Cryptobros gonna cryptobro

    • @rysiek
      62 years ago

      Your whataboutism is becoming tedious. A thing can be bad even if it’s alternative is not entirely great. I can hate apples, and hate oranges all the same.

      • overflow
        2 years ago

        Blah Blah whataboutism if you can keep spamming bullshit about some nut buying expensive jpgs voluntarily I can spam all the negative things about tradfi until now you’ve still given no response on how a person with their currency being devalued by a central bank and their property expropriated could possibly get any legal recourse or what real alternative you could give them instead of crypto or any criticism of the projects that I told you that I support

        • @rysiek
          32 years ago

          I never said you can’t. I only said it’s getting tedious. But hey, whatever floats your boat! 🤷‍♀️

            • @rysiek
              32 years ago

              Explanation link was provided in my comment. Saying “but banks are also bad” doesn’t change the fact that cryptocurrency/NFT/web3 scene is rife with scams.

                2 years ago

                But he didn’t really say that banks are bad, or that the cryptocurrency/NFT/web3 scene isn’t rife with scams.

                Scams also existing in fiat currency (his point) doesn’t make fiat bad, in the same way as cryptocurrency/NFT/web3 having good uses doesn’t mean that it cannot also be “rife with scams”.

                Are hammers bad because people can use them to smash skulls? imho what we need is measures to prevent, block, minimize or discourage that kind of behavior, not necessarily ban hammers.

                Personally, I think the open source and p2p nature of blockchain technology can be a better way to introduce measures of control and protection in a way that is fairer and more transparent than using obscure private ledgers on the hands of more central authorities managed by humans that we have to trust…

                • @rysiek
                  2 years ago

                  But he didn’t really say that banks are bad, or that the cryptocurrency/NFT/web3 scene isn’t rife with scams.

                  He dropped a bunch of links with zero context, initially. Interpretation was left to the reader.

                  Are hammers bad because people can use them to smash skulls? imho what we need is measures to prevent, block, minimize or discourage that kind of behavior, not necessarily ban hammers.

                  No. But how a tool is designed influences heavily what it’s good for and how it’s used. A war hammer and a nail hammer are different hammers, useful for different things. One is way more useful for killing people. The other can also be used that way, but not nearly as effectively.

                  Same with the crypto scene. Most of the tools there are designed in such a way that they promote the power structures they claim to work against. Just look at secondary centralization of Bitcoin and Ethereum mining, how centralized wealth is in BTC and other cryptocurrencies. The scams there also don’t come from nowhere and it is very telling that to deal with some of them (the Ethereum DAO thing I mentioned time and again, for example) the core promises of these very tools had to be broken (hard fork, blacklisted wallets, etc).

                  Just to be very clear, I am not claiming that these tools had been designed this way on purpose. Maybe, maybe not, I don’t know. But that’s what their design lends itself very well to.

                  Personally, I think the open source and p2p nature of blockchain technology can be a better way to introduce measures of control and protection in a way that is fairer and more transparent than using obscure private ledgers on the hands of more central authorities managed by humans that we have to trust…

                  Sure, and there are interesting projects in this scene. Nano Coin is one of them. Why? Because it explicitly acknowledges and tries to address the problems with almost all other cryptocurrency-ish projects out there.

                  And this is the conversation we should have had in this thread. But when somebody just knee-jerks, foams at their mouth, and keeps calling people names because they can’t get over the fact that maybe their pet tech might have some problems that need to be recognized and addressed, it’s hard to have such a conversation. One can either ignore such a person, or extract some entertainment value from their aggro. 😜

                  Yeah, I never said I’m a nice person.

              • Catraism-Stalinism
                -12 years ago

                Ah, I see. Idk why they saying that, why defend crypto/NFTs? They are extremely predatory, and I can tell that from just looking in from the outside. have a nice day

                • @rysiek
                  22 years ago

                  Saying “apples are horrible” does not defend oranges. Two things can be bad at the same time. This is not a competition.

          • overflow
            2 years ago

            Post an alternative if you can trash something it must mean you know of something better

            • @rysiek
              22 years ago

              I already linked you to a book that points towards some alternatives, but you refused to consider it. 🤷‍♀️

              • overflow
                12 years ago

                What alternative does the book suggest? All the reviews only note them suggesting debt relief for the world’s poorest countries and that we’re all imperfect communists because we act out of altruism sometimes and how that proves communism works

                • @rysiek
                  12 years ago

                  I guess you’ll have to read the book to find out. Really not inclined to do a book review for someone who’s throwing f-bombs at people he disagrees with.

                  But here’s a hint: perhaps the problem is not the specific technical implementation of a financial system, but the power structures that financial system promotes and enshrines.

          • overflow
            -32 years ago


            • @rysiek
              22 years ago

              Wait I thought you were saying banks are bad because criminals are using them?

              Can’t have it both ways, my friend. Either misuse of the traditional financial system is a good argument against it (and thus misuse of cryptocurrencies is an argument against them), or not. 🤔

              • overflow
                -22 years ago

                Didn’t I already tell you that all banks aren’t bad and that it would be stupid of me to smear all of them like that which is why I’m constantly pointing out the stupidity of your logic using silly statements like above, when have I ever said that I have a problem with people choosing to use banks since I believe in individual responsibility and the both of them have disadvantages that are clearly communicated to users and it’s up to you to make the decision

                • @rysiek
                  22 years ago

                  Cool, cool.

                  But I am merely clearly communicating the disadvantages of cryptocurrencies/NFTs/web3 and other blockchain-based boondoggles. And that seems to frustrate you to a point of calling people names and using all-caps, for some reason. 🤔