Thoughts and prayers.
Don’t just leave those laying around, something will fi-- aww damnit, too late…
It’s cool, he ain’t playing it right anyway. He won’t get famous and change the world the way he’s doing it.
C’mon, he’s doing his best.
It’s really hard to do without opposable thumbs!
Maybe if you had four arms you’d hold it different too! Leave Tardiboi alone!
Oh shiiiiiii
This is amazing, it took me a few seconds to realize that is a very tiny violin.
It’s from an electron microscope and was made via lithography IIRC
Does it give a close look at peoples choices?
Good for them, I guess?
"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
I was expecting this exact quote. Never fails to put a smile on my face.
But, but The eye of a needle was a market with a small gate and if you only had a reasonable load on your camels then they could pass through so it’s actually ok for rich people to exist /s
That cope from Conservative Christians™️ is always funny. Similar statements show up in the Talmud. A large animal passing through the eye of a needle was a common idiom in Jewish culture at the time to demonstrate impossibility.
I wish they had just said, “look bro, I don’t even need an idiom. I’m just going to tell you. If you’re rich, you’re going to Hell. You can’t exploit people and hoard resources and be in God’s good graces at the same time. Just being rich means that you’re ok walking by misery and not helping. Bro, you can’t have it like that.”
You’d still have wealthy Christians being like “okay, but what did Jesus mean by this?”
You’re absolutely right haha.
“I flicked a nickel to a hobo today. Streets uh’ gode!”
It’s a mistranslation of “sturdy rope”, which indeed would not pass through the eye of a needle.
“Another coin in the coffer rings, another soul into heaven springs.”
Perhaps they should sell off some of the tons and tons of gold stuff they have.
There’s a whole crypt of nicely dressed absolutely dead people who most certainly don’t need to be wearing rubies and gold and diamonds all over their bones.
That needle must have a pretty big eye
No, just microscopic camels.
Maybe they should put their bones in a museum for profit? Come see Saint (whomever)
We do it all the time with brown peoples bones. Why not pope’s bones?
Or their huge amounts of foreign land
Like huge… tracts of land?
Bullshit. They own more land than damn near any other entity on the planet. The whole celibacy thing was so the priest could not take the church owning and give them to non-church kids.
Hurting for money? Sell some land. Then pay for the abuse lawsuits some more.
Heaven Less Opulent Than Vatican, Reports Disappointed Pope
Exactly plus the millions in treasure they have under the Vatican.
How about all those hospitals? Sell them to local owners, force them to be non profit and pay off the resale victims the Vatican created.
Paying out legal claims and bribes from all the sexual abuse scandals are not cheap.
Naw, they just move all the assets out of the diocese and declare bankruptcy.
Child rape. They’re broke from paying for unimaginable amounts of child rape.
Indeed. I’m sorry if it felt like I was minimizing the damage caused.
No! Not at you! Just, in general. We should make a point of calling a spade. Euphemism is dangerous.
good, time to disband that pedo-clown organisation
One the planets largest landlords going bankrupt? I imagine they can cover the spread and still dress like trans-wizards until the lord returns.
Since that fable will never become reality, probably not.
Regardless they can probably sell some shit and cover their debts
They’ve been doing that. I know of quite a bit of land owned by the church that they’ve sold around me.
Those grifters have had a good run for two millenia. As scams go, I’d say it was pretty successful - and still is, sadly.
Just pray. If your God is the creator of the universe, it’s pretty likely he can handle the situation once you let him know.
Dont forget the thoughts.
Well it’s a good thing they have all that priceless art they can sell…
They could always start selling indulgences again!
In fact, they could even expand beyond the traditional Catholic market. Even Muslims get into Catholic heaven if they’re willing to cut a big enough check! Maybe you can get some atheist billionaire to buy a $1 billion “just in case” indulgence.
They don’t need to sell anything. They’re sitting on the horde of Rome’s wealth along with all the nazi gold the church took in during WWII. They have the wealth to easily pay their debts but would rather enter into bankruptcy than actually pay them.
I see a business opportunity here, who knows how to code a website 🤑😋?
Are these bastards really thinking we are going to believe their mafia like enterprise is supported by charitable donations?
Probably the best news I’ve read so far today.