What do you guys think of the idea of smart homes? I could make a basic setup using https://home-assistant.io to control my home temperature and lighting; the tools for doing this are everywhere nowadays and implementation doesn’t seem too horrific anymore.

But setting aside what I “can” do, is this something that I “should” do? How can a person implement this without connecting any devices to the internet?

  • DrWeevilJammer@lm.rdbt.no
    2 years ago

    No, I am currently using a TubesZB Ethernet controller, but before that I used a Deconz ConBee II. There are others available as well.

    I used the hue bridge before setting up HA, but after setting up and configuring the other controller, you can unpair your hue bulbs from the hue bridge and pair them with the new controller instead. You can then unplug the hue bridge, because the new controller is now handling the hue bulbs.

    This is possible because devices that comply with the ZigBee protocol specs must accept properly formatted commands from a hub/controller after a successful pairing.

    So if you have one of these controllers, AND the ZigBee device you purchase is compliant with the protocol AND the device is supported by the controller, the controller will be able to control the device locally, and you can throw out the “required” hub from the manufacturer that sends your data to that company’s servers. This is why you need to plan things out ahead of time, to ensure that what you get will work with what you have. Every controller has a list of what devices are supported. For example, here are the devices supported by the ConBee II, and here are the devices supported by the TubesZB device, which uses Zigbee2MQTT.

    Bonus: with one of these controllers, your smart home stuff will now work just fine if your internet goes out. As long as your local network is up and running, all of your HA stuff will work as well.

      • DrWeevilJammer@lm.rdbt.no
        2 years ago

        Really glad to hear it! Feel free to ping me if you have questions.

        Edit: The Deconz is a good starter device, but it doesn’t support nearly as many devices as Z2M. I got an Aqara Pet Feeder that Deconz doesn’t support, but Z2M does, which is why I switched. You can’t use Z2M with the ConBee.

        This is the video I used to set up Z2M to work with the new controller.