The film industry is dead and streaming killed it. Pirate movies over a vpn as much as you want.
Movie studios are now just landlords. They’re run by boards of directors, focused on nothing but number go up. They want money for sitting like a dragon on top of a stockpile of content. Fuck them.
Same with animation.
When you say the industry is dead, what exactly do you mean? Like working in the industry is no longer a viable career option, or you think that movies/ shows in general aren’t going to be good anymore?
I’m not trying to argue your point of it’s coming across that way, just not sure exactly what you are saying, I have been loving some recent movies and shows so if something is going to change I will be sad
No new movies and TV shows are being made. I’m a 43 year old industry veteran, forced to look for a new career.
Anecdotally, I used to make $120k/year for the past 10 years like clockwork. The past two years, though: I made $18,00 and $22,000.
This article says 40% but that’s in LA. In other places, production is down 90%.
I see… That’s a staggering number. Hopefully there are enough rich assholes who like good movies to keep funding the few movies we still get for the next couple decades…
After that, there will always be independent filmmakers, and with the increasing quality of consumer-grade equipment and software, their stuff will get better as the technology improves. Still won’t hold a flame to studio production quality, but it will be there
Thank you for your insight
Sorry to hear
Uploading receipts associated with your art process, such as progress pictures and files associated with the art program you used to draw the pictures. Not only does this quell accusations of AI being used, it also serves as a means of proving that you are the creator of the artwork.
I made a sub Art In Progress if anyone would be interested, or maybe you know if a lemmy sub like that that is being more active?
Cool! 😃 Do you accept digital art also?
Just FYI was down up to now because of an expired certificate, fixed!
The idea is to share the process or give insights into it, to motivate or help people understanding how some arts are made.
Until we get AI that mimics the layers
On-prem still has its uses
Platter harddrives are still useful
Tapes and tapedrives aren’t obsoleteOh god my story. Okay so I was building out a video transcoding service for a company. We all know video transcoding is hella expensive. So I’m using kubernetes to help manage scale, and we’re on the cloud. I warn them hey, cloud is hella expensive, this is going to be… a lot. Well what do you recommend? Glad you asked, and I pitched that we have 3 heavy server nodes sitting either in a rack if we want it official, or even we were small enough we could just have them in the office. They would be VPN’d into the cluster, members of the cluster, and those get the priority. If a transcode job comes in use those nodes, only spin up cloud nodes if the scale is too high. I quoted about 20k for 3 beefy performant machines for the node.
Executives balked at the price. Way too much money, what a ridiculous idea anyway, we’re a cloud company.
Two months into the cloud only solution they were averaging 12 grand just on CPU compute! Why is it so high?! That’s ridiculous!
Absolute fuckers, the morons. I swear I’ve seen so many companies hemorrhage money because they refuse to listen to legit experts in the field. You fuckers, I was trying to save you money, but no your MBA and accounting degrees taught you how to run fucking cloud operations.
I hate that it’s so hard to get these people to agree to capex. My current company runs a few datacenters, and we have some teams that use them for their base load. It saves a shitload of money! Like, I don’t get why this is a concept that MBAs reject. You don’t have to go all in on capex for your infrastructure, just find a nice mix of capex/opex. If you’re afraid that you won’t use the shit you bought later on, then you should probably make sure that the market is there for whatever you’re selling before you dive in headfirst.
Because data center costs are OPex and on prem server costs are CAPex, and companies very much prefer things to be in the OPex (operating expense) column.
We spent several hundreds of thousands of dollars last year doing geophysical processing in azure. But it was an emergency: It was a hot fix to avoid losing out on hundred times that amount. Turned out the contract negotiator never bothered telling operations that they agreed to deliver the data with some processing already applied.
We considered building a processing cluster on site, but buying the necessary hardware and shipping it halfway around the world in a timely manner would’ve been even more costly. Plus I would be the one who had to build the rig, and I was all tied up on a different project a few countries over at that time.
