“F you, Taylor Swift!” shouted Megyn Kelly, “and f all of the people who want to see these children have body parts chopped off.”
For those not fluent in Republican crazy-speak, Kelly’s meltdown was triggered by Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Kamala Harris the night before, barely one hour after Trump all but face-planted on the debate stage. Kelly was especially triggered by Swift highlighting her appreciation for vice presidential nominee Tim Walz’s support of LGBTQ+ rights.
Other right-wing commentators, like Ben Shapiro, took another approach: making fun of Swifties. “Note: if you vote for a particular candidate because your favorite singer is doing so, please don’t vote. You are too stupid to vote,” wrote Shapiro on X. Meanwhile, Elon Musk, the richest man on the planet, threatened to impregnate her.
“F you, Taylor Swift!” shouted Megyn Kelly, “and f all of the people who want to see these children have body parts chopped off.”
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And the reason more than one woman has needed a hysterectomy after being denied a medically necessary abortion.
Imma need the stats on this so I can throw it in someone’s face later.
Why do you need stats? It’s not like they matter to Christians.
Yeah they traditionally just get the truthiness level by looking it up in their gut.
In the U.S. it’s not necessarily a christian thing. But the ven diagram of people who circumcise their children in the U.S. and chrstians is very close to a circle.
But the ven diagram of people who circumcise their children in the U.S. and chrstians is very close to a circle.
Sorry, but that’s not even close. Male circumcision is very commonly practiced among the Jewish and Islamic faiths as well as American Christians, who I guess just can’t resist a fad.
According to current estimations, approximately 30% of all males across the world— representing a total of approximately 670 million men — are circumcised. Of this number, about 68% are of Islamic faith, less than 1% of Jewish faith, and 13% are non-Muslim, non-Jewish Americans.
You’re giving the world numbers. Olgratin was talking about the US. I don’t know the US numbers but they could very well be quite different.
Which is why I said it was very close, not “a damn near circle” like people normally say with that phrase.
God can we please leave this weird obsession with circumcision on reddit? You’re not wrong, it’s just such a weird thing to focus on all the goddamn time.
It’s a bodily autonomy issue that has justifiably left a lot of men feeling powerless and angry. People are gonna talk about it.
It’s a dick topic of extremely minimal consequence in the grand scheme that just makes spaces like this looks like a bunch of dick-obsessed weirdos complaining because their dicks are too small.
Like I said, you’re not wrong on the topic, it’s just being so focused on the topic in the first place is fucking weird.
It’s a dick topic of extremely minimal consequence in the grand scheme
I disagree. I think this country has a problem with respecting bodily autonomy, and a large part of that is men trying to legislate women’s bodies. Showing these men that they have a horse in the bodily autonomy race so to speak is a good thing. Maybe it’s only a minimal effect, but it’s a potential pathway out of harmful beliefs.
this looks like a bunch of dick-obsessed weirdos complaining because their dicks are too small.
it’s just being so focused on the topic in the first place is fucking weird.
I’ve been on lemmy for about a year now. And this one off handed thread is the only place I’ve seen this topic discussed, in the entirety of this last year. I think you are vastly overstating the frequency to which this is discussed.
To the first point, I’d argue that men centering themselves in the discussion which largely centers around attempts to remove bodily autonomy from women only hurts, not helps the cause.
To the second point, it has come up a few times, but yes, the reason I said “leave this on reddit” was preemptive, before the problem migrates here from reddit where the topic is rampant is insanely zealous most often.
I’d argue that men centering themselves in the discussion which largely centers around attempts to remove bodily autonomy from women only hurts, not helps the cause.
I think we’d have to take a poll from the general population and compare it with a poll from an anti-circumcision group and compare it to be sure.
Regardless, I said it was a pathway, not a guarantee.
Does talking about dicks make you uncomfortable?
Not in the slightest. I’ll happily talk dicks with you all day; I’m extremely sexually liberal.
But talking about dicks isn’t the same as listening to a bunch of chud weirdos whining and crying about the world’s least consequential issue that’s they’re only mad about because deep down they ignorantly think their tiny dicks would be bigger if they hadn’t had their foreskins stolen.
