Google Domains has been sold to Squarespace and all the domains are going to transfer over to there.
Thanks for ruining my vacation, Google.
Google Domains has been sold to Squarespace and all the domains are going to transfer over to there.
Thanks for ruining my vacation, Google.
what the fuck all my domains were on Google Domains. Maaaan.
Is there a registrar people recommend?
I’ve been using Porkbun. It’s cheap and provides all of the TLDs I need.
I’ve also got all of my domains in Porkbun. I don’t use their nameservers though. I usually use cloudflare for that, so you could look into them, too.
I just moved a domain to Google Domains last month. Yaaay
I transferred mine to cloudflare who does not charge any markup.
Check out I usually pick something from there. Have had food experience with porkbun and cloudflare, though cloudflare forces you to use their DNS which I was not happy with.