and it was easily the most exciting and interesting and amazing experience i have had in gaming since i played outer wilds. which, let me be clear, is i think the highest praise i could possibly give.

if anyone else can see the throughline between those two games could give me some more recommendations i would really appreciate it! i’m thinking along the lines of “games that strongly reaffirm your belief that video games are art”

  • Stolen_Stolen_Valor [any]
    2 个月前

    If you have any nostalgia for late 90’s early 2000’s internet I might recommend Hypnospace Outlaw.

    I also recommend Cruelty Squad to people looking for unique experiences but if you haven’t seen it you might have to look it up and decide for yourself.

    2 个月前

    I just finished replaying Pathologic 2 and it once again reminded me that it is one of the best games ever made. It has a very different vibe from Inscryption and Outer Wilds, but I’d say they’re all games that make me believe that games can be art, and, further, can do so by using game mechanics and other aspects unique to the genre to achieve that, other than “only” narrative devices.

    • REgon [they/them]
      2 个月前

      How is pathologic going with getting haruspex finished? I wanna play it, but I want to wait for at least two paths being ready

      • Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]
        2 个月前

        Haruspex is done, that’s what Pathologic 2 is. They started with Haruspex instead of Bachelor this time for whatever reason. Bachelor should be coming next year, I hope. It’s going to be called Pathologic 3, to really confuse people even more. There’s a trailer out now, which has made me so extremely excited.

        Also, while I understand the desire to wait until there are at least two completed playthroughs, I really don’t think you need to. Pathologic 2 is very much a complete game right now. Sure, there’s more to learn about the world, but like, we won’t get all the answers until the Changeling route comes out, and that’s years and years away. (Probably)

            2 个月前

            It very much is. In summary, the original Pathologic had three characters you could play as. Pathologic 2 initially released as a sort of remake, with only one of the characters from the original playable, with the promise that the other two would be released posteriorly as DLC.

            However, it has taken some years now (Pathologic 2 released in 2019) and the second route / character has only just been announced to be planned to be released in 2025. As I understand it, in order not to stunt their sales, what was originally planned to be DLC will be released as a new game (Pathologic 3), and I expect the final character / route will be released as Pathologic 4 or something of the sort.

            While the original had 3 characters and 2 only has one, I do think that the world, characters and gameplay are much better realized in 2. The world is bigger, denser, more believable and weirder than it was in the first game. Which is why I believe that it’s not necessary to wait for all three routes to come out in order to enjoy Pathologic 2. As it stands, even if the developers go bankrupt and no more games come out, I still think Pathologic 2 is one of the best games ever made and certainly one of the best stories ever told, regardless of medium. It is very much worth the purchase (or torrent, if you want to try it out) and does not require that you played the first game to understand and enjoy it.

          • Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]
            2 个月前

            Oh, it is indeed super interesting! If you don’t mind long YouTube video essays, watch Hbomberguy’s video about Pathologic, that’ll get you up to speed.

            But let me say just a little more: in like, 2005 or something a development studio in Russia made a game called Pathologic. It’s absolutely miserable to play and it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played, an absolute masterpiece.

            You play as one of three very different doctors who has come to this utterly bizarre town on the Russian steppe, right as a plague is beginning. Your job is to survive for 12 days in the town, and maybe make some progress towards fixing the plague in some way, either a vaccine or a cure, or hell, maybe a miracle.

            But most of your day to day will be walking around the town, excruciatingly slowly, trying to scrounge up enough food and medicine and bullets so you yourself don’t die. The townsfolk will lie to you for their own ends and they love wasting your time. The plot is sprawling and complex, but it’s an absolute scramble every day to see it all, to talk to the people you need to talk to, while avoiding bandits and seemingly sentient clouds of plague and plague carriers, both human and rat. And all the while your exhaustion and hunger meters are rising and you have to take care of that, your body is fragile and its needs are always pressing, you will straight up die if you don’t keep yourself fed and rested and healthy.