Again, it’s just a weird fucking thing to focus on. Bring it up when the topic comes up, of course, but to fucking insert it in conversations as if it’s relevant, as was done in this post, will always be weird.
But hey, if you wanna talk about dicks for fun, I’m game. Mine curves slightly to the left, how about you?
Some of us think consent is not a topic of “extremely minimal consequence”.
The current Republican platform is largely based on stupid easily disproven lies. I’m convinced our fall to fascism is caused by stupidity as much as it is hatred.
“Doctors are cutting little boys dicks off because they like the color pink!”
“They’re performing abortions after birth!”
“Haitians are eating all the cats and dogs!”
“They’re putting litter boxes in the school bathrooms!”
There’s really only two kinds of Republican: The evil ones who spread these lies intentionally, and the stupid ones who believe this dumb shit.
Hatred is stupidity. Always has been.
Hatred is also taught.
Its sad that kids are in MAGA as well due to this.
Never underestimate how much destruction stupid people with power can cause.
This is why evil rarely succeeds in the long-term: when you have that many self-absorbed fucks attempt to work together, it rarely yields anything useful.
yeah, but it takes a fraction of the time to destroy than to build. They don’t need long-term, they can wreak havoc in one term
Good point 🍻
The current Republican platform is largely based on stupid easily disproven lies.
It’s worth mentioning that this strategy is straight out of the trolling playbook. The overall idea is to get everyone to waste their time arguing nonsense, making it impossible to discuss anything of merit. While the following article applies to internet forums, it’s not hard to see how any social media, TV, or radio, can spill over into our day-to-day discourse and have the same effect: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7573649/
In this case, the topic at hand meets multiple criteria for deliberate trolling. IMO, there’s little room for doubt that we’re being led by the nose and baited to waste valuable pre-election time:
- Digression - Luring others into off-topic discussions by spamming, partaking in cascades or introducing tangential topics (e.g., as in [16]).
- (Hypo)criticism - Excessive criticism of others, e.g. on their punctuation while possibly committing the same errors oneself.
- Antipathy - Creation of a sensitive or antagonistic context through purposeful provocation, in order to manipulate others to produce emotional responses.
- Endangering - Giving out poor advice under an innocent guise, and others are compelled to respond in order to protect others.
- Shocking - Posting about taboos or sensitive subjects, such as religion, death or human rights.
- Aggression - Deliberate and open aggressing of others into retaliating (e.g., by name-calling or foul language).
I would love to see more of the Democrats platform displayed, argued, justified and rationalized, but there’s literally no reason to talk about any of that when the other side has less discussion than a headless chicken.
I hope the right can someday see how bad they are for policy in general.
The litter box thing annoys me so much. Like, do you have any idea how quickly that shit would fucking go viral if it were true? Like, every damn kid would post about it online. It’s so fucking stupid!
do you have any idea how quickly that shit would fucking go viral if it were true
But it was true! Just not in the way that was claimed: They had these litterboxes in case they had to barricade in the classroom for extended periods of time due to a school-shooter that the police didn’t bother to stop quickly…
So yes, it really is a fucked up story, just in a very different way from what republicans claimed.
There’s really only two kinds of Republican: The evil ones who spread these lies intentionally, and the stupid ones who believe this dumb shit.
Nonense! There’s a third kind who is both stupid and evil. They may even be the majority.
Megyn? How is that supposed to be pronounced?
Actually, this name traces all the way back to the first cavewoman gynecologist. At the time, they named themselves based on their professions. Megyn is short for “me gynecologist”.
Underrated comment.
Throw me a bone. I don’t get it.
It’s a reference to Trump insulting Harris by refusing to say “Kamala” correctly.
Weirdo Republican Talking Head No. 3464592
Remember when NBC hired Kelly in 2017, she gave Putin a platform to spread his propaganda, she got demoted, and then eventually fired for racism? Who could have guessed that she was just another maga conspiracy nut?
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Wow, I didn’t know Megyn Kelly was such a staunch circumcision opponent
Mud flaps down to her knees.
“and f all of the people who want to see these children have body parts chopped off.”
As someone living in a country whey we don’t chop off the foreskin of little children, whereas conservative Americans love that chopping procedure, I find this statement slightly amusing.
Not just little children, infants.
Babies. They mutilate the genitals of their babies because they believe their god desires it.
