I am so fucking dumb how did I not catch that for 30 years
Also I miss this artstyle for Final Fantasy.
Yoshitaka Amano who did the art for Final Fantasy has a pretty long career illustrating for games, comics, books and the like if you want to see more.
And the art for Angel’s Egg, if anyone wants a movie that’s in Amano’s style.
It’s not just in his style, he’s the co-creator.
Hell yeah I do. Thanks
This is basically a fever dream he animated, idk why the link starts midway through
You might be signed into youtube and it’s remembering where you last had it open?
Could be.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Angel’s Egg is really something else. I’m pretty sure the whole thing is on YouTube and also it’s basically a silent movie and although idnof course recommend the original audio for the first watch, it syncs up really well with most doom metal
Amano’s art is unironically my gender goals:
deleted by creator
Amano at the time was in Europe when FF7 was in production iirc. Mostly stopped doing Final Fantasy after X. After 6 was also the separation point for JRPG, mainly involving Final Fantasy.
Takahashi(Graphics Director) left to go make Xenogears, Sakaguchi(Director/Producer) went to go make Parasite Eve after helping Takahashi produce Xenogears. Final Fantasy would then on get a new core team hence the overall changes to the game series image (where 1-6 were more fantasy, with 6 being slightly more industrialized, and 7 being more of the opposite much more urban with elements of fantasy)
Kefka was part of Emperor Gestahl’s court
Kurt Koffka was a founder of Gestalt psychologyOh!
But also, I’m not sure that Kefka is a Kafkaesque figure? It might be a reference, but not one that makes a ton of sense.
FF6 art is real good though.
I have been reading the vampire hunter D books. The writing is objectively awful but for some reason I love every bit of it deeply and i cannot explain this
Also I miss this artstyle for Final Fantasy.
Me too. I miss old instruction manual art in general. Nintendo instruction manuals were little works of art on their own.
I remember the manual that came with Pokemon Red and Blue was styled like a naturalists notebook
Peak instruction manual. They went so hard. They couldn’t have possibly known how popular and durable the Pokemon brand would be, and yet they still did all this incredible character design.
Yoshitaka Amano, Yoji Shinkawa and Ayami Kojima are my three big video game artist art influences. I rip off the first two and fucking wish I could rip off the third, but she’s just like, really good at stuff I suck at
Outstanding game. Brilliant villain. Definitely miss the Amano artstyle
I’m dumb in a different way and thought they were both spelled the same way
I want to look like this in real life