Yeah I realized how silly it looks when I wrote it, but to me it feels late because I spent all my adolescence and 20s just feeling like shit for what I thought was no reason, while trying to fit in into cis and heteronormative society instead of embracing the fact that I’m different and that’s OK.
Doesn’t help that I might as well be a dinosaur in most queer spaces around my area, coming back to the original point, where I don’t feel like I fit in because everyone is beautiful and young and I’m… Not.
Yeah I realized how silly it looks when I wrote it, but to me it feels late because I spent all my adolescence and 20s just feeling like shit for what I thought was no reason, while trying to fit in into cis and heteronormative society instead of embracing the fact that I’m different and that’s OK.
Doesn’t help that I might as well be a dinosaur in most queer spaces around my area, coming back to the original point, where I don’t feel like I fit in because everyone is beautiful and young and I’m… Not.
Smh though that means your local spaces must be practically kid zones, oof.