• 365 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • Strasznie chujowa ta próba przemycenia prymitywnego antysemityzmu pod płaszczykiem wsparcia dla Palestyny. Oczywiście zdajesz sobie doskonale sprawę, że takie podpinanie się pod ruchy pro-Palestyńskie z takim przekazem bezpośrednio krzywdzi te ruchy.

    Świetnie widać jak ludobójstwo w Gazie jest ksenofobom narracyjnie wybitnie na rękę: rzucają takim baitem, i w zasadzie wszystko jedno, czy wynikiem będzie większy hejt na Palestyńczyków czy na Żydów.


  • I am not saying they are mutually exclusive.

    I am saying that the focus of this article seems to be on blaming the victims instead of demanding accountability from providers of the tools making these scams possible. The article treats these tools as some inevitable background, part of the environment – but in fact creating them and making them publicly available is a choice and a business decision of for-profit corporations, making bank on scammers using them to scam people.

    So while these approaches are not mutually exclusive, the focus is dreadfully misplaced. It’s like saying “You Need To Wear An Air Filter At All Times” instead of calling out the companies making the air unbreathable.

    And that’s something I object to on a very basic level.

  • I still think that fedi will help, and in fact I am pretty sure it is helping already, simply because it is quite decentralized. Blocking 20k+ instances is not trivial. And each of these instances is an entrypoint, so to speak, into the broader fedi. Missing even one is thus a big deal. If my instance is blocked, I can set up an account on a different one, follow the same people, and I am back in business.

    At the same time all these instances are run independently. One can’t simply threaten the whole fedi to force it to do a thing (say, take down an account), this just does not make sense.

    Compare and contrast with centralized services like Facebook, gatekeepers like Cloudflare, and so on. Threatening one big entity with problems might be enough to “convince it” to take a thing down.

    The reason governments and other powerful entities are able to control the information flow is because there are these hugely important single points of failure. Fedi is not perfect (mastodon.social is way too big for its own good…), but it is a step in the right direction.