Not a Limited Edition. I handled lots of these over the years.
Honestly one of my favs, miss them lil guys
Colour coins? That’s cursed.
Hah, that probably pissed off a lot of people. I love it.
You know what pissed a lot of people and felt VERY good? When the girl who sang the French hymn at the Paris Olympics opening was black. Oh boy did it feel right
I bet there are some people out there who refuse to accept these coins as change, lest they catch “The Gay”.
I get it (and it makes me happy, too), but would I would like to see is nobody getting pissed off. I know it will never happen in my lifetime, but I wish I could see that coin being as innocuous as Abraham Lincoln on a penny
That wildly political figure? For real though, with all the confederate flags I’m surprised it isn’t more controversial
They probably just know saying “Ew, I dont want no tyrant Lincoln on my money” looks really bad even now
What the fuck? 10 year anniversary? That hurts
Zoomer posting?
They’re probably surprised that it’s only been legal for ten years
out of stock
I’m heartbroken
10 euro coins are pretty common across Europe, but only legal tender in the issuing country.
Let’s not forget the ones with the Olympic fursona on them!
We also have a Vegemite on toast coin
Are these put into circulation or just purely collectors items?
They are legal tender but rare so their price in 10 years can be anyone’s guess, maybe around $100.
I meant is it like the Sacagawea coins in the US or more like the mint runs they do?
Sacagawea dollar coin was put into general circulation, and could be obtained at any US bank. But everyone thought they were cool, so people would almost never spend them. While a mint run costs more than the face dollar value of the coin.
It’s unfortunate too because coins last way longer than bills, but they have never been successful at getting people to spend them in the US.
I would love to see 1, 2 and $5 coins being used… but probably will never happen here.
Limited mint runs. They weren’t introducing new denominations, just reskins.
It’s the US, we put presidents and Founding Fathers on our bills. Harriet Tubman is neither, so of course we’re not putting her on the twenty.
Instead we should compromise with historical precedent and put Obama on the twenty - he’s both a president and a black historical figure and he’ll piss off the people pissed off by the idea of Tubman on the twenty even more. It’s a win all around!
Anyone on the $20 would be better than Andrew “Trail of Tears” Jackson. The dude also caused the deepest, by percentage not dollar amount, and longest depression in US history by paying off the national debt.
Hey, franklin pierce also sucked pretty hard. He didnt actually do anything, which is the problem. His lack of action dropped us right into the civil war iirc
Ehh he did try to prevent it, it’s just that he did everything wrong. It’s Buchanan that didn’t do shit and fucked the country.
Buchanan was a slavery sympathizer who thought the secession was legal. There was a long historical debate leading up to the civil war on if a state could secede since states have to ratify the US constitution and so could possibly deratify and go their own way.
It wasn’t paying off the debt that caused the depression, that’s deliberate misinformation to make you think debt is good, take out a lifestyle loan, don’t think about it! What’s a forever war or two paid paid for on credit, anyways?
What caused the depression was how he paid off the debt, namely by crashing the real estate market selling off stolen native land for cheap.
Government debt is in no way comparable to personal debt. You are spreading misconceptions and misunderstanding of high finance, if not outright lies.
Paying off all American debt is directly what caused the depression, since we were founded as a nation of traders. Pay off all the debt, and we don’t have any currency that is useful to other countries, and all our trade agreements died up.
Now how much debt is too much for the US to carry, is another discussion altogether
Okay buddy, keep on sucking on that hyperinflation and asking daddy for more👍
It’s not like the same people telling you debt is good are out to “Starve the Beast” or America doesn’t have comparatively more debt than it ended Fucking World War 2 with.
The hyperinflation that has been going on in Japan for the last 30 years while they have had the money hose on? Oh, wait that’s right. They’re barely staying off deflation. Or maybe there was some hyperinflation here in the US? No? Not since the Great Depression? Huh. Strange that.
You’re just showing that you know nothing about either modern economics or monetary theory.
Bruh, you’re bare assed trying to compare Jacksonian policy to modern deficit spending, like they weren’t on the GOLD FUCKING STANDARD, lmao.
Dudes with one college econ class acting like experts, I swear.
Historically the US has been loath to use our gold stockpiles to buy anything. Even when we were on the gold standard, we didn’t trade with it. It is historical fact that our trade agreements collapsed and that caused the longest and deepest depression in US history.
Just because you happen to be fiscally conservative, doesn’t mean that is a good way to run a government, and history has shown this time and again. Conservatives wreck the economy, liberals attempt to fix it, and the one time in history that we started to look at progressive policy, in 2020, it caused such a massive economic surplus that the rich freaked out and imposed artificial austerity.
