ultimate warrior was kinda unhinged, I think wrestling fame was bad for his personality. but the stuff he said about hulk hogan seems to have truth in it.
Hulk Hogan was close personal friends with someone that raped Andre the Giant’s best friend. Also keyfabe got Andre needing to say the thing because that’s how the business works. But also its easier to make your keyfabe hatred of someone believable when you actually factually hate that person. Which in this case Andre the Giant did
There was also the fact that Hogan ratted out the wrestlers attempts to unionise, leading directly to the terrible working conditions that persist to this day… All because he liked being paid the most.
There’s a lot more to it, but these examples should begin to paint a picture of the kind of guy he is.
Fair enough. I wasn’t including the unionization efforts because I thought that was after Andre’s time, but it was a couple years before his retirement
There are some times when i believe i’m only as old as i feel. And there are other times when i realize i’m actually just Abe Simpson with an onion still on my belt yelling at clouds.
Kayfabe means scripted or in character, or ‘fake’ as people like to say. Shoot means off script, or it is real. Shoot fight means the guys in the ring actually started throwing blows. Shoot interview would be a wrestler speaking their mind off script and out of character
Kind of makes me wonder what hulk Hogan was doing at that time to make Andre so upset with him.
Probably the same things he’s doing today- lying, stealing, shit talking, and engaging in casual bigotry.
being a union busting RAT
The only good union buster is a cadaverific one.
he was vince’s spy. of course thats a rumour, BUT … a whole lot of incidents.
I watched a documentary about Vince and he straight up admits that he was Vince’s spy. He has no shame about it.
ultimate warrior was kinda unhinged, I think wrestling fame was bad for his personality. but the stuff he said about hulk hogan seems to have truth in it.
Hulk Hogan was close personal friends with someone that raped Andre the Giant’s best friend. Also keyfabe got Andre needing to say the thing because that’s how the business works. But also its easier to make your keyfabe hatred of someone believable when you actually factually hate that person. Which in this case Andre the Giant did
There was also the fact that Hogan ratted out the wrestlers attempts to unionise, leading directly to the terrible working conditions that persist to this day… All because he liked being paid the most.
There’s a lot more to it, but these examples should begin to paint a picture of the kind of guy he is.
Fair enough. I wasn’t including the unionization efforts because I thought that was after Andre’s time, but it was a couple years before his retirement
Yeah - fair. As I said though, it all speaks to the kind of scumbag the guy is.
Shoot or kayfabe?
I have no idea what this means
There are some times when i believe i’m only as old as i feel. And there are other times when i realize i’m actually just Abe Simpson with an onion still on my belt yelling at clouds.
Shoot means its real kayfabe (or work) means its fake.
See my above reply if you are actually curious
This definitely feels kayfabe with some shoot undertones
You keep using that word, and [I’m] not sure [I] what it means!
Kayfabe means scripted or in character, or ‘fake’ as people like to say. Shoot means off script, or it is real. Shoot fight means the guys in the ring actually started throwing blows. Shoot interview would be a wrestler speaking their mind off script and out of character
You’ve had a good definition, but Wikipedia has (a lot) more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kayfabe