Who the fuck cares what that fetid fascist sack of pustulant assholes says?
You are a wordsmith my good sir!
I don’t know, he left it kind of ambiguous whether he was talking about Putin or Trump. There’s nothing in there that;s specific to either.
And yet, removing the ambiguity seems superfluous. It’s not like it’d change anything, right?
the title says “putin says”.
ha, says the guy who has to literally murder his opposition to stick around.
“You need to get a conviction! HA!. in russia, we just them out the window.”
Trump after getting convicted of 34 felonies:
Indeed. Rich people are not treated like that.
Oh my god…there’s no better representation of it.
Ah yes - the man who still has to have the vote rigged even after arranging for the murders of his opposition speaks on democracy…
As a European I think, Trumps closeness to Putin and fascism in general "“burns’ idea of US as leading democracy”.
This from the man who “won” his own “democratic” election.
On the contrary. But, of course, he’s just stirring shit.
“Democracy is when your leaders can get away with anything, but their opposition gets jailed for nothing.” - antidemocratic dipshits
Didn’t he arrest his opponents?
Yes, but only with the achieved intent to murder them.
“Relax man, I was just going to shoot you in the head and kill you.”
“Coming from you, that’s high praise!”
Weird, so does Trump.
Putin proves the idea that a pile of shit can run a fucking cesspool.
Then shouldn’t he be in favor of it?
You can tell a man’s character by the friends he has