It’s called mental illness. These people aren’t simply “weird”. They’re insane, a danger to their children, their communities, and their country.
There’s some truth in this, but I think we should be mindful of nuance. Some parents do need to make decisions for medical reasons. Those reasons are often still exaggerated, and many parents aren’t making an informed decision. I’ve had friends that required the procedure after puberty, but I’m pretty sure they’ve said there was no way they could have known prior to puberty anyway. I don’t know anyone that needed it as a baby, but it can happen when obstructions develop in utero.
Circumcision as medical treatment is fine, as long as it’s legitimate; though I also have a strong suspicion that most medical circumcision — due to phimosis — is actually due to the sexual shame of religious “cultures”, and simply wouldn’t be necessary if parents actually washed their babies/infants penises properly (by pulling back the foreskin) and teaching them to do the same. Obviously the foreskin stiffens and fuses shut when it’s not stretched for years — no different to any other body part. I remember it took weeks to masturbate because I rarely pulled the skin back, and trying to do so took time to stretch it out. I could have easily ended up with phimosis in slightly different circumstances… I could barely touch my toes 3 months ago; now, after stretching a few times a week, I can stand on my palms.
It’s not like a significant number of other ape species experience this disorder. If the foreskin wasn’t beneficial then we wouldn’t have it. We don’t cut our ears off because it’s easier to clean the area without them, either.
They mutilate the genitals of their babies because John Harvey Kellogg thought it would prevent masturbation
But that’s how you show God that your baby deserves to be in Heaven!!!
I didn’t know we were doing genital checks at the Pearly Gates, God is a weirdo.
Also, especially since your body remains on earth. Does your soul have genitalia?
You get the perfect sized everything in heaven.
What did you think the “pearly” in Pearly Gates was about?
Nah that’s how you avoid STDs and dick cheese tho… 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
Wearing a condom and showering are how you prevent those. There are slight to moderate reductions in a few STDs/STIs, but wearing a condom is the actual prevention method instead of a coin flip. This isn’t to mention that cutting or burning a portion of a human off should probably involve some consent.
Lul that dude is telling on himself for his level of hygiene. As someone with a foreskin I keep mine extremely clean, if I’m at home I even rinse and dry after peeing. Also, some girls are Into foreskin.
Circumcision does not prevent STDs.
Bathing and showering is also a thing.The solution to athlete’s foot is to chop off your toes. Harder to get foot fungus without all those pointless crevices.
They have a covenant with their diety about slicing up little baby penises and this is the shit they say. Incredible.
Remember, God hates the tips
Republicans: Cancel culture is ruining the country!
Also Republicans: You endorsed Harris? Kiss your Republican record sales goodbye!
The hypocrisy is a feature
… of non-autistic humans. Which is why I like systems not reliant on what somebody considers kind.
Wait what? I can’t tell if you’re serious, but if so, I’d love to see research on the first part of your comment. If you were joking please feel free to ignore me.
No, just experience.
“Normal” people lie and bend morals so naturally that they don’t see it. The discourse in their social bubble is more important than reality for them. They can say and believe absolutely contradictory things, which just have to be accepted as true by their social environment.
How can there be any research on this? It’s literally normal. It’s how political agitation works.
About autistic people not doing this - autistic people take discourses even more radically, but that kinda helps, because you have to check yourself for your perceptions to work with the real world at all. Also due to the effort needed to switch between various discourses, which happens naturally for normals, autistic people notice the fact that they switch.
Normals don’t need that and thus can live all their life in common dreams.
I think I could find something more scientific to read on these things, but why would I really, it’s obvious.
One of my favorite pass times is asking ChatGPT my hypotheses with prompts to search the web for academic sources (the free version is limited, but it works for a good few prompts over a few hours and let’s you know when the cool down period is over).
Any time we make claims, it’s very likely at this stage of human technology that there’s research on it you can access and hone ideas around. Anecdotes can be really powerful in driving our interests and pursuit of knowledge, but I think we should always check in and be aware we’re biased, fallible, sometimes hypocritical creatures.
I’m not sure if you are reinforcing the request for a source or agreeing with me, ha-ha.
I’ll try. But my own experience with using those chatbots to find sources is not satisfactory, but then I was trying to find sources on very specific things.
