatively dense and in an impressive valley - I haven’t spent an immense amount of time there but the services are all there for the capital and it gets to benefit from that.
Yeah, I’ve never been to VT, but have been to ME. The thing I like about VT most is their people [read: policies]. From afar I look at the datasets, and using R & later Julia, have concluded VT the best state, for my parameters.
36 year old and still sleep with stuffed animals. I’ve had them for 30 years and just honestly sleep better with them than a pillow. They are a stuffed wolf named timber and a stuffed dog named woofles.
I think only the real dog judges me, but that’s cause she’s a jealous bitch.
Maybe if the real dog wanted the snuggles she shouldn’t wriggle so much.
Melted butter or solid?
Mine is frozen strawberries dipped in icing sugar.
Solid, baby.
Yours sounds good.
What do you do when the butter is cold and the chips can’t scrape it up? These are the things I think about.
The chip breaks in the butter, I cry out, and grab a bigger chip to scrape up the crumbs.
I like you.
We’re snack siblings now.
Have you ever tried Frank’s hot sauce on saltines? That’s delicious.
No I have not. Is that a North American thing?
I like arguing with idiots on the internet.
No you dont
… you aren’t an idiot. And purposefully screwing up the apostrophe isn’t going to fool me.
It is pronounced “apostrophe”.
I’m originally from the South, where it is officially pronounced ‘Apawstrohfee’, thank you. Respect my heritage.
Trolling is a art.
In an overly consumerist late-stage capitalistic society, my socially unacceptable guilty indulgence is minimalism.
That’s “my only weakness is I work too hard” kind of stuff.
oh god, the reactions I get when I’d rather repair a thing for the same cost as buying the same thing. It even happens when fixing the thing is cheaper.
I get this. I’m the director of a small tech company, market forces demand that I just do more work instead, but sometimes some trivial 2$ device breaks and it personally offends me.
So I re-engineer it so it’s rated for 100+ years or whatever. I get the boards made in the factory, assemble with hot-air rework, and write the firmware myself. Sometimes it costs me a week, but it produces the things I’m most happy with.
Clients just want cheap stuff done poorly by tomorrow. If you want art, you’ve got to be your own customer :(
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I use light mode on Discord, and just about everything really. I don’t like the feeling of being in a gamer cave. I always have a bunch of lamps on, and light themes too.
A valid positon but also…
How dare you?
Personally I use light mode on everything work related and dark mode for everything personal. Helps my brain separate the two
I like to fart on the children having temper tantrums at Walmart.
Is that socially unacceptable? Oops.
Playing stupid phone games. Really mind-numbing, no talent required games. Currently into “Whiteout Survival”. I am over 60 y.o.
It scratches an itch.
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No lying, I have in the past. I spent $5 here and there on a game I played for about two years. The total was certainly under $50. I have known people to spend a lot though.
Sad story, I stopped playing that game because I betrayed my long-time league by using a hacked game and getting banned from the game. They had invested a lot of trust in me and given me leadership over their original team. I wanted to be like them, but I didn’t have the skill, so I cheated. I lost that team for them forever. I loved those guys, I really did, what a great time and a great social outlet. I even met one of them for lunch. Real friends online.
#Feelsbadman #Injustice2
Sink pissing
You win.
Ohh yeah
Distance attempt or just hover?
Plot twist: vagina
Marxist organizating and running a political education program. I swear to God I’m going to (redacted) when we have the resources to expand into adult literacy.
And slutting about I suppose.
Enjoying being alone?
Skinning landlords to make tents for the homeless
I hoard many, many TBs of handpicked, high-resolution porn and VR porn, divided by race, subdivided by star, with shortcut links when the women do scenes together. I enjoy organizing and maintaining the collection. I enjoy finding new porn from new people or discovering girls I missed and getting their backcatalog. Part of my after work/school routine is checking for new torrents of interest and if I miss days or weeks of new content, I’ll spend hours going back to find what I want until I’m caught up. All following strict, internal guidelines of what I want, not just everything.
The funny thing is I know for a fact that I watch around the average amount of porn as someone who just uses pornhub or something, and whack it only once a day to every few days.
I just love the collecting of it. ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
I mean, it’s just like collecting baseball cards. Just because I enjoy collecting them, doesn’t mean I inherently have to jerk off to them more than the next guy
Hello my brother in pornography! I’m the same way, it’s the weirdest thing. I love maintaining my collection more than I do “utilizing” it - it’s such a weird thing. As another commenter mentioned check out Stash, it will change your hoarding game (There is quite the active community for it too!), I have a tremendous library all custom tagged (To the point of even having the personal “emotion” of individual videos even tagged!) and I just love growing it and maintaining it.
If you’ve been doing this for some time as I have I’m curious - do you also have a number of videos which are weirdly nostalgic? Like you feel very fondly about them even though they may be low quality/not content you are particularly into today, but you can’t imagine not having them in the library? Some of my most “treasured” videos are ones which I would never seek out today haha
Edit: Fun fact, I’ve been a Lemmy lurker ever since the Reddit API nonsense, but this is the one comment that finally had me actually interact with the community. It is the porn that binds us? :D
Wow! There’s more like me! This is the first time I’ve ever revealed this to anyone but my closest friends but I figured what the hell. So glad I did!
And yes, absolutely do I have those videos. I’ve actually been AI upscaling them (occasionally lol, it’s a lot of work) and sharing with the community just because I find them special and have a nostalgia for them. That’s so crazy, because I was just wondering if I was a kook.
Well in all fairness, we might both just be kooks! What tools/processes do you use for upscaling? I have a number of highly sentimental videos I should probably do that to (As an aside, isn’t it fun how the quality we found perfectly acceptable a decade or two ago is now horrible to watch? How did I enjoy that pixelated blur!)
I use Hybrid to deniterlace and Topaz Video AI after that. Sometimes I’ll do some amateur color corrections in Adobe premiere after that and if I do I use Handbrake to compress it. All you really need is Topaz Video AI though.
Yeah, it used to look completely great or at least acceptable and now difficult to watch haha
I haven’t actually done this in over
twentythirty (fuck I’m old) years, but while thinking about it, I recalled my childhood…I used to dip extra buttery popcorn in chocolate milk. I fucking loved it. Honestly the thought of it makes me slightly nauseous now…
That’s fucking nasty
When I was a kid I would take cold hot dogs and grind them on the wheels of my toy truck, take the ground hot dog meat and make a taco out of it with American cheese slices.
Microplastics, yum!
And probably lead paint
This reminds me of how I used to eat a spoonful of chunky peanut butter and then add a glug of maple syrup
That sounds really good. I think I’ll try that.
I sometimes do similar but unsalted mixed nuts instead of peanut butter.
I’m trying to picture this. You eat it like cereal?
nope. I ate it with a bag of popcorn next to me and a glass of chocolate milk next to me. I would take like three popped corns in my fingers and dip them in the milk like an oreo and let them soak up the chocolately milkey goodness.