Should have told them it was an on prem cloud lol.
If you’re not archiving old data on tapes and shipping them off to a converted bomb shelter, you’re not doing it right.
That is literally what we do at my job.
Three copies: One for the client who paid for it, one for us (internal processing and testing only), and one as a backup goes to a storage location that is a converted cold war era bomb shelter.
Tapes and tapedrives aren’t obsolete
But the drive is pricey :)
Also, do you really need high performance SSDs? Are you actually writing the drive volume a day?
On prem is, in almost all cases, cheaper than cloud. Even when you include the salaries of the folks managing it.
But MBAs will pay a LOT for outages to be someone else’s problem.
The influences of capital on academia have been disastrous.
That’s why I write my PhD in all lower case.
I’ll go first:
Matte black shower sets and kitchen faucets are the shit now. I’ve installed so many of these during the past year.
Got my bathroom redone last year. Guess which color, lol.
Faucet, sink, tub, shitter, and shower head are all matte black.
To my defense the floor is dark grey and the walls are medium grey. I don’t want it to look like a cheap “fancy” hotel with the white/black contrast I see everywhere.
Mind sharing a picture of your new bathroom? Matte black toilet seat is something I’ve yet to encounter.
Just installed a golden shower though. I’ll never forgive myself for not seeing the joke there before my gf of all people pointed it out.
the fact that she thinks of it means shes game.
And if she’s not, hell gimme a holler; it’s Saturday, which is bath day anyway.
I would show more, but with 4 kids in the household, it’s an absolute mess in here right now. But this should give you an idea of the general design.
Remember the gloss black fixtures that were very trendy for a brief time in the 80’s?
I used to think white wall and floor are just too basic, but having stayed in my friend’s almost-all-black studio apartment made me appreciate how easy it is in white/bright-themed bathroom to see any impending cockroach before it crawls on any of my limbs :(
Haha! We’ve been scouring the discount bin at the local hardware stores for faucetry (is that a word?). By now most of our stuff is matte black because that’s all that gets returned.
Saw them at a hotel not too long ago and immediately talked about how matte black faucets would be awesome at home.
Not true in government housing
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It means all of those if you rely on google for those.
Never have a central point of failure, and have backups.
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Like this father who got his account closed because he took a picture of his toddler penis to send to their pediatrician.
The picture was automatically backed up in Google photo and flagged as child pornography.
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Let me share this story:
The guy even has the police explicitly clear him off any foul play, but Google still won’t budge. Consumers have zero rights to something as fundamental as retrieving their own files or emails
This is why i have been moving away from google products for storing anything; emails, photos, etc. They are just not a customer focused company, bad to do business with them
College students fucking LOVE blow-up bounce houses.
As a business investment, what is the long-term outlook for the bouncy house industry? I assume it has its ups and downs.
So far, it seems to be benefitting from recent inflation, but I wouldn’t want to be around when that bubble pops.
There have been downturns in the industry before, but it always seems to bounce back.
Don't worry, we can always execute a squeeze to have it rise up from the ground!
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i chatted for 45 minutes with the ceo of a bounce house mfg with 2000 employees about 5 months ago. they had moved all of their production to china, and then china started making foreign executives afraid to visit because they might not he allowed to leave. they wanted to move mfg out of china to vietnam but the chinese govt wouldnt let them take their own equipment out. they considered some bribes but hd no guarantee it would he enough. they realized they should write off the equipment and purchase a whole new set but the lead time was like 3+ years and from china. so they likely couldnt mfg any new jumpies for years and would have to make everyone just patch repair instead.
Wow. Real industry info. I was just going for the pun! Thanks for sharing.
Same story with every tech company attempting to do business inside China. Doesnt stop company after company from trying themselves because they think they are special and extra talented, not like those hacks at other companies.
- What, lol. China doesn’t kidnap foreign businessmen.
