Eh in some industries like food it’s kinda an inevitability. No matter the planning. Office work tho? Yeah
Some office work too though. If you want to actually win the contracts, you gotta go fast. Granted, it’s not fast all the time, and we can plan when those contracta sprints are coming, to an extent, but I would definitely describe my office job as fast paced.
Not to mention when the customer changes the statement of work you’re bidding on…
Totally agree.
Food service is making the best of a bad situation.
Plan everything right then truck shows late/ prep calls off/etc. Too many moving parts. Not even accounting for customer taste.
Transitioned to office work that is technically classified as “fast pace” and worst day of poor planning doesn’t enter top 10 worst days when working food.
Why fast-paced, what is the emergency? Unless…
Means either the mgt is spineless and jumps to whatever the client needs without forethought, or they are completely disorganized
Or both!
(Usually both)
We have to get those bugs to production as quickly as possible to follow the “move fast, break things” directive.
Agile development.
I want to make a dictionary of expressions like these: “results-oriented person” = “someone that gets results in the shit conditions we provide”
As a developer in multiple hip startups I feel this meme in my core.
“Must be experienced at balancing multiple competing priorities”.
“Plans are for those who choose to limit their options.” -Bogdan Vaida
That’s a great quote, but the only guy I can find with that name is a painter, with a small IG following
Yeah, unfortunately I don’t know anything about the source individual. I just read this quote in a book recently (The 4-Hour Work Week). There seemed to be 1-2 great quotes in each chapter and I wrote a few of them down.
Every once in a while I go “Hey I want another coding gig” then I read the job postings and go back to my sub min wage hustle with a smile on my face.
Hey cool, we work at the same company just said
about a meme where it is much more obvious, but especially without context I think it could be said again that its mean to the depicted bandit to show im as grumpy and having a disfigured stereotypical bandit chin, except when you know these features have somehow caused him to become a bandit. If they are typical features of a bandit depiction, but not based on the actual appearance of bandits (or whatever the guy even is), then it is sadly a stereotype. I want more people to think these thoughts because I liked them.
Bro stfu and let the artists express themselves the ways they want
I suppose that makes this guy the most bandit-y bandit