I was reinforcing the request. I did a couple general prompts with your claim and think there’s some research to support it, though it’s not much; and, as with anything, there’s nuance.
WTF does autism have to do with anything?
Impaired social abilities mean smaller attack surface for propaganda and groupthink.
Seems obvious, that’s the main thing autism is, that’s why it’s called a u t i s m .
No no no, you see, when the left does it, it’s cancel culture and literally communism. When the right does it, it’s voting with your dollar, literally capitalism. Not comparable at all!!
Which is hilarious since the main source of income for musicians ever since streaming took off is live shows and merch… albums are a vehicle to drive attendance at concerts, for which Swift is pretty good at packing stadiums full of people. Even if she loses 30% of her listeners, she’ll still sell out concerts and total revenue would likely be about the same because those seats will be taken up by other fans who would have otherwise missed out on the sold-out show.
… Ben Shapiro accusing other people of not being smart enough to vote…
He should practice what he preaches and not vote, himself.
He should vote, because everyone should vote.
Fuck Ben Shapiro, he’s some combination of idiot and willing stooge, but voting only works when everyone gets to vote. Unlike these right-wing fuckwits, I’m not willing to disenfranchise voters just because I perceive them as being less intelligent than me.
EDIT: I am shocked that supporting a fair and equal democracy seems to be at least sort of controversial around here. If you genuinely believe a given category of people should be disallowed from voting, please reconsider your values.
Lol you vote for more dog food available, they vote people to die. Same same.
*food dog, duh
This is not a “both sides are the same” argument. Only that if you start to discuss who should and should not be allowed to vote, you are no longer creating a democracy. That is a dictatorship with extra steps.
A cunt that is tolerant of Nazis doesn’t deserve respect or a vote homie that’s reality.
Yes, because telling someone to practice what they preach is disenfranchising them.
C’mon, now.
Voting is his right, it his obligation. If he wanted to show he’s not a total fucking liar and hypocrite…. He should chose to not vote because he’s definitely stupider than the vast majority of swifties.
To be fair, most rocks have enough intelligence to be smarter than him… and they’re inanimate.
Never forget his hypothetical about selling your underwater home. Dude has the intelligence of the fish he thinks would buy it.
No, but telling someone they shouldn’t be allowed to vote is saying you believe they should be disenfranchised.
You’re saying things I did not say.
At no point did I suggest he should he not be allowed to vote.
I’m saying if he truly believes that stupid people should not vote…. then he should not vote himself.
This is substantially different that disallowing him to vote.
Tl/dr? I’m just calling him stupid.
Shapiro is not an idiot, he’s arrogant. He believes that when the fascists and alt-right freaks come for every other racial, sexual and religious minority, including his own, they will spare him because he was on their side and he is special
I can’t believe the leopard is eating MY face.
- Ben Shapiro
“I will impregnate her” -Elon Musk
“She will be raped by Venezuelans” -David Rubin
“Children’s Genitals!” -Megyn Kelly
Elmo basically threatened to rape her… Shitbag.
If only you were exaggerating… but sadly not.
This Elmo?!
Elmo has gone dark…
Once again, we see what the debate between Harris and Trump illustrated very clearly: The GOP in its current state is not pursuing any program whatsoever, but merely builds up imaginary enemy stereotypes that they blame for all their problems - without any even halfway factual reasons. Democratic processes are impossible with this tedious kindergarten approach because they are based on factual arguments, cooperation and the willingness to find common ground. I sincerely hope that there are some rational thinking conservatives left who will refuse to vote for this hateful orange moron and his ridiculous henchmen.
Yeah, it’s almost as if all their talking points and strategies are fed to them by a hostile foreign power that wants to destabilize its enemy. Weird.
Just a friendly reminder since it can’t be said enough, and some people are unaware:
“The Department of Justice also indicted two employees of RT, a Russian state broadcaster, saying that they funneled $10 million to a U.S. media company that hired prominent right-wing influencers here in the U.S.”
I hate that it’ll be taboo to call them stupid in ten years. "Do you remember how stupid you were acting? What’s to make me believe you aren’t still that stupid"will be frowned upon. But seriously they’re behaving, and voting, that fucking stupidly.
