• combat_brandonism [they/them]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        don’t worry the DE subreddit has you covered

        an even better final panel:
        de-drama DRAMA [Heroic: Success] – You should inquire how long this dough nut shop has existed. Perhaps you’ll catch one in the act when their little stories don’t add up. They could be lying to you, Sire.
        de-authority AUTHORITY – And when you catch them in the act, you will be the one in control
        de-drama DRAMA – “How long has this place been around?” the question feels good as it rolls off the tongue, it’s casual, unsuspecting, but can easily find holes in their donut shop worker story they’re trying to cook up. Holes like the donuts they are trying to sell you.
        de-volition VOLITION – See how this new question feels good as it rolls off tongue? Sometimes to make small talk you need to ask a variety of things, and you’re getting better at it. You will reach these people. and you can make connections.

        OFF CAMERA CLERK – “For about four years.”

        de-logic LOGIC – It seems all their stories add up. All of the dough nut shop workers you questioned have been working after the shop was founded.
        de-drama DRAMA [Easy: Success] – But you didn’t ask this clerk how long he has been working here, sire. Perhaps he is the one who is lying to you.
        de-rhetoric RHETORIC – Please, don’t.

        YOU – “For about four years? Okay. How long you been here?”

        de-rhetoric RHETORIC – You didn’t even try this time. You have one more shot at this.

        OFF CAMERA CLERK – “Uh, a little over six months”

        de-logic LOGIC – Oh no.
        de-drama DRAMA – Oh no.
        de-authority AUTHORITY – Oh no.
        de-rhetoric RHETORIC – Oh no.

        1.- “Okay. Good.”

        • Frank [he/him, he/him]@hexbear.net
          6 months ago

          I can carry on more coherent conversations than that and I am a literal mad recluse shut in communist shit poster who lives in a spare bedroom in my family’s mansion shut away from the judgemental eyes of the world and that’s fucking ridiculous.

          Maybe they pick ones who can’t converse well because they’re less likely to accidentally spill something sensitive?

      • AernaLingus [any]@hexbear.net
        6 months ago

        I tapped out like a minute in, jesus christ. I don’t see how this guy could get elected dogcatcher, let alone a fucking senator. Who ran against him in the primary?

        (checks Wikipedia)

        Okay, so the failson of the owner of the Cleveland Guardians and a crypto bro:

        In November 2018, Mandel made Ohio the first U.S. state to allow taxpayers to pay taxes with cryptocurrency. Mandel’s initiative, OhioCrypto.com, allowed Ohio taxpayers to pay tax bills in Bitcoin; he described the initiative as a way to project Ohio as a state that is embracing blockchain technology. Mandel described himself as a cryptocurrency enthusiast and said that he hoped the launch of OhioCrypto.com would bring more legitimacy to cryptocurrency. Ohio Attorney General Yost subsequently found, “The Treasurer’s use of a payment processor to convert cryptocurrency into dollars for the payment of taxes is not authorized, expressly or impliedly, by statutes allowing the receipt of electronic payments.” Mandel’s successor suspended the program, noting that it had processed fewer than ten transactions.