the big stickied thread is getting cluttered with lots of new people and the “how was your week” thread isn’t a great fit for introductions, so it seems about time to make this a dedicated thread of its own so peoples’ posts aren’t getting lost.

tell us a little bit about yourself, folks. don’t gotta be too specific or revealing, just whatever you want to put out there. this’ll be a good way of getting to know all the people you’re now on here with

    2 years ago

    Seems we have even more in common! I primarily write C# too (mostly core), working in the financial industry right now. At the moment I’m working on bringing most of our workers and messaging structure to the Cloud, lots of cool stuff but can be full of roadblocks lol. What do you find yourself working on? My wife is just entering month 8 of her pregnancy - I’m sure you know the combination of excitement and terror I’m feeling knowing it’s almost time!

      2 years ago

      I’m working in a sector that I guess would be under the HR software umbrella, where I’m primarily an API developer that focuses on integrations, as well as expanding functionality in the API. It used to be a pretty small shop, so I had a number of roles, haha. These days its more about making sure our new parent company’s integration works with our software as cleanly as possible.

      We had a bit of a skip in pregnancy progress from right about where you are, to full parenthood. Baby was born at 31w1d gestational age, so it was a whirlwind to say the least. Ultimately everything ended up alright, so thankful for that. That’s not to say there wasn’t a combo of excitement and terror, just a little more rushed, is all, haha.