I’m getting back into coding and I’m going to start with python but I wanted to see what are some good IDEs to write the code. Thanks in advance.
Codium. It’s VSCode without the proprietary stuff
Beat me to it mate.
Here is the link. https://vscodium.com/
Also Eclipse Theia, it has the same interface and functionality and it is compatible with most VSCode extensions (probably over 98% of them?).
I’m going to look like a dumbass for asking this but you’re not talking about vscodium, are you?
Nevermind @slazer2au@lemmy.world answered it.
I find codium is pretty great overall. It’s become my daily driver now.
My husband, who mostly codes in assembly these days (he’s mostly retired so his hobby is old atari, amstrad, and spectrum computers), went from VSCode, to Sublime, to now Kate. He prefers to use 100% open source apps, without strings attached. VSCode is nice, but it has lots of weird stuff in it that aren’t necessarily up to the spirit of open source. So Kate works perfectly for him, although VSCodium would do well as well (it’s just that Kate has better syntax highlighters for his weird assembly). Also VSCode/ium is using about 250 MB of RAM, while Kate about 45 (and Sublime only about 32).
(he’s mostly retired so his hobby is old atari, amstrad, and spectrum computers)
Your husband is an absolute legend.
I’d suggest going with LazyVIM / SpaceVIM as a starting point, though, as configuring vim from blank state is an art itself and requires quite some time and dedication.
I use Helix. It’s kinda like a preconfigured Neovim. I really like it, my only complaint is that it (currently) doesn’t have a filetree
Seconded. I’m coming from Emacs (+evil), so I’m still missing a few features (proper git integration a-la magit, collaborative editing a-la crdt.el, remote editing a-la tramp). However what is already there works way better/faster/more consistent than any other editor IMHO, and I’ve tried neovim with plugins too. I particularly enjoy the ability to traverse the AST rather than text (Alt+l/p/o/i by default, but I have it remapped to Alt+h/j/k/l). Really looking forward to https://github.com/helix-editor/helix/pull/8675, I’ll probably write a couple plugins if this ever lands.
You can already do so incredibly much by hooking up a few extra LSPs and keybinds (calling external scripts/programs)!
What I’m personally still missing though:
- Code Folding
- More refined subprocess handling, i.e. term-buffer switching or floating term (when excuting gitui via keybind for example)
- Emacs Org-Mode like context aware styling, for i.e. Bold or Italic text hints from LSP
- Font changes (restricted through terminal)
- Different Font/Line sizes for i.e. headings (restricted through terminal)
- Inline images (sixel!)
- Dedicated optional client, a-la Neovide with cursor animations (helps orientation with jumps etc.), and to alleviate the previous terminal restrictions
Same here
I use Yazi and its amazing. Here’s their docs on how to set it up as a file picker in helix.
I use PyCharm for work but it’s not FOSS or beginner-friendly. PyCharm does have a free community edition which is awesome if you’re mostly into FOSS for the $0 aspect.
- https://thonny.org/ - for the first few days of learning and easy setup
- https://www.spyder-ide.org/ - especially good for data science
- https://eric-ide.python-projects.org/ - full-featured general purpose IDE
Codium is fine and technically FOSS although it’s association with Microsoft taints it for anyone who still hates MS from the bad old days. Also it’s an Electron app.
PyCharm community is FOSS
I got started with Spyder when learning python in biochemistry
I really like Kate as an advanced editor with syntax highlighting, auto-completion, plugin support. I would then use the Terminal pane at the bottom to run my code during development.
However, if you want a full IDE with included dependency management, test runner, and debugger it’s probably not enough.
One of my professors said you don’t need an IDE, the Linux system already is a development environment. Not sure that I fully agree with that, especially thinking of things like Android Studio that include the virtual machine smartphone, but it’s still an approach thing that is worth trying out.
Nobody needs an IDE. After all, you can just open a blank file and get straight to work. I could also just use Linux without a DE. Who needs all those graphics, amirite? I could also use a can with some string instead of a phone—or better yet, just shout really loud!
with the rise of LSP, i feel that ides have become less necessary. get an editor that you like, add an LSP client if there’s not one built-in, then install the server for your language.
Honestly, just try a few of the big ones and see what you like, I feel like with IDEs it’s all about personal preferences and rarely about actual amount of features.
Good ones to start with can be PyCharm and vscodium, but try a few, that’s the best option.
Ya ime it’s mostly about what people are comfortable with. People who care about all the features :tm: go to emacs, people who want to use an instrument stick with vim, and old people use nano
For Python definitely PyCharm.
Huh, the community edition is Apache 2 licensed. I had assumed it was proprietary freeware.
That’s news to me.
Geany https://www.geany.org/
Zed is full of AI rubbish, though, which is a shame as I was looking for a code editor built with Rust.
You can check out Lapce, which is written in Rust: https://github.com/lapce/lapce
Yeah, I have. Seems like development has stalled, though. Last release was 4 months ago and the last commit a month ago.
Rust doesn’t buy you anything interesting in this space.
Not really, all the AI stuff is off by default and doesn’t really nag you all too much…
I did find this fork which removes all the AI and telemetry. You’d be surprised how much of it is there.
As long as it has an integration for your language/framework of choice it’s the best imo
Will try, thanks.
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I’m slowly learning Emacs, I’d say I like it but it’s a lot of config work and I wouldn’t recommend it to somebody who hasn’t programmed before.
I’m a big fan of vim/neovim with nerdtree and airline added in.
I’ve also been tryingourt Zed recently, it natively supports vim keybindings, so my workflow hasn’t changed, but its lightning fast (programmed in rust) compared to vs-codium (an electron app)
Netbeans for java was good to me as a student.