- “Their” equipment was 51% (at least) owned by a Chinese company. Of course they can’t literally steal it.
- “They considered crime”
- They were going to buy the equipment again… from China anyway? lol
Tell your boss get off the Trump juice.
When did let you out of the cage?
I hear it really took off in Australia, with incredible results.
Social workers are all recommended to have a personal therapist for themselves. And its possible for the personal therapist to also have social work degree
My ex was a social worker, and I completely agree, but I’m not sure how they are expected to afford therapy.
This is fucking hilarious 🤣
And sad as it’s common
They provide their own therapy
Based on what I heard while upgrading old PCs in a social work office, I’m not a bit surprised.
75% of people working shifts around or inside an aircraft are alcoholics. Never before or at work, but days off are a shit show.
That’s true for all industries.
False. In many industries workers also drink before and during work.
We like to leave Easter Eggs everywhere. Everywhere. Fully aware they may never be noticed.
Your industry must be film, video games, or holiday mascot.
Clearly works for the Easter bunny. Duh.
I bet it’s coding
Well loosely speaking it describes both my two “hobbies” (photography and cryptography) as well as my occupation (highlight archivist, a media gig that’s basically to good deeds what criminal records are to crime).
How does one get into this “highlight archiving” you speak of?
And, like, where can I binge watch all this (assumedly) human eye bleach?
I didn’t know there were people who considered watching acts of charity to be eye bleach. But yeah, there isn’t exactly a strict term for it in English, oddly (I myself describe it in different words sometimes, “highlight archiving” doesn’t do it justice, and it doesn’t help my occupation has more than one dimension with those being difficult to explain as well). One could consult someone to start such a gig, but they don’t necessarily have to. Just find a way to run a routine news piece detailing things people do for others.
Highly interesting
I have a habit of writing messages on the floor tile before gluing a toilet seat on top of it.
Why the eff are you goin around gluing toilet seats to the floor??
So that I don’t need to drill holes thru the waterproofing. Most modern toilet seats here don’t even have screw holes in them. The adhesive can be cut thru with an utility blade and the seat removed if needed.
So, I think we’re referring to two different things. Here, a toilet seat is the little bit that folds up and down and you put your butt on it and it bolts to the top side of the rear of the toilet bowl rim.
Sounds like you may be talking about either squatting toilets or referring to the entire fixture as a seat? Or I’m just confused. Either is equally likely.
I was talking about writing stuff on the floor and gluing a toilet seat on top of it so I assumed it would be obvious I’m talking about the whole fixture. Google translates it to toilet seat or just toilet. I don’t know what else to call it. To my ear, toilet refers to the room where it’s located.
Ahh, I see I see.
Some people call the area the toilet, but most people call it the restroom or bathroom.
It does make some sense to call the entire fixture the seat, because people refer to it as “The Throne” pretty regularly.
Thanks for the catheterization
… My phone just autocorrected “clarification” to “catheterization,” and I’m leaving it.
Where do you get the glue?
From the hardware store?
Was wondering since glue seems oddly specific in a bathroom setting.
Maybe adhesive would be a better term than glue. I still don’t understand what’s oddly specific about it.
Easiest glue: Collect chunks of conifer resin. heat over fire in a small pan. Once its liquified mix 1 part crushed common charcoal to 3 parts wet resin. You’ve got a stickey glue. You can let it harden in the pan. When you need to use it, heat the pan and it becomes wet glue again. This is how native Americans made their canoes waterproof. It does have a charming odor.
Second easiest: Collect peices of animal hide. Dried tails,ears, and tag ends are great. Legs are good. Sinew and tendon are best. You are rendering collagen so you need very low fat and no meat attached. Dont use pig, bear, racoon, squirrel or rat-- too oily. Dont use anything decayed or that has been frozen. Soak them in quicklime (kiln fire limestone peices gives you quicklime) and water for 2 weeks, skimming the top, to remove the hair and sanitize. wash with water, then lime wash again. Dry thoroughly. Cut the material into strips. Boil peices in a double boiler until they are rendered to mush. Let them dry. Control the temperature and dont let it get too hot or cold. Add water. Well prepared glue peices will absorb the water and you have a liquid glue. Failed glue wont absorb the water.
