usually, by “woke” movies people mean movies only made for the sake of being “woke”, no? like its only message is “here’s all the diversity, look, look, at our big woke diverse movie! now, give us the moneys we are so diverse look at us and don’t bother us anymore with your agenda!”
It’s just so fucking boring… Imagine if every story, movies, TV, video games, etc., went back to only being about straight white men?
As a straight white man, it just sounds so fucking boring. I really do not get it.
Same for society in general. What a boring fucking country with boring food and literally no culture of their own beyond bigotry, that these people want. Just because they couldn’t handle seeing a brown person doing better in life than them. To them that’s an injustice that needs to be corrected.
Assuming you’re from the US, it’s especially silly that these people are so up in arms about this given that the US was literally created on the backs of immigrants
Generally Republicans and Trumpists use “woke” to describe anything they don’t like that seems to slightly swing liberal rather than anything specific.
Originally “woke” was slang in the black community meaning to understand the risks of being black in the world and basically was an equivalent of saying “drive safely!” or a Midwestern “watch for deer!” in wishing one a friendly goodbye
Woke == Haram. It’s christian sharia law. You know, that thing conservatives have been fear mongering about for what like 20 years. Except want their version of it for real.
usually, by “woke” movies people mean movies only made for the sake of being “woke”, no?
This is what people using the term really want you to think. That they’re fine with incidental/statistically correct/non-performative diversity and inclusion and are just pointing out when it happens for the sake of itself to the detriment of the quality of media.
The reality though is quite different, and people will call “woke” at almost any non-white, non-straight, or non-male character in a major role, or a non-cis character in even a passing role.
I fell for this trap on youtube. Wont name names, but at first i really thought these people only call out actual woke stuff, but later i realised everything is woke to them.
Honestly it’s an easy trap to fall into if you enter the space without prior knowledge and taking everyone at their word. I almost fell into it years back when gamergate was just getting rolling. I don’t think anyone can reasonably deny that nepotism, preferential treatment, and paid shills are a major part of modern game marketing. But they’ll get an initial hook in based on that idea and then slow-boil you on the idea that diversity and inclusion are also part of the problem. Soon that becomes the focus and people find themselves arguing that Aloy having visible peach fuzz if you zoom the camera a quarter inch from her face in photo mode is evidence that they’re trying to erase “real women” from games.
I saw that, reading the list was funny because they had entries that were very obviously LGBTQ+ and stuff on their title and i imaged people being like “hmm i wonder if this game about a gay relationship is woke”
Black Panther was seemingly made for the sake of being the MCU’s first black-lead movie. And it’s great. Drag can’t think of any other movies made for the sake of being woke, so we’ll just have to rely on this sample size of 1 which says woke movies are awesome.
How much are we considering earlier Marvel as part of the MCU? Because even though it was before Iron Man/Hulk and the official “start” of the current MCU, a lot of people seem to forget that the Blade Trilogy existed…
Blade will become an MCU movie when its canon is referenced in another canon MCU property. Until then, it isn’t. And even if Blade becomes an MCU movie due to a crossover, it won’t have been the first to fit into the canon.
Same. I was told “It’s nothing like the other MCU movies, you’ll love it!”, and I watched it and… it’s probably the best MCU movie I’ve seen, but still very MCU.
usually, by “woke” movies people mean movies only made for the sake of being “woke”, no? like its only message is “here’s all the diversity, look, look, at our big woke diverse movie! now, give us the moneys we are so diverse look at us and don’t bother us anymore with your agenda!”
Lol no. Often a video game will get called “woke” for simply having a female protagonist with short hair.
God forbid she’s muscular and doesn’t show stereotypical hetero-normative traits too
It’s just so fucking boring… Imagine if every story, movies, TV, video games, etc., went back to only being about straight white men?
As a straight white man, it just sounds so fucking boring. I really do not get it.
Same for society in general. What a boring fucking country with boring food and literally no culture of their own beyond bigotry, that these people want. Just because they couldn’t handle seeing a brown person doing better in life than them. To them that’s an injustice that needs to be corrected.
Assuming you’re from the US, it’s especially silly that these people are so up in arms about this given that the US was literally created on the backs of immigrants
Generally Republicans and Trumpists use “woke” to describe anything they don’t like that seems to slightly swing liberal rather than anything specific.
Originally “woke” was slang in the black community meaning to understand the risks of being black in the world and basically was an equivalent of saying “drive safely!” or a Midwestern “watch for deer!” in wishing one a friendly goodbye
Woke == Haram. It’s christian sharia law. You know, that thing conservatives have been fear mongering about for what like 20 years. Except want their version of it for real.
This is what people using the term really want you to think. That they’re fine with incidental/statistically correct/non-performative diversity and inclusion and are just pointing out when it happens for the sake of itself to the detriment of the quality of media.
The reality though is quite different, and people will call “woke” at almost any non-white, non-straight, or non-male character in a major role, or a non-cis character in even a passing role.
I fell for this trap on youtube. Wont name names, but at first i really thought these people only call out actual woke stuff, but later i realised everything is woke to them.
Average female protagonist? WOKE.
Like shut up dude…
Honestly it’s an easy trap to fall into if you enter the space without prior knowledge and taking everyone at their word. I almost fell into it years back when gamergate was just getting rolling. I don’t think anyone can reasonably deny that nepotism, preferential treatment, and paid shills are a major part of modern game marketing. But they’ll get an initial hook in based on that idea and then slow-boil you on the idea that diversity and inclusion are also part of the problem. Soon that becomes the focus and people find themselves arguing that Aloy having visible peach fuzz if you zoom the camera a quarter inch from her face in photo mode is evidence that they’re trying to erase “real women” from games.
It’s crazy.
Nah, there’s a pretty huge list of “woke” video games and they include titles that have an optional 1 minute scene of homosexual romance.
so, to just have something to be angry about
The true snowflakes are always looking for something inconsequential to have a meltdown over
I saw that, reading the list was funny because they had entries that were very obviously LGBTQ+ and stuff on their title and i imaged people being like “hmm i wonder if this game about a gay relationship is woke”
Black Panther was seemingly made for the sake of being the MCU’s first black-lead movie. And it’s great. Drag can’t think of any other movies made for the sake of being woke, so we’ll just have to rely on this sample size of 1 which says woke movies are awesome.
How much are we considering earlier Marvel as part of the MCU? Because even though it was before Iron Man/Hulk and the official “start” of the current MCU, a lot of people seem to forget that the Blade Trilogy existed…
Howard the Duck.
Blade will become an MCU movie when its canon is referenced in another canon MCU property. Until then, it isn’t. And even if Blade becomes an MCU movie due to a crossover, it won’t have been the first to fit into the canon.
It was ok. I didn’t get the hype around it and didn’t think it was great or as good as everyone was saying it was.
Same. I was told “It’s nothing like the other MCU movies, you’ll love it!”, and I watched it and… it’s probably the best MCU movie I’ve seen, but still very MCU.
The good part is that it offers an analysis of where actual power within a monarchy comes from, and how American agents destroy regimes.
I’m pretty sure even if that was the case, the word was hijacked by bigots to insult anything they disagree with.