Following the reddit fiasco, I’ve been looking for other communities to get tech news from. I was active on HN a long time ago but it’s been a hot minute, and I left because the politics were pretty bad; lots of free speech maximalists who loved to just ask questions, especially about queer people.

Is it better now? Worse? Just different?

    2 years ago

    It’s pretty big and has a lot of 'MURICANS, so for some topics (mainly consumer rights, free speech, EU politics) the quality of discussion tanks (also for anything cryptocurrency). But mostly, I love it. Dang does a pretty good job moderating it, and there are extremely knowledgeable users with very insightful comments. I also really enjoy that jokes get downvoted.

    I felt that it got worse with WFH/Covid, like assholes suddenly had too much time on their hand, but on average I still think the quality is high.

    Been a user for 11 years now.