Apply the glue to the underside of the toilet.
What do you write? Something like “Finally! I’ve had enough of thier shit”?
No one currently makes shine-through ASA (or any SA variant) profile keycaps, partly due to the fact that current trends for mid-to-high end keyboards favor south-facing LEDs; the theory (I guess) being that since south facing is pointed toward your face instead of away from it, it’s better. But HOW is it better if there are no key caps for them to shine through?! Front-printed caps are gaining in popularity, but so far I have only seen them in OEM or Cherry profile. OEM is tolerable, but I don’t want to spend money on something mediocre, and I cant stand stubby little cherries. I see zero reason why we could not have SA profile caps with the shine through legends (the letters and symbols) on the “Bottom” of the keys, or even the front frankly. I am not the only one looking for a product like this.
Same! I think I’ll end up getting some front-facing shine thru caps as a last resort.
I reached the same conclusion, I just really don’t want to have to get OEM
Your insurance company isn’t just fucking you with premiums, they also expect the guys that come and fix things up after a disaster to lose money doing it, 0 overhead, 0 profit
Feds are loosening up Eagle take and to a lesser extent peregrine take for falconry in the US.
Golden eagles used to be illegal for falconers to take from the wild until a few years ago, now there is a lottery to take problem eagles off of ranches. They used to issue permits for ranchers to shoot them, and wind turbines to hit them, but wouldn’t let falconers take them as hunting partners which was very silly. It’s loosening up a bit now which is good. Less dead eagles this way.
Most states have a lottery system to take peregrines already but their population is thriving. I can see states getting rid of the lottery in the next few years. The 50 or so birds taken by falconers each year across the US would be a rounding error to their population anyway.
Since covid, the insurance industry has been hemorrhaging people. At my company, most people that 3-4 months before they quit. No one knows what they’re doing because of this and many claims are denied/mishandled.
A lot of work for “meh” pay. It burns people out, and a lot of people took covid as a chance to change jobs, if not careers. And a lot of companies that put people back in the office lost a ton of people, so if you’re insurance company has done that, there’s a good chance your" insurance professional" is just some guy sitting in a training class.
I currently have 260 claims under my name and I’m not the highest. Customers don’t like you because insurance is the devil (which I agree with), you have to make decisions that don’t feel right because your company is looking for results, and you are harrased via phone, email, and teams. It’s just 8 hours a day (minimum) of just back to back to back nonsense and brow beating. And, in the US, almost every state has their own laws and statutes around auto insurance, so keeping track of every difference is overwhelming. Our resources suck so there’s a lot you just have to memorize. Because they want people to wear every hat, shit gets missed very, very often. I get fucked up claims all the time.
And there’s no “off.” it doesn’t slow down or get easier, because the bosses won’t let it. They want to have as few people do the most and the quality suffers because of it, and it puts a lot of stress in the employees. Whenever we say anything, we get a “Yeah, that’s tough” before they give us more shit.
There’s a lot of buzz going around the UFO community about something BIG coming. I’ve been hearing people talk about 2027 a lot.
For what it’s worth, I’ve been hearing about something BIG coming for 37 years.
Well I do have anal probes on my 2027 bingo card.
Then you should put them away and wash the card!
Be honest, you have anal probing on your bingo card for every year, right?
Why 2027?
Well, from what I’ve been reading, apparently there’s some sort of 80 year contract that was made in 1947 that is supposed to expire. Either with aliens or something like that.
Can’t wait to see them being disappointed again!
So 2027 is the new 2012? I see
I thought Bashar said 2025
This has been the expectation of UFO conspiracy theorists since always similar to apocalyptic religions, the end is nigh etc