I hate their “children’s body parts chopped off” bit. Most doctors won’t do until they’re 18 and even then the number of people who do it is miniscule compared to the overall population or the rest of the LGBT community. Imagine being so uncomfortable in your own skin that you decide that’s your best option. Have some ducking compassion, Megyn.
Unless it’s circumcision for religious reasons … then chopping off body parts is A’OK.
These are the same people who, faced with an obviously intersex newborn, would 100% surgically mutilate the baby to fit in a binary ASAP without thinking twice.
It never is and never was about protecting children.
Isn’t the under 18 procedure pretty much reserved for those who are a high risk of suicide unless they can transition?
To add to other replies, it’s also very difficult to find reliable information on the topic at this point since the search space has been so contaminated, and it’s already not default public information, since medical privacy is a thing.
It’s low to the point of hypotheticals, case by case basis ethical calls, and very nearly philosophical thought experiment levels of “but what if…”.
As far as my research has informed me, pretty much nobody is getting Sexual Reassignment Surgery before they turn 18.
The only exceptions I have heard of are cases of self-mutilation where a vaginoplasty is a possible reconstructive route. This is in the single digits annually.
Wow, how did they find two 10-year-olds to pose with horrible breast reduction scars across their chest to pose for this commercial I keep seeing in Ohio?
Because the things you see on TV dont have to be real
Whatever you’re talking about, I can’t seem to find any information about it, but my guess is that they are deliberately misrepresenting medically recommended breast reduction and mastectomy surgeries as being gender affirming, when they may be related to early puberty or childhood cancer. (I know a woman who had significant breast reduction surgery at 11, and she is still very well endowed as an adult).
Having access to transphobic parents willing to use their own kids as a prop for hate, just because they have breast surgery scars that push an emotionally charged narrative, is probably just a numbers game in a place like Ohio…
I’ll have to try to get a picture from the YouTube ad next time I see it. It doesn’t seem real. It’s two shirtless kids with giant line scars from armpit to armpit. I don’t think there’s any legitimate surgery that creates scars like that.
If they didn’t want her to voice her opinion they shouldn’t have spent a week making fake ai images of her endorsing Trump. They forced her hand; she could either allow her likeness to be appropriated for a political cause she doesn’t agree with, or make her true opinion known.
Shes just an uppity women. She should do what I say. -Republicants.
Could just as easily have been a democrat trying to draw her endorsement. Its silly to point blame like that.
I love how you obviously have no idea what’s been going on the past week, but you still felt the need to try and defend Republican weirdos.
Not defending republicans. Why couldn’t some sneaky democrat realize they could bait her into it with AI art.
Trump didnt make the art. He is an idiot for sharing it though. Can’t be too hard to get him to retweet something stupid though.
Stop living in a fantasy.
Trump shared it…
But maybe he did it because democrats fooled him into doing it, right? Right?
After eating someone’s dog, the Haitians pressured Trump to post it because they’re criminals. Or something.
The point I’m making is the art could have come from anyone. Why not a troll or shitposters? 4chan has done stuff like this for literal decades.
Yes, technically it could have come from anyone.
So let’s give the wannabe fascist republicans the benefit of the doubt, because that has historically been a very double plus good idea to do for authoritarians, and only good things will come from doing so…I don’t think this makes trump look good either way, I’m not defending him.
Either he’s an idiot who got tricked into posting something he should have known not to, or he’s an idiot who has idiot friends who sent him something and he posted it.
I thought she was going to sue him for it.
But then you tweet dumb shit 4chan says. How does that make you look more like a stable adult?
Never said I was defending what trump did. Just said he could have been duped into it. I actually thought shed sue him over it but I guess the endorsement works.
This is such a hilarious conspiracy theory that person has.
Here is what happened: Leon put out an image generator that would create images of real people. Donald is desperate for attention. Donald wanted to fantasize what if A-list celebrities liked him, so he typed it in. He then shared it publicly.
You have a source that says Donald trump made the images with his own prompts? Why wouldnt he be sued for that. Reposting someone else’s images was already risky enough.
I’ll believe it though if you know where I can read about that.
Not a conspiracy theory by the way, was just saying ai art from the internet could come from anyone, and shitposters and trolls exist. Theres even a professional board for it called 4chan.
