Hello everyone. I have been continuing my 3rd playthrough of BG3, this time as “The Dark Urge”. I am about 40% through Act 3. Hope everyone has had a relaxing weekend
I’m trying to beat Malenia Blade of Miquella.
I hear she has never known defeat.
The emulator ate my Earthbound save twice
so I’m back to Celeste Strawberry Jam Collab. Finally unlocked the intermediate heartside yesterday after finishing up “The Tower” and “Pointless Machines.” Up to flag
104.@Guamer@hexbear.net how are you making out?
It’s fun so far! I just arrived in Twoson (I only play a few hours every week with a friend, and talk to everybody, so progress will be slow lol) and am in the middle of exploring, Ness currently at level 11. I’m playing the Wii U VC version, so no technical difficulties yet thankfully.
Uh just some Shiren the Wanderer 1 on DS, I’m so stuck help where is my 200 hour tactics game…
Oh and some Wii U minecraft, the spiritual Hexcraft player
playing a lot of hexcraft it just pulls you right in.
playing hexcraft a lot, chapograd is going nicely. shout out to seryph!
i also still play overwatch and valorant. i suck at both, but hero shooters just scratch an itch in my brain
I just completed Hades for the first time an hour ago. What a truly well made game.
So much Morrowind
I finally got a g-sync monitor, so i reinstalled cyberpunk and some others to see how awesome it looks and my god, v-sync sucks sooooo hard compared to this. the input lag wasnt that bad for v-sync, but wow, seeing things above 60fps has been amazing. Hell, even if i max out Alan Wake 2 and it goes down to like 45, its a constant, perfect 45 fps and it looks better than 60 with vysnc. Truly remarkable.
Anyway, I was playing Diablo 4 through the week. Mostly just to see the story and I’m in act 4 and no longer give a fuck so I stopped. Installed RDR2 because I played it at launch on my old ps4 and wow, seeing it maxed out, 1440p at 90+ fps is crazy.
And of course, Helldivers 2. That’s my every day game. If anyone else is still playing or wants to, please hit me up. Easily my favorite game right now and I need some more buddies.
I want a TV and a monitor with freesync and/or gsync so bad, input delay on fifteen year old TVs is painful. I wanna play fightan gaems on something other than a CRT!
I looked around for a while on a good budget monitor and came down to the Dell G2724D. 27 inch, 1440p, 165hz, g-sync. 180$ at dell’s website, plus 20 for shipping.
Dragon Quest Builders. It’s a collect and build stuff block game with the dragon quest creatures, it’s relaxing. My only gripe is that the combat is way too easy, and that’s coming from someone who sucks at games.
That game is so comfy I love it when people clap. I just wish it had the mod support of Mine craft because I’d love to import other Dragon Quest locations.
My favorite JRPG about an Irish folk hero: Chron O’Trigger
After I cruise through that, I’m probably trying out Aska, getting bored with it after a few hours, and resuming my BG3 Dark Urge playthrough whenever the fuck this next major patch drops.
I’m going through Subnautica right now. I wanted to buy it for years ever since I watched it in development. I really need to upgrade my computer’s graphics though, the game would look much better on a more powerful PC.
I’ve been playing a lot of speed freaks lately. It’s a team based car combat game that’s very orky. No text or voice chat, only premade ork voice lines, so no toxicity really. The cosmetics are kinda dogshit so there’s no fomo really. They just make it hard to unlock the newest vehicle, so the f2p aspects aren’t too bad.
It’s cool how the capture an area mode ends with a race that can swing a close loss into a win.
shapez 2 came out a week and a half and it’s been consuming my free time quite a bit. I checked and I already have 50 hours in which is a lot for me in such a short time. if you played the first one, it’s basically a lot more of that with a lot of QoL stuff and some new fancy stuff. You can build 3 floors tall now, and instead of unlimited build space, you have a certain amount of foundations you need to place to build on. It’s an interesting mechanic, but at first I was worried it was going to be limiting but you get so much foundation points as you go that it’s not an issue.
They have a legit blueprint system now which is huge imo. You can copy and save small factory stuff like cutters and stackers but you can also copy full foundation sections for really easy re-usability. Basically if you need a shape painted, you can plop down a full 1x1 paint factory that takes 4 input belts for shapes and a total of 12 inputs for paint and plop them down similar to modular stuff from Factorio. I tried doing a combo stacker and painter in a 1x2 foundation but found that just using a stacker and a painter 1x1 and putting them right next to each other is more handy.
Also they got motherfucking trains now and it’s probably my favorite thing. People have been struggling with them on discord but I took to them real quick. You can low 3 floors worth of shapes onto a single train car and offload them into the vortex via basically a trainyard type set up, but the devs added fucking train launchers where basically the trains launch off of a ramp into the vortex and you can just bypass belting shapes in. It’s ridiculous and I love it. You get a theoretical unlimited amount of train cars that you can attach so it could make for some interesting stuff.
FFO: Factorio, Satisfactory, Dyson Sphere Program, and of course shapez 1.
Half Sword play test. It’s a physics based medieval fighting game where you move your mouse to swing your weapon
Wukong, demons souls (4th playthrough) and legend of grimrock. Wukong is brilliant, I haven’t finished it yet but i already want to play it again which is a sign of a decent game for me.
legend of grimrock
i played legend of grimrock 2 (i think?) when it came out for a while, never beat it but I remember it fondly and always think about downloading it again. good to hear wukong is cool, I’m looking forward to playing it when it’s cheaper or gets cracked.