I am interested in what RPGs the people here are playing. Tell me about the cool systems you are trying out or about your campaigns.
I am interested in what RPGs the people here are playing. Tell me about the cool systems you are trying out or about your campaigns.
I have been playing Pathfinder 2e for the last few years. We just finished a Starfinder campaign, and are starting up a Lancer game in it’s place. I’ve wanted to try Lancer for years, so I’m pretty excited for it! :D
Lancer is on my list to try. I read the rulebook and I appreciate how they pull from a lot of different Mecha sources so it can feel however you like mech stuff best.
I’m hoping to run more Play by Post and VTT Lancer in the near future, if by any chance you’d end up interested in that!
Sign me up for the VTT. My ADHD is too bad for PbP lol
I’m keen on some VTT Lancer as well, if you ever get that going!
Are you playing APs for 2e or something homebrew? I’m a long time 1e veteran who’s tables have moved to 2e and we’re loving the system so far. I will be GMing Quest for the Frozen Flame for one table but my other hasn’t decided on what they want.
I’m GMing Quest for the Frozen Flame currently. It’s a super fun AP so far. We’re in the last third of the first book.
Oh man… PLEASE go for Frozen Flame. I ran the first half of book 2 of that campaign while my group was in between games. It’s perhaps one of the most coveted experiences I’ve had yet. I absolutely adore what we did in book 2, and from what I’ve read, book 1 is just as great. The AP is dripping with flavor, and really embraces its setting. I look forward to the day that I get to experience the whole thing!
I’ve done a whole bunch of 2e stuff. I’ve run a couple one shots, I’ve been running Age of Ashes for 2 groups for about 3 years, I’ve done some off-the-rails homebrew as a result of player choices in those games, and I’m playing in a 2e conversion of Strange Aeons at the moment.
If you’re looking to start a new 2e game, I very much recommend getting all of your players at the table together for session 0 to discuss group buy in and rough character themes. Once you have character themes, only THEN dive into mechanics. Unlike 1e, it’s much more difficult to build an objectively garbage character in 2e, which means the system is FAR MORE welcoming to building out an idea. 1e (in all of its glory) was so wrought with pitfalls, that if you tried to build from an idea, you had about a 80% chance you’d end that journey with a garbage character. 2e doesn’t do that. It’s lovely!
Ive been running 2e since around new year’s and playing it since 2020. I mostly have run society scenarios and a conversion of a 5e module. I’ve got two tables, my PFS table has already chosen quest for the frozen flame. My other table is undecided on what they want to do (they are the furthest from finishing current campaign, so there’s time). I have two players that are at both tables, so I don’t want to run the same thing for both since they will start the new stuff at different times.
I’m doing ABP and free archetype for Quest of the frozen flame so they can get more flavorful with their characters. We always do a session zero, more so to make sure all the ability/skills are covered and to allow people to have shared back stories if they want it.
I also did abp and free archetype for frozen flame. Worked out very well! Everyone liked it. :)