Donald is the shitposting troll that this AI art came from, though.
Did he prompt it himself or did someone send it to him?
And yet it wasn’t. But I get it, facts don’t matter to you.
I’m calling trump an easily manipulable idiot, not defending him.
Who did make the taylor swift art anyways?
I’m certain Dems did ask her for endorsement, there is no way they wouldn’t have, right? But they didn’t make weird AI images, did they? So it is wildly different and deserves blame and criticism, doesn’t it?
Donald is like the stereotypical pathetic incel stalker pasting his face over a boyfriend in a photo to add to a weird little shrine. Just really fucking weird and creepy.
So let’s say I made the AI images. And posted them on republican forums knowing they would eat them up. Keep sending them to bigger and bigger names, make a not farm to make the posts visible.
Finally I get the big cheetoh to repost it. Boom, I a democrat, have instigated Taylor Swift into endorsing the Democrats.
Do it, then, wreck their campaign by getting Donald to post more weird AI images that force other celebrities to endorse the Dems.
Just gotta find a weak spot in the pipeline of bullshit that goes to Trump.
Is Megyn Kelly really against circumcision now or something?
That must be it, or like medically necessary amputations. It must be one of those things or a delusion she is suffering.
No, she means sexual reassignment surgery I’m sure.
Let me guess. Only hers was moral.
Megan Kelly is circumcised?
Nope. Her mudflaps swing down by her knees.
So intersex reassignments of babies born with ambiguous characteristics?
That was my first thought!
Did I miss the news cycle where Democrats started dismembering children?
You’re probably just not consuming the right batshit crazy conservative echo chamber outlet
They are getting harder to find, you know, with all the Russian money drying up
Rupert Murdoch, Elon Musk, and Mark Zuckerberg all seem happy to foster right wing conspiracy incubators. Its not going to stop until at least there is some transparency in their content algorithms or extreme fines for media companies that promote misleading/fake/nonsense information.
They’re not going to stop until the advertising stops working.
I heard recently that tiktok has open sourcing but don’t fully understand what that means or if it’s true. If it’s true, though, it would be notable that it’s the only platform that’s been targeted to be shut down.
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I don’t get it.
It’s deleted
They are getting harder to find, you know, with all the Russian money drying up
For those out of the loop:
“The Department of Justice also indicted two employees of RT, a Russian state broadcaster, saying that they funneled $10 million to a U.S. media company that hired prominent right-wing influencers here in the U.S.”
amazing comment.
Leading up to the debate, a whole bunch of new propaganda got pushed. Haitians eating cats in Ohio, Post-birth-abortions, and forced transitions for children, prisoners, and illegal-aliens. Totally normal conspiracy theories based on absolutely nothing
Haitians eating cats in Ohio
They overheard “I’m coming over there to eat that pussy” and got confused because they have no concept of a man doing something for the benefit of a woman.
I think the cops are handing that, or at the very least making sure no parents go into the school to prevent it from happening.
forced transitions
I got nothing, they’re just batshit crazy.
My speculation on the last one is they are (still) salty about the government and military providing transitional care and surgery.
I caught the cat eating thing, and the post-birth abortion thing. I must have been too distracted by the Venezuelan gangs that are supposed to have taken over my city to catch the other stuff.
How do you have any gangs if they’re all in jails getting free SRS? How do you even have a city when they were all razed by Dems rioting in 2020? Something is not adding up, either you or the Repub propaganda apparatus is lying.
Well, no one is forcing transitions, but we do and should continue to provide necessary medical care for prisoners. Arguably that care needs improvement in terms of accessibility for citizens and immigrants alike, which I think is where Trump pointed out Harris has truthfully put some work into.
That’s what sucks about so many of these claims. Are they based on any truth?
I will say, it’s at least a good exercise in critical thinking to have to go claim by claim, as exhausting as it is to so consistently find blatant lies, let alone half-truths.
That is the smell of desperation.
One of the Republican talking points in this election is that parents are sending their kids to school in the morning and they are coming home with their dicks chopped off in the afternoon because Democrats are performing operations on them to turn them trans. Yes, it is very weird and completely untrue.
Conservatives consider this made-up conspiracy more serious than the actual school shootings that leave kids dead every week.