I’ll get flamed for this but even trump would be better than Jackson.
The only one who I can think of that’d be as bad is Bush Jr.
Give him time, he’s already promised to do a genocide.
I’m just counting the first term. Second term will definitely take the cake
Jackson didn’t commit treason though. But he needs to be replaced. Harding would be a better choice.
They should put FDR on it to trigger the cons
Oh boy yes please
He’s literally planning his own ethnic cleansing that’s going to kill and displace a whole lot more people than Jackson dreamed of.
Yes I’m talking about his first term.
Not at all what your comment implies but, regardless, I think you’re sleeping on a whole bunch of slaver and genocidal Presidents.
Even Lincoln got in on that action, the Navajo’s Long Walk impacted about as many people as the Trail of Tears and was done during his first presidency.
True. My knowledge of the 1800s is pretty lackluster
Salmon P. Chase was neither a president nor a founding father yet he was on a bill. Though he was qualified in that he served as a white man for, I believe, his whole life.
He put “in god we trust” on the money.
That’s why he’s on a bill.
Granted it’s the 10k note and there’s kind of an inverse relationship with value of note to respect of person.
Which is why Washington is on the 1 dollar note and Hamilton is on the 10.
Thats not even a good thing though. And why not put other historical figures on money? Would it be so objectionable to out MLK Jr or General Sherman on money?
They only reason Tubmam isn’t on the $10 bill right now is because of the musical changing the fact no one gave a shit about Alexander Hamilton and didn’t care he was or wasn’t on money to him suddenly being a massively well known founding father with several massive showtunes explaining his life.
The plan was seriously already in place and nearly happened before the musical.
Huh. Til. Tbf, of all the founders, Hamilton probably deserves to be on money more than most of them
That’s not a rule. It’s just what’s been done before. There is no rule that we can’t have Harriet Tubman on a bill. The universe will not end if we tell the traditionalists they are welcome to get in a time machine if they want to live in the past.
I appreciate the note about putting Obama on the bill, but the first sentence is incorrect. 😅
The $10 (Alexander Hamilton) and $100 (Ben Franklin) do not feature presidents.
Edit: welp if you Lemmy at 5 a.m then you might not be able to read well
founding fathers?
Ah I’m dumb. My mind turned off after “presidents”
I did the same and was going to comment the same, but fortunately realized my mistake, then kept reading to see you make the same one haha. What a ride.
Boy, reading comprehension is hard huh buddy? There’s like 4 whole sentences there! I’m sure you’ll get em next time.
Man my guy just missed a part of a sentence, no need to go full asshole over it.
She was a General in the Civil War, she’s qualified.
New rule, if you haven’t navigated a minefield, you can’t be on the money.
No, if you’ve never completed Minesweeper on expert, can’t be on the money.
I’m mad. I didn’t know about this until now. How could they make this limited edition?
You are going to be even more mad to learn that they were basically impossible to get for a while cos someone stole a bunch of them
As a father with a toddler… Totally a justified theft.
My son just called BS on the picture. Is there a reliable place to fact check this?
I’m not googling today, I’m pissed with my life. Yep I’ll be fine tomorrow, just now I’m not, thx for caring, moving on.
It’s just a limited edition coin we make a bunch of different ones, but in low quantities
Doesn’t this cause a lot of confusion on whether it’s counterfeit money or not?
Canada does the same and AFAIK it’s never really been an issue
Canada has used dozens or even hundreds of impression on their coins. Coloured features, holograms, bimetalic, scratch and snuff, just anything.
Yeah we do so many variations it’s almost more rare to see a non special edition coin lol
The US also makes tons of limited edition collectible quarters and dollar coins. Buying them costs way more than face value so they never end up in circulation. Not even sure if they actually are legal tender.
It’s real. You could get them from the Australian Post.
I’m not googling today, I’m pissed with my life. Yep I’ll be fine tomorrow, just now I’m not, thx for caring, moving on.
Hope you feel better, dude! No idea what’s making you feel bad, but life is pretty shitty right now, it’s understandable to feel like garbage.
Predictably better today, had to set some limits on an unhealthy behavior (not mine) that has been going on for months. Thx for caring.
So do I walk in any post office and ask for it? Is that common currency or those gold plated stuff?
Unfortunately you can’t get them anymore. You gotta get them from eBay or something. They were collectable coins from what I read. I’m actually in the US, but I woulda bought a set and had them shipped here if they were still selling them.
