I know you probably love a dozen tracks, please pick one, thank you in advance.
EDIT: Thank you all so far, especially everyone who kept it to one. I am at work currently and will make my way through the list but may not get a chance to thank you individually. I am checking them all out though and appreciating it.
The album this track is on is amazing as a whole. It’s like a musical journey around the world. It’s a beautifully cohesive album start to finish.
If you like chiptunes, “the moon” from DuckTales does a great job at instilling a sense of adventure. If chiptunes aren’t your thing, here’s an orchestral version
Stickerbush Symphony - Donkey Kong Country 2
Dang, I was late by a minute
The End from Return Of The Obra Dinn by Lucas Pope
The title theme from Hades
Rip and Tear from Doom 2016
I know you probably love a dozen tracks, please pick one, thank you in advance.
That is just one, I answered him thrice :)
God of the Dead from Hades!
“The only thing they fear is you” from Doom Eternal
Unreal Tournament Soundtrack - Foregone Destruction (Facing Worlds) Wait until the DnB kicks in. Monster Kill
The complete OST has to be my go to music for when I need that extra push. Such bangers.
The Spine - Transistor OST.
There’s 3 versions, though… The soundtrack version with lyrics, the game instrumental, and the humming version.
Most of the tracks in the game have at least 2 versions, music is kind of a central theme of the story.
Anything Hollow Knight
My Only Chance - The Toxic Avenger https://youtu.be/SeAAi7jWOl8
It’s a fucking hard call though because there are a lot of great picks out there - Doom does amazing metal and Hotline Miami has a legendarily good soundtrack… but Furi takes the cake for me personally.
Great choice. I’ve got this album on vinyl and it’s excellent from start to finish.
Oh nice! As an artist’s release or did Furi put out an OST vinyl?
It’s the OST - really nice edition.
and the sequel that references it: Hades II - The Silver Sisters
The Spine by Darren Korb and Ashley Barret, from the Transistor soundtrack. Not my kind of game honestly, I never finished it, but I keep coming back to the soundtrack ❤️