Wait, free health care in America?!
No, those children would have crippling medical debt for the rest of their lives if conservatives had their way.
But if they get shot at school that’s just “a fact of life”…
What if…and I’m just spitballing here…dicks got shot off during a school shooting?
Oh, is that where the post birth abortions are happening as well?
They’d still find a way to blame Democrats.
Those are those post-birth abortions Trump was complaining about.
Maybe if we start calling mass shootings “post birth abortions” Republicans will start giving a crap about trying to stop them.
LOL. I see the connection now. I knew all of the pieces but I guess it takes a psycho to put it together.
It’s depressing that you have to even say that it’s untrue.
At the Minnesota State Fair, Republicans set up a booth where they claimed Tim Waltz did nothing while Minneapolis burned to the ground. Was even depicted on the sign they put on their booth. The Minnesota State Fair takes place in Minneapolis; they’re literally in the city that supposedly burned down.
This is the level of cognitive dissonance we’re dealing with.
I don’t think it’s about abortion. I think they decided allowing a transgender teen to exist is “dismembering children” even if surgery for trans teens barely ever happens IRL. If they were actually worried about gender affirming surgery for minors, they’d want to ban nose jobs and fake tits too. So, it’s just part of the general trans moral panic amongst conservatives and “Won’t someone please think of the children?” bullshit that always accompanies moral panics even if children aren’t involved.
I’m cis but my understanding is that even trans adults find getting access to gender affirming healthcare is a huge, expensive ordeal. Philosophy Tube had a good video on her experience in the UK and I sincerely doubt it’s any easier in America’s labyrinthian, absurdly expensive non-system. It’s definitely not like parents are swinging by the urgent care to get their 13 year-olds free bottom surgery.
It’s hard to keep track. I thought Dems were eating cats but I guess they changed plans.
Eating them? Shit, I have a vet appointment to cancel… and a pile of children’s bones to dispose of…
She may mean the process of abortion. Unfortunately, it can be gruesome if not performed early.
Source: Wife worked in a family care clinic and assisted with many of these procedures.
That’s essentially what I told my wife last night. If you’re undecided and watched the debate and still are undecided, just admit you’re a Trump voter.
Seems you don’t even trust what your wife has to say, not sure why you’d ‘source’ her and expect everyone else to.
the richest man in the world “threatened to impregnate her” holy shit what bizarre world we are living in.
Yea jesus christ, that’s creepy af even for him.
That actually is weird.
I’m guessing he was trying to be funny. He so desperately wants to be seen as funny.
I hope swift just ignores him.
Hire a fucking comedian and hide him in a dungeon then or something. I don’t get why people with access to infinite resources don’t use them. With this degree of status why not have a social media proof reader? With this kind of money I’d be tempted to hire a dedicated butt wiper for Christ’s sake.
What I don’t understand is why so many people are pretending the breeding fetish dude is joking.
rich people who spend all their time talking to yes men will never have a connection to what makes things funny
You just know that he has had a T-shirt printed with the “_ all the things!!!” meme, only captioned “Impregnate all the women”, for what he believes to be “epic lulz”
Jeeeeez , what a loser
I want to know which of his children he most wants to give up
deleted by creator
I’m sorry, what?
The party of rapists, child molesters and murderers is mad at Taylor Swift. She must’ve done something right. 🤔
Imagine living in the US 💀
“F you, Taylor Swift!” shouted Megyn Kelly, “and f all of the people who want to see these children have body parts chopped off.”
You guys remember the time Donald Trump accused this same woman who is now hysterically defending him of “blood coming out of her wherever” because she had the audacity to ask him about his sexism?
This reminds me of a thought I’ve been kicking around. All these Republicans who knew beforehand what a monster trump is, and now spend all their time gobbling his stumpy mushroom? They’re all examples of a weird variation on Stockholm syndrome. But instead of identifying with their captors on a personal level, they’ve identified their entire political party with him. They don’t think it can exist without him now.
Once he kicks the bucket, psychologists are going to have a field day untangling this mental health mess.
You’re confused because your values include truth and integrity. Theirs do not. They care only about white supremacist hierarchy as the foundation for society.
She simply used to think he would not get elected. Now she sees that he drives huge numbers of delusional bigots to vote.