For context, this is from terminator 2 where the protagonist is saved by his best friend in the first 30 min of the film by lying to a terminator cyborg from the future posing as a cop.
Yeah, on all platforms I’ve been to I’ve seen nothing but bitter jokes and snarky comments about the situation. Imagine being such a massive shitbag that nobody gives a damn when you are literally murdered in public and in broad daylight.
If your legacy is feeding off people’s misfortune and suffering then I’d say this outcome is part of the risk you took. What goes around, comes around. I don’t expect the leeches to learn from that tho.
These people run real death panels. You know the thing the GOP warned us about if the ACA was passed.
The number of times the GOP have done the exact thing they warned us that the Dems would do is too damn high.
It’s always projection.
If I see someone shop lifting food, no I didn’t. If I see someone shoot down a ceo in manhattan no I didn’t.
Here’s something we should all consider.
Back in the day, the Irish Republican Army was one of the most feared terrorist groups in the world.
At their height they only had about fifty full time assassins.
But every assassin had a massive ‘rear echelon.’
When the shooter came to town, he’d have a choice of three or four safe houses, a dozen drivers, and at least two doctors to go to if he was injured.
So you are saying the IRA assassins have a better healthcare plan than most Americans?
On the other hand, IRA assassins are much more productive than most Americans.
Why are you booing? You know it’s true!
Not better than American assassins, though.
Today we were unlucky, but remember we have only to be lucky once, you will have to be lucky always. Give Ireland peace and there will be no war.
Badass warning tbh
any good reading resources on this?
Funny thing. I was working in NYC in public health on 9/11/2001. Afterwards, we got a lot of lectures on terrorism and mass casualty incidents.
Say Nothing by Patrick Radden Keefe could be a good place to start. The central bit being told is about the abduction and murder of a woman, but most of the book is really about the history of the IRA and the Troubles, giving context to the abduction.
Che Guevara was half Irish half Basque. MF was born for it
Well yeah, this guy just ran to the continental.
j. Non-permissive environment: An environment in which friendly forces anticipate obstructions to, or interference with, operations.
Corpo executives and billionaires about to find out that no matter the snitch line reward money they put up, people magically didn’t see anything.
Policing requires a degree of consent from the public, you’ll be turning away search party volunteers for a child kidnapping, but I don’t see a line of people ready to narc on shoplifting or drug possession.
That, and it’s a health insurance company.
They can offer whatever rewatd they want. Their entire business model is based on promising to provide money before refusing to cough it up.
lol, good point
They’ll find ways to deny it. Saying that the information in and of itself was insufficient as they needed to send someone out there with a firearm, therefore providing further health insurance liabilities and therefore nullifies the reward.
That’s the biggest problem with militarizing the police.
You get cops who think they are the Punisher and citizens who hate the cops on the beat.
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DefendI’ve never in my life smiled as much as I have today. Random Shooter can have anything he wants or needs from me, an ebike rental, a kidney, whatever. It’s utterly delightful and I hope it happens more often, and I say that shamelessly as a practicing Christian.
Snitches get stitches.
“Stitches aren’t covered by your plan. Have you tried dying?”
Instructions unclear. Family stuck with funeral expenses they can’t afford.
Worst yet they repo the stitches
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Be like John Connor’s friend and not like the bespeckled douche kid who pointed out where John was.
Be like Budnick!
I love how the news is saying it’s an all out manhunt. Like how many people get shot in New York? They’re gonna shut down half of manhattan over this dead dickbag?
For the rich, they definitely would.
Guarantee that was the reporter’s kid
I have no idea who that kid is, but if he’s old enough to drink now I’ll buy him a beer!
Muy basado y pildoraroja
I don’t know him and if I saw him, I don’t remember
Yo I’m not sure I ever caught that in T2 (though admittedly, I haven’t watched it since I was in my teens)
Yeah the arcade scene near the beginning. John and his pal scam an ATM using some Atari thing then go to the arcade. T-1000 shows up, the friend lies to him, warns John. John runs out the back to encounter the T-800, who John doesn’t know is friendly yet, as he pulls a Gun from a box of Roses
Not many movies I can say the sequel was better than the original, but T2, 100%.
And that’s not to say the original terminator was bad or anything, they were different movies centered around a similar concept and I love em both.
But they had to keep making them for so long…
And the music playing was written BY one of the guys from Guns n’ Roses. Also his pal, the guy in the pic who initially misleads the T-1000 is called Tim.
Ah yes, I forgot his name was Tim.
I know You Could Be Mine was for the soundtrack and was playing while they were riding John’s dirt bike, but I don’t recall the music playing in the hallway when the T-800 appears.
It is in the arcade scene, if I recall.
“who are you looking for?”
“a shooter”
“who did he shoot?”
“a healthcare ceo”
“oh cool high five”was probably not the response they were hoping for