it’s been a busy week and i’m munching on a burrito

  • autumn (she/they)
    5 months ago

    another weekend, another fast CAT event! jean did her two runs perfectly (no trying to bite the releaser), which solidifies my thought that the people the weekend before were handling her too roughly. she got to wear her fancy new collar with the handle, which may have helped, too. echo actually ran a couple of times (1/2 distance the first time), but she didn’t really know what was going on, haha. i figure i’ll do a few more practice runs with her before i start entering her “for real.”

    echo also starts her first rally obedience class tonight! i’m really excited, even though its from 8-9pm (so laaaate).

    i’m just about done with the border collie rescue website (pro-bono work), and i’ll be sure to share that once it’s live. lots of cute dog pictures there. :)