I’ve googled it for you: she’s going to be green for 28 to 45 days.
So, maybe 28 Days Later?
Now we know the answer to “why is Gamora?”
How is Gamora?
Captain Kirk has entered the chat.
Kirk was always in the chat, he’s now just more open with kinks
Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain.
Why is he climbing the mountain?Because it’s there.
Fuck it, I’d just stay in costume. At least it’d be accurate.
Switch it up by dressing as a lawyer on some days and wearing a purple sports top and bottoms on others.
EDIT: What about Zombie Chic? I think it might cause more trouble for her than the other options.
I’d get a red wig & do Gamora over She Hulk.
Alright, but do you actually know somebody who would be your She-Hulk Bottom in that hypothetical?
Not gonna matter, it’s gonna look like a Jackson Pollock painting when I’m done.
I’d be doing
Definitely rock the look. Might as well if it’s going to be like that for two months.
Nah I expect to de-green at a different rate in different body parts. Go as Michael Jackson having too much weed. Be green vitiligo.
Every shower over scrub the same areas.
Good timing, in December she can make some extra money as the grinch
I will bet money theres a young child that will point and go “dad look its the grinch”
If I were going to use a dye on my skin for something like this, I would first test it out on a small patch of skin some place where nobody’s ever going to see it, like on my penis.
I think you’ll need a bigger patch of skin to actually see the results.
Do the whole unit and if something goes wrong tell the doc you fucked Shrek.
I’d worry about making a mess. What’s the smallest eyedropper they sell?
I too would want to test patch it. But I would put it off too long and end up skipping the test patch.
Hit the gym. Awaken the she hulk.
Don’t forget the twerking
Then hit the law school!
guys I’m pretty sure that’s just gamora, leave her be
That movie is cursed lol. Mattel had a shit ton of wicked toys produced for the movie. Someone fucked up the website for the movie on the packaging, it was supposed to say VISIT WICKEDMOVIE.COM or something like that… Packaging actually says VISIT WICKED.COM!!! Which is apparently a porn site hahahahahaha.
And apparently there were QR codes on a lot of them that also linked to that site, we went to Walmart and they all had stickers over them lol
Hey man, maybe it was on purpose to get the toys on the news!
She prolly into photosynthesis now.
Oh, orcs are real now? Can we get dwarves next
I have some very good news for you…
God I wish dwarves were real
Brothers of the mine rejoice.
Swing, swing, swing with me!
Raise your pick and raise your voice.
Sing, sing, song with me!
Dye your hair red.
It’s not easy bein’ green
Dying yourself for the premiere of a movie you’re not even in is wild to me.
You must hate cosplays
Nah, not at all. I love cosplay and the media that comes with it. I’m sure she dressed up, but I just think dying your self green for a movie seen in the dark is crazy. Not that she deserves to be the green giant for it.
But I also don’t leave the house 😅
Sometimes people wear things for themselves.
That’s very true! That’s why people are still out there having fun while I’m bitching on the internet 😂
First time I used stage makeup, I didn’t know about cold cream, and dyed my face yellow, because I was big bird for Halloween.
I’ve walked around with blue hands for awhile for similar reasons 😂
For a movie you haven’t seen yet, it’s still kinda weird.
Damn it’s one of them green women from Star Trek. Is she single?
not for long!