I won’t ask twice.
Miku please just let me see my family
You may go
Gen Z here, what’s a “maga Sheen?”
It’s like a zine but before the MAGA movement defunded all journalism so it wasn’t indie.
Late 80s/early 90s Nintendo Power was a vibe, family had a subscription for several years and I wish they had kept them, after that I usually only got to read gaming magazines at the grocery store while my parents shopped.
Pretty sure I had this issue or that cover is just etched into my brain somehow. https://archive.org/details/nintendopowerissue001julyaugust1988_201908/mode/2up
My cousin still has his nintendo powers I think.
This must have been something they stopped doing after a while but this issue has a phone interview with
“He’s as loyal to his crew as Mario is to Luigi” https://archive.org/details/nintendopowerissue007julyaugust1989/page/n77/mode/2up
Nothing cause who in the world reads gaming magazines anymore?
Basic answer, but Nintendo Power, the goat.
Game Informer and Electronic Gaming Monthly were also cool, the former especially because they would get creative in April with their April Fools “Game Infarcer” special feature.
Best April Fools will still be Akuma in RE2.
Ultra Game Players
I don’t think I’ve ever read this.
I want to say I had an issue of this once, not sure.
It’s a Br*tish one, but they did a magazine called Next Generation through the 90s and early 2000s for the US market that was mostly reprinted material from Edge.
Does Joystiq count
Sure why not
Favorite issue? EGM issue #113, December 1998. 300 dang pages with OoT on the cover.
Favorite magazine? Ultra GamePlayers. No, Next Generation. No, uhhhh
EGM was kind of a big deal magazine, I remember it being a high standard.
No, fuck!
Mac Addict used to come with shareware CDs, and the apps were frequently not actually the shareware version, or had the upgrade password in a text file, or whatever
That’s awesome. Love me some shareware.
one of the first if not the first iranian video game magazine called Donya ye Bazi (world of gaming). sadly they stopped publication 10 years ago now it’s just a website with very low effort articles that’s not worth following.
most of the issues came with a poster of upcoming releases, usually the cover art. i had a family member that covered the entirety of their walls with them. the magazine itself wasn’t anything out of this world, but it was something new.
most of the issues came with a poster of upcoming releases, usually the cover art. i had a family member that covered the entirety of their walls with them. the magazine itself wasn’t anything out of this world, but it was something new.
Posters are sick! I also used to collect the unofficial playstation magazine and it came with posters too, sadly I threw most of them away :/
i agree posters are sick as hell but unfortunately this magazine was before my time. the aforementioned posters are still up. it just that they have been aging for the past decade so they don’t look too good.
the 24 news cycle website style journalism really lacks the excitement of biweekly magazines with sick ass posters. you can just forget about it for 2 weeks then get excited for new releases and have a cool ass poster on your wall. i wish we could go back on this front.
the 24 news cycle website style journalism really lacks the excitement of biweekly magazines with sick ass posters. you can just forget about it for 2 weeks then get excited for new releases and have a cool ass poster on your wall. i wish we could go back on this front.
I miss it too. I used to love getting my magazine in the mail and browsing all the upcoming games. The magic just isn’t there anymore. I think the last good news site for gaming I used was this blog like thing called The Magic Box that covered a lot of import gaming, it was pretty cool and had a kind of indie vibe to it but it’s gone too!
they’ve released their entire archive a few years back if you’re wondering what they looked like: https://www.dbazi.com/magazine-archives
and if you can’t view them because you don’t understand persian or site design, skill issues.
The one I used to read was actually rather influential on my political journey. Unfortunately, it was also very lib by my current standards and its former authors are at least mostly very pro-NATO.
Not going to be naming the thing itself, though.
pc gamer of course
Their demos kicked ass.
yeah my family was poor af so the $3 magazine was really the only way i could play any games
NAG magazine from South Africa
I can’t believe they’re still going honestly, I thought that they shutdown a decade ago
That’s cool they archived their old issues like that, wish all magazines did that.
The link is actually an advertisement for their 2024 winter edition, I just can’t believe that they’re still printing magazines, even if it’s only one or two editions a year.