            You choose one of three doctors to play as, although if you’re serious about the game you play it three times, once as each character. These characters are The Bachelor (a doctor from the big city obsessed with trying to conquer death), The Haruspex (a local from the town who’s been away studying medicine for the past several years) and The Changeling (I don’t know what to say about her. She’s less a doctor and more a, uh, miracle worker? A magical little girl who might have an evil twin sister? I can’t explain The Changeling). All three doctors exist in the story, even the two you’re not currently playing as. They still do their stuff, although, crucially, they’re less successful than when you play as them.

            The plot in this game is dense and fascinating. The whole game is, in some ways, a play, a theatre production. Kind of. It also frequently reminds you it’s not real, it’s just a game, in very weird, very interesting ways. And all the while the characters are deep and interesting and don’t feel fake, even as the game takes pains to remind you that they are.

            I could talk themes and ideas all day, but I won’t. Suffice it to say there’s more there than I could ever fit into a single comment, a lot more.

            But, ok, that’s a weird game from like 20 years ago, what does it have to do with a game coming out next year? Well, in 2019 (I think), Pathologic 2 came out, which is a remake of The Haruspex playthrough of Pathologic. And it’s incredible, it’s so fucking good! It’s way harder and more punishing and less janky than the first one, the themes and ideas are just as rich, although with a slightly different focus (there’s something odd happening with death here, that I really, really don’t understand, I would bet money the next two playthroughs make it more explicit), and the mechanics are really dialed in and feel awful and satisfying in exactly the right way.

            And next year (probably, hopefully) the Bachelor playthrough is coming out, as Pathologic 3. (Their naming conventions are terrible, but oh well.) And it’s going to be so, so good. It’s taken 5 years to make, which is long enough that I was really worried it wasn’t going to happen, especially since Pathologic 2 didn’t sell that well and the dev team is Russian, and, well, Russia is at war right now. But the Bachelor playthrough is nearing completion! It’s truly happening, and I couldn’t be happier! It suggests to me we’ll probably also get a Changeling playthrough, even if we have to wait another 5 years. And I’m willing to wait!

            So yeah, play Pathologic 2. Don’t play 1 unless you really get bit by the Pathologic bug, it’s hard to overemphasize just how miserable 1 is. 2 is also miserable, sure, but in a much better way, if that makes sense (it probably doesn’t). And it’s the same story, mostly. Broad strokes are the same, even though details are different. And Pathologic 2 is only 1/3 of the full story, although I would say it’s richer than its counterpart in 1. Still, 1 is absolutely worth playing, because you do get all three stories, which is really neat, you get a much deeper and more complete understanding of the town and the people in it. But still, only play it if you really, really must, because it’s miserable.

              2 个月前

              lol I ended up posting the abridged version of your comment. Thanks for reminding that other people exist that were excited about the announcement for Pathologic 3 and that are willing to wait another half decade to understand wtf the Changeling is all about

            • graymess [none/use name]
              2 个月前

              I appreciate the thorough write up and feel bad now that I’m probably not gonna play these lol. It sounds a lot like the kind of art that I categorize broadly as thing I admire and respect from a distance and value those that love it, but will never, ever experience personally for one reason or another. Is there a better way to describe that?

              I’m the kind of person who bounces hard off discomfort in my comfort spaces, and games are one of those comfort spaces. Not that everything I play needs to be easy or perfect, but if a game asks more from me than I’m willing to dedicate casually, I’ll probably end up turning it off. It’s very fun to see others get excited about their complex things, though, so thank you for sharing.

    2 个月前

    Return of the Obra Dinn maybe?

    That being said, I haven’t played outer wilds, and I’ve been avoiding reading about it. I loved Inscryption though, so this post is encouraging me to move it up my list.

        2 个月前

        I think what I loved most about it is that it felt like a real puzzle where I had to use my brain, and the answers weren’t all in the game. For example, having to pick out that someone in the background of one of the scenes had an Irish accent.

        It’s one game where I’ve always wanted to find something that gave me a similar experience. I’m definitely going to bookmark this post for future reference.

  • PurrLure [she/her]
    2 个月前

    A fellow indie game fan eh? I’ll try to give you some recommendations that I haven’t seen listed here yet:

    • Little Goody Two Shoes & Pocket Mirror. The games will kick your ass, but the aesthetics and story are worth it. