To the north, you see a quaint downtown district that shows signs of recent renovation, and even more recent sudden collapse. A gastro-brewpub advertises trivia on Tuesdays. There are two bearded men sitting at an outdoor table with their beers, watching in rapt horror as the trolley speeds towards the people bound to the tracks.
Saved as Kant-stop-me-now-2024-4-8.trolley.
To the north, you see a quaint downtown district that shows signs of recent renovation, and even more recent sudden collapse. A gastro-brewpub advertises trivia on Tuesdays. There are two bearded men sitting at an outdoor table with their beers, watching in rapt horror as the trolley speeds towards the people bound to the tracks.
You hear an emergency whistle from the trolley.
What do you do? _
Throw a wrench at the wheel. I don’t think my aim is good today though, but it got quite the speed
Roll initiative
Ponder downtown’s gentrification
Attempt to derail the trolly by pulling the lever while the front is past the switch track and the back isnt.