I just got a set on eBay for ~15 usd
…do other countries not have just random images on their coins because the government went “fuck it, why not”?
Nintendo lawyers are frothing at the mouth.
It says “TM” four times so that should be enough.
Austrailia doesn’t either. This was a collectible coin. Their normal dollar coil is a few kangaroos on one side and Queen Elizebeth II (now it’s King Charles) on the other.
Yeah, but all collectable coins can be used as regular coins if need be
I dunno if that’s true.
It’s true. There’s a lot of special issues that fin their way into circulation.
In the Netherlands we have the current monarch, so it changes every 30 years or so. And sometimes we have a special occasion image, but I can’t remember if we’ve had one of these since we got the Euro as our currency.
The Royal Dutch Mint sells commemorative Euro coins that are legal tender. Like this 750 years of Amsterdam 5 euro coin
Or this coast guard coin
Though these aren’t put into general circulation.
This I didn’t know. All I knew were this one or this one (also in other denominations), which could be found in general circulation.
Here is the List when each country released special coins and here you can lookup how the coins looked per year.
Netherlands has released 9 special coins.
This isn’t changing the picture though - this is our new currency, the ‘dollarbuck’.
Current exchange rate is 1AUD = 1 DollarbuckShoulda gone with Dollarydoo.
“Dollarbuck” is from the show, though.
Dollarydoo is from a 1995 Simpsons episode
I’m aware. “Dollarbuck” is from Bluey, which is the image featured on the coin in the photograph.
The fact they added the little “buck” is what really makes this 😂
Most stable currency ever.
Backed by the full faith and credit of Bandit & Chilli’s enduring love for their daughters.
I predict the AUD/DBK exchange rate to continue to diverge over time. Best to get in early buy DBK now!
As an Australian, Australia doesnt exsist…
Australia was just a myth, made up to scare the British lower class, but its a joke that got way out of hand and now nobody knows how to stop it
New Zealand does though, right? Right?
It does. It has Hobbits and Elves. Really cool
The US doesn’t feature Harriet Tubman on the $20 because it’s full up with racist, slavery-denying fools who still have the mindset of an Andrew Jackson voter and would vote a wheel of racist cheese into the office of president over an eminently qualified black woman any day of any week.
Ironically, Andrew Jackson was reviled at the time. Most Americans were shocked that he got elected, and I’m unsure if he or Woodrow Wilson did more damage to the country.
Hoover, (Depression Austerity),and Truman, (Sent first troops to Vietnam), are up there too.
I would put Nuking Hiroshima and Nagisaki on the list of Truman issues as well.
At the very least Nagisaki. One could argue that the first bomb was necessary after we saw how hard the Japanese fought on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Japan had already surrendered after Hiroshima, and the only condition they asked was that The Emperor not have to step down. I hindsight I don’t think that would have been an issue as he apparently wasn’t the driving force behind the war.
For the world and Japan certainly. But as things that affected Americans, those advisors were far worse.
Is that really a dollarydoo, or is it like a token for the Australian equivalent of Chucky Cheese?
Australia is just a continent sized chucky cheese
That’s a real dollar coin that could be used in circulation, but it costs much more than its face value to buy and it’s worth a lot more than its face value to collectors.
Yeah, that’s pretty much how the dollar coins here in the US are, too. Seeing one is like a special treat because people end up buying them from the mint and hoarding them.
Every time I see a picture of these I immediately hear the girls saying “Dollarbucks!” In my head.
Wait wait wait… are you saying you don’t have any commemorative coins in the USA?! Holy shit I never realised! We have special coins all the time in Europe. My kids absolutely love when they find a special 2€ coin with some cool engraving on it.
How sad! You could have so many, too! By default each country in the Euro zone has its own heads, while tails are always the same. Easy peasy!No we do have commemorative $1 coins, Sacagawea had one and they’re fairly common change from vending machines. There’s an older Susan B Anthony. Harriet Tubman had one but I’ve never seen it.
There was a set of quarters where the back was related to each state.
Wikipedia says we’re supposed to be running a series honoring inventors from every state but no one wants $1 coins, so…
I don’t know if this is real, but I want it to be.
It is. There was a massive heist of them too, so hopefully this one was legitimately acquired.
The dollar bucks are real!
*Bluey bucks
Dollar bucks is the correct term.
Source: I have 3 kids, bluey is a common occurrence in my house.
It’s making me nostalgic for Chuck E Cheese.
Maybe we shouldn’t have slave owners on our money? I dunno? Just maybe…
It’s just monkeys singing songs, mate. Don’t think too hard about it.
That painted a funny picture in my mind 🤣