The best part was when he talked about all of the criminals coming here from Africa… to the criminal from South Africa
That’s OK, there is an implied “only the black criminals” on the end of that sentence for both of them.
and poor criminals
No shock that a Trump interview with an African-American would be a catastrophe.
You just know how he feels about - [ looks around ] - immigrants!
trump would never let an immigrant soo much as touch him. I bet not one ever has.
No, I saw Melania slap his hand away once
Technically still a touch!
people forget musk was an “illegal” himself, having overstayed a visa (allegedly). I do wonder if he lied on any of his immigration paperwork because citizenship can be rescinded on the grounds of fraud. This would force twitter to be registered as a foreign owned corporation and likely would be forced to sell under the tiktok law and he’d lose the military contracts.
“Trump is slurring in a way I’ve never heard from him before,” remarked podcaster Susan Simpson. “Elon sounds like this is maybe the third or fourth time he’s had a conversation with a fellow human.”
Oh, wow… that’s how you kill two birds with one cleverly-worded sentence.
Brava 👏
That is pretty funny how they implied that Musk is a human.
Hehe, I just noticed that. How weird…
I just assumed they meant to say “human fellow.”
That is pretty funny how they implied that Trump is a human.
How weird
Musk weird, is rich weird.
Funnier if they meant it as a burn for Elon having a picture where he looks like the “videogame prodigy” from Grandma’s Boy.
“Careful is my middle name! No it’s not, it’s Philip…”
“You didn’t knock, Kane.”
You would if you had robot ears.
New high score! What does that mean? Is that bad? Did I break it?
Musk does seem like the kind of douche who cruises around his home alone says “I am a genius”
Lol, yeah.
“I require sustenance.”
Don’t worry, when reporters asked his campaign about a very easily provable fact on a live-broadcast and widely recorded event, they said this:
In an emailed response to an inquiry about the lisp from a Huffington Post reporter, the Trump campaign said, “Must be your s****y hearing. Get your ears checked.”
Stay classy, Trump Campaign.
They are absolutely losing their minds right now. Love to see it. (Thanks, Biden.) And no doubt getting screamed 24/7 at by Donnie. While he fails to do anything they advise him to. Also: “Iran hacked us!” Sure, lol.
Don’t believe your lying
eyesears.-The Trump Campaign, 2024
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have this kind of toxic attitude and then act surprised when the lose an election. I can’t stand people like this, just so obnoxious.
You have been permanently banned from c/Conservative.
Even worse is that we are all surrounded by so many assholes that adore donnie like no one else. And many of them have wet dreams about killing/imprisoning/expelling most of the “vermin” (i.e., all the normal Americans).
Only the best people
Just imagine how much these people want to see the free speech of everyone, most especially the press, completely squelched. No one will be able to make fun of king donnie then.
Slurred speech? Are we sure he didn’t have a stroke?
I thought it was Alzheimer’s? He’s really quite old right? Many people are saying it
His dad died from it too.
Perhaps he’s just an idiot and we’re only starting to notice
This made me snort
Technically he died of pneumonia but he did have Alzheimers. It was on full display for years. But you rarely die of it. It just makes you much more likely to die from something else.
Yeah, we had to watch my wife’s mom die of dehydration. Pneumonia is a really common Alzheimer’s related illness as they forget how to swallow and cough properly (or productively).
Until we have right to die laws, dying from Alzheimer’s-related ______ is going to remain common.
All the best people are saying it
He’s also had a sudden drop in campaign appearances this last week. Like he only made a single campaign stop in Montana at a time when he really needs to be out everywhere
I genuinely think there’s a good chance he did
I think he blew a gasket when the Supreme Court stopped giving him full immunity.
And when Biden stepped down, he had a temper tantrum about how Harris was now the opponent.
Maybe he was high.
Maybe he is too old.
Maybe all of the above.
Maybe he’s born with it.
Maybe it’s hydroxychloroquine.
And had an emergency landing.
I don’t know if its true but they said he had to reroute away from his intended destination due to non payment of some bill at the airport he was going to would have resulted in the plane being impounded to settle the debt. I can already see trump is a crook. I don’t need this confirmed for that assessment.
I would so love for this to be true - anyone??
It sounds pretty unbelievable. If a plane would have been impounded in Bozeman I can’t imagine it would be any different in Billings. I heard it was mechanical failure of some kind.
It happens and its perfectly possible if the bill is owed at one location and not another. I’ve witnessed a UPS truck up on hooks being towed away due to UPS refusing to pay a settlement. Dude made them pay in cash refusing the check they rushed down.
It sounded to me like maybe his dentures weren’t all the way adhered, maybe some space in there was filling with spit. shudder
Removed by mod
Fingers crossed.
We are not
The scheduled chat started 30 minutes late after Musk’s platform failed to launch a livestream, which Musk attributed to a “DDOS” attack. After the interview got underway, users were quick to point out that Trump didn’t sound as sharp as usual.
Sure thing, Lonnie. You were under DDOS. I believe that because it’s not like your live chat with DeSantis was bogged down with tons of problems and this is a pattern. Fucking liar.
They probably just cut server costs to the bone to save money and they can’t handle the load. Since their live streaming probably never gets traffic otherwise.
A competent company of this size would have auto-scaling.
I don’t think auto-scaling can scale to resources that don’t exist. Besides, I’m not sure how many people with both the competence and the spine to advise Musk when he’s doing A Stupid again still remain at the company.
Leverage cloud resources like AWS. These are solvable problems for a competent team.
