I’ve cleaned/sanitized and let it dry and everything. The audio seems fine and I’m playing that audio track that dislodges the water with sound.
Anything else I should do? Rice etc?
- Don’t do it again
don’t listen to the people telling you to put it in rice. putting it in front of a fan will have a much better drying effect. ancient people didn’t preserve stuff by putting it in rice
You’re right. Not even a grain of rice anywhere near Tutankhamun, or the AirPods he was wearing.
The best artists/empires steal
I’m a repair tech and all you really can do is try to shake as much water out as possible and blow as much water out as possible. It’s not just water that’s a problem, it’s minerals are too. The largest priority after liquid damage is to remove as much of the liquid, and when possible, rinsing individual parts with distilled water thoroughly. You do not have that option with air pods so your only bet is to attempt to rid as much water as you can. Afterwards just run a fan next to it in a dry place.
They turned out ok, never wearing them anywhere near any sinks again.
Whenever I’m passing a grate or manhole, I always hold onto my phone and keys. Nothing’s ever happened, I’m just way too paranoid
- get rid of it
It ended up saved and functional
whatever that means in an airpod
Aren’t newer versions of the device waterproof? Though, you may be using a version that didn’t have that feature yet.
Rice method.
Rice wouldn’t hurt. Draw any moisture out.
If you have any silica packs, these work better.
These are a terrific inexpensive item to keep on hand in general. I bought some food grade packets off of Amazon and I use them in many of my kitchen dry goods and homemade spices.
Oh, that’s an interesting idea! I’m going to start saving them when they are in packages just in case of this sort of scenario.
You can also buy them online for cheap and in semi-bulk last time I checked
Luckily, I just bought a bunch of sneakers and they shipped it in each box.
Apple themselves have said putting it in rice can actually damage the hardware. Don’t do it.
This is news to me. Do you have a link? I can’t imagine how rice would damage electronics and would appreciate more info.
According to Apple, the small particles can damage the electronics. No further detail.
Hey, thanks for the link! I’ll definitely take the advice someone else had and use packing silica instead.
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Shokz are game changing, I love mine so much
Regret wasting all that money on something thats loss was inevitable, then go find a $10 pair of wired ear buds.
People can live their lives how they choose, friend. It’s not for you or I or anyone to dictate to them what to do and feel.
Haven’t lost either pair of the gen 1 or gen 3 I own. Accidents happen, let people enjoy the things they want when it doesn’t affect you in any way.