daniyeg [he/him]

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2024


  • never got wow’s appeal. i think being too socially anxious to queue for a dungeon didn’t help me at all. farthest i got a character was lvl 40 in warmane but by then i could clearly tell my gear was shit and my build was piss and i couldn’t do fart at my level.

    the game has so many systems and such shit wikis compared to other mmos and the tutorials are never geared towards newcomers because it’s wow everyone must’ve played it.

    i wish i had a newcomer’s handbook. not necessarily the fastest or the best way to get to max level but detailing what you need to do in order to have the best experience.

  • there are just not many chuds to justify a good budget for a game. the whole go woke go broke thing is their game of pretending they are part of the majority. if they flinch even for a second and admit they are a minority their whole world shatters.

    also controversial opinion but maybe less sexy stuff in games? i would appreciate it honestly.

  • daniyeg [he/him]@hexbear.nettogames@hexbear.net*Permanently Deleted*
    6 months ago

    they’ve spent most of the money a long time ago. since then they’ve been on the death spiral, in order to keep going they have made stretch goals ane ship packs that are increasing the scope, therefore increasing the budget, which they need money for, down the spiral they go.

    i don’t follow the game but my impression is that the huge amount of money they raised is shackling them to the wrong technical decisions they made many years ago. they can’t start over otherwise that would be millions of donor money wasted. if this was a normal company they would’ve either cancelled the project or salvaged what they can and start over.

    it also looks like most of the experienced people quit due to mismanagement and most of the staff are new hires. all i can say is i wouldn’t wanna work on a project like that.