Does anyone know why there’s no desire to see a working standard (protocol) for calendar/tasks?

It’s clear that CalDAV doesn’t function consistently across devices (and does seem to be dying as a standard). If you work across different devices/OS it’s virtually impossible to get things set up seamlessly. Companies and developers of task apps seem happy to create silos and not look at interoperability.

If you want to self-host, it’s too hard to do this and you really are limited to a tiny number of options.

    4 months ago

    I could follow it a bit. CalDAV is mostly nerd stuff. And proprietary apps use to disallow CalDav to sell their own stuff. Best example: M$ Outlook doesn’t support CalDAV natively. You can only add them as only read, or use third party addons. And why? Because they want you to buy 365.

    Look at it as the average Bob: wow you can sync all your contacts and Calenders and Tasks to every device? That must be expensive!