Oh absolutely, provided you’re versed enough to understand the resource limitations, the need to prepare scaling solutions and have the willingness to admit that your in-house resources might not be enough. I’m not confident Musk ticks any of these boxes, let alone all of them.
And a competent team can only do so much. He ripped out data center servers, against his competent sysadmins’ advice.
Musk’s in-house resources are enough except he fired them all.
That’s what I was trying to allude to. Whoever is left is either not competent enough or unwilling to call him out (possibly because being employed is generally more important than being right).
AWS can scale quite a bit but they don’t do it for free.
Given all the cuts I’m doubtful they’re willing to pay the price
didn’t musk cut a bunch of contracts for that sort of thing?
Competence is not a money maker!
Or welcomed by anything GOP
Londar doesn’t know how tech works.
I watched a video not long ago of him giving a tour at SpaceX. He was showing off the evolution of the rockets and he pointed out how the newer ones have fewer “fiddly bits” on the outside. And Muskovites think he’s a real engineer or something.
He may have been at one point. He’s been a hard-core drug addict for years. That shit sucks up your brain
Trump was full of invective at the NABJ conference where he complained their technical incompetence delayed proceedings. Turns out the delay was because he objected to being fact checked and they nearly threw him out. (They should have thrown him out, but he showed his feces anyways)
They should have thrown him out but instead he hanged himself with his bullshit.
Slurred speech is one sign of dementia.
Always correlated it with a stroke, but yeah could be many things. Stokes use the acronym “Fast” for quick recognition.
Face- Drooping/Sagging, muscular slack
Arms - hold up arms if one falls…
Speech - Slurring, inability to speak properly
Time - contact emergency services immediately, as that person doesn’t have time
Dementia DonOLD the weird racist rapist with 34 felonies should drop out and seek treatment for the dementia. It’s getting bad, it’s sad. The only reason he’s still running is if he doesn’t win, his ass is going to jail.
Dementia DonOLD the weird rachisht rapisht with 34 feloniesh should drop out and sheek treatment for the dementia. It’sh getting bad, it’sh shad. The only reashon he’sh shtill running ish if he doeshn’t win, hish assh ish going to jail.
The only reason he’s still running is if he doesn’t win, his ass is going to jail.
I see absolutely no downside in that.
He shows more signs of dementia than signs of being a mentally healthy person
I hate to be that guy, but I’m on mobile. Is there any accessible link to the actual audio?
That link posted as another thread. Listed for it. It sounds like he’s blowing air between his back teeth while he talks. I had to try hard to make that sound to figure out exactly what was going on.
Donny sounds like he forgot his fixodent at home and he’s talking with a missing or ill-fitted denture
That is absolutely the sound!
The slurring is bad, but the content of the conversation is even worse.
Don’t worry he said other horrible things outside that short clip too like claiming climate change sea level rise isn’t an issue because it would make more beach front properties somehow. (I don’t think he understands that raising sea levels generally cause beaches to get smaller and flood existing properties)
He also reiterated his plans to completely remove the department of education (also a policy point in project 2025, isn’t it strange how he lines up with that)
more beach front properties somehow
Due to area decreasing by the square of the scale factor, the ratio of beach to area increases despite the size of beach decreasing. A higher ratio still means you’re losing beachfront, but I wouldn’t expect Trump to understand simple geometry.
Hee’sh going to hish room to lishen to shome Britney Shpears recordsh.
Her mushic shpeaksh to me. She ish a grand institution in a death penalty.
I like thish comment.
Her mushic shpeaksh to me. She ish a grand institution in a death penalty.
I don’t like thish one.
Suffering succotash
it loops so seamlessly and its such vocal slop that I didn’t even notice right away
Loose dentures.
Ahem… Loosh dentshursh.
Baseless speculation, but I wonder if Trump has upped anxiety meds since the assassination attempt
Jamming both uppers and downers at his age would just result in death.
Don’t give me hope. Actually if he could wait until November 6, that’d be great. The day after losing would be so sweet.
That’s great timing. He’d have a day or so to screech about the votes for everyone’s amusement. Then dying soon after would help stop this election’s insurrectionists from doing terrorist attacks on the country.
Oh no. No no. They would freak out, claim he was murdered by the deep state, and literally riot.
If they riot that’d be the easiest way to finish the job
hE wAs In pErFeCt sHaPe! tHe MoSt HeAlThY MaN oN EaRtH! bOdY oF a 20 yEaR oLd aThLeTe! iT HaD tO Be mUrDeR!
I haven’t been following too closely, but I thought he was more worried/upset about the dems swapping Biden for Kamala than the assassination attempt.
You don’t have to watch the news to know that the dude is completely rattled after a sniper took like eight shots at him and got him with a piece of one of them. If it was an inch to the other direction it would have torn off the side of his head. It was traumatic for Trump, to be sure.
He’s been very obviously getting more senile over the last few months, even before Biden dropped out and before he got shot.
New dentures could also be the issue (listens to some of stream) no, he sounds like an old man in a nursing home.
That’s a recent photo? There’s absolutely no scratch on his ear.
There wasn’t one a couple days after either. Elon banned a reporter for pointing it out.
Never was.jpg
Almost like it was a false flag
Is there audio or video of this?
Copied and pasted, haven’t confirmed
Honestly, it sounded like my Nan when she’s got her teeth out
I think you meant shnippet
Maybe he bit his tongue while yelling incoherently at the podium.
Now it’s all swollen and doctors can’t treat it because he won’t stop talking long enough for them to get a look at it.