Manjaro 24.0 Since we released Vulcan in December 2023 we worked hard to get the next release of Manjaro out there. We call it Wynsdey. This is also our first release which comes with Plasma 6. The GNOME edition has received several updates to Gnome 46 series. This includes a lot of fixes and polish when Gnome 46 originally was released in March 2024. You can find the changes made to each point-release here: 46.1. Highlights of 46 release series are: GNOME’s filemanager comes with a new glob...
I don’t like Manjaro or almost all arch bases distros because they just kinda suck and if you get mad I don’t care
The arch bases distros I like are steam is that’s it
Edit for people that don’t know how to read I use arch I just don’t like arch based distros except steam os
Can you elaborate on why you think they suck? IMO most of the Arch derivates fill very good roles. Arch itself is a nice distro but you can never suit every user, and the derivates do things that Arch itself would never do.
Most importantly I believe there are lots of people who would have never used Arch vanilla but they get to enjoy “second hand Arch” and that’s a good thing, isn’t it?
My take on the most prominent Arch derivates (forgive me if I forget any, it’s off the top of my head):
Pretty much, yeah. Definitely agree with you on that one. I use Manjaro mostly bc im lazy to install regular arch and also bc I actually found that delay in the update cycle to be really good in my case. With regular arch the times I used it broke a lot more than what Manjaro ever did for me, and I’m not that particularly interested in “bleeding edge” that much, but instead I liked arch and arch based distros because of the compatibility and tools I need. The AUR is amazing, and there’s tons of custom repos to be added on top of arch which give me said tools I need to use + (yeah im lazy as hell).
So yeah, Manjaro is pretty much a bit of a more stable arch for lazy people, so right up my alley!
Happy Manjaro user here. “Mommy knows best” approach greatly helps to get onboard with Linux without shooting yourself in the foot.
If I would be offered to start my journey with Arch, I just wouldn’t begin this transition to begin with.
And now, I can enjoy a lot of benefits of Arch, be it rolling release, independence, AUR (carefully though), from the comfort of a nice and easy to understand system designed with regular user in mind.
Endeavour is ok I just did like it that much I like that wallpapers
Garuda gave up on it in the installer like the look those jelly window should never be on by default and my ThinkPad Just Said No when I tried to install it I have a t480 I was testing it on there before I put it on my main pc
Manjaro I never got it to work properly just unstable there package installer is worse then discover (discover is not bad I just can’t get it working when I install it)
I’m fine with people using arch bases distros I just don’t use them and I won’t force backs arch on anyone
Can you elaborate what didn’t work on Manjaro? Just curious, I’ve been using it on my gaming rig for over 5 years without problems.
Thanks, now drink soda
Not liking Arch is exclusively a skill issue. You may prefer stable release distros, but you won’t find a rolling release distro better than Arch.
Except Tumbleweed
Tumbleweed is way worse, zypper is very bad, it’s backed by a corporation, no AUR, it’s honestly quite mediocre.
It’s not bad, just not exceptional (like Arch).
Debian testing enters the room
I love Debian, but isn’t testing frozen for some time before the release of the next stable? I think during the freeze you won’t even get security updates.
I use arch you dum ass I just don’t like arch based distros except steam
Do you use SteamOS?
Yes I have a steam deck but on my desktop I run arch