I input my password.
It refuses to log me in. Says ‘Passwords must be between 10 and 60 characters’
I delete the last few characters. Now it lets me log in.
no bueno
That probably means it was silently cutting off the password until now. Cursed, reminds me of the original unix crypt() which I think did the same.
I was thinking the same.
Can anyone check the code and verify?
Coz if [the first 60 characters of a long password] has the same hash as [the long password], something is fishy.
I think it only reads the first FIFTY characters 😱
Is your password longer than 60 characters?
does its length intimidate you?
Loooong passwords turn me on.
Lets review:
You make a declarative, public statement about the length of your password, suggesting a problem
The required length of a password is stated at your link
Someone asks you the obvious question
You insult them with a complete non sequitur
cc @Blaze
it was a harmless joke.