Okay, so… I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all… I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again - I would. Garak was right about one thing: a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the Alpha Quadrant. So I will learn to live with it… Because I can live with it… I can live with it… Computer - erase that entire personal log.
I usually start with “How much time do you have and do you really wanna know all the context?”
“Do you really want to know? Or would you prefer the lies-to-children version?”
I would actually love to find a nice big list of examples of this. Mostly because I want to know about stuff I’ve taken as truth
The way people learn about atoms is basically a series of nested “this isn’t exactly correct but understanding it like this helps you comprehend whatever we’re learning”, because electrons are so crazy that we had to expand our definitions of basic principles further and further to explain the fucked up shit they do.
Classical physics is another one. It’s appropriate for everything you possibly fathom, but increasingly, modern technologies require some additional compensation for time and space dilation.
Wait what? I actually want the “okay, so” on this.
Ok so. There is a confusing aspect of the electron, you can’t tell them apart from each other, every electron is exactly the same. There is a thought experiment/theory that is very unlikely but not 100% off the table. All electrons look alike because they are the same electron traveling forwards through time as an electron and backwards in time as a positron. So there is only one electron in the universe. It’s called the one electron theory and was thought up by John Wheeler.
It’s been a while since I took Modern physics, so take my yammerings with a grain of salt. You want to know more about the atomic model or relative physics?
I know it’s not exactly what you’re looking for, but if you didn’t know about it already, it’s not a bad place to start: List of common misconceptions
Also if you ask a simple question and they reply with “Well yes and no.”
“Is Rust object-oriented?”
sweats nervously
Definitely remind myself to ask if they want the long or short version before launching off into it.
I usually don’t have a short version, so I ask “are you genuinely curious to hear the answer? because it’ll take time.”
how can I befriend this person because my friends are sick of hearing my shit
Okay, so…
Person A: I like the Star Wars prequels!
Me: That’s your right.
PA: They’re my favorite Star Wars!
Me: You’re allowed to like whatever you want.
PA: They’re better than the original trilogy!
Me: [Through gritted teeth] There’s no such thing as objectively good or bad media so…
PA: Anakin is a tragic hero!
Me: Okay so…
I can see my wife die a little every time I’m about to nerd out. So I spare her details.
That’s why I ask if they want the full in depth explanation or the short one. Well it happened once during Dune so far, she asked for the full one. I can’t even recall the question but she thought it made more sense after at least, maybe to do with blade fighting and shields, they really hammer it in the novels. Though to be fair any Dune explanation sounds better from the books than either movie, okay I haven’t seen the last half of Lynch’s Dune in decades but the first half didn’t explain things well so I don’t expect the last half to be better from my fuzzy memory.
Dune may be a bit of a special case compared to the franchises listed too.
Hokay, so.
Here’s the earth.
deleted by creator
That was the joke.
Okay so you can use double-headed trains but these are less efficient because the backwards facing locomotive isn’t powering the train. If you need to get into a tight water-locked area, these are useful, but really, you want to invest in dual-track, unidirectional train infrastructure from the get-go. Now, a lot of people wonder, should I use a 1x4 configuration, a 2x6 config, or something else. In this essay, I will…
Meanwhile most passenger trains in Germany are double-headed. They have only one locomotive, but the last wagon also has a driver’s cabin so the locomotive can push the train while still being controlled from the front
Humm, kinky.
Mines Gundam and Godzilla. I rambled about Gundam stuff for an hour and a half straight last time I hung out with my brother.
Why blank out the name of the poster?
Because the name above the comment does not adhere to APA, MLA, or any other format for citing sources.
Titanic the ship or the movie?
Um… yes.
Titanic the first movie, or the sequel?
My 4 year old when we tell her something she doesn’t want to hear will do the same, except it always starts with “WELL,”
I start with, “How much do you want to know?”. Followed by, “what is you level of knowledge on _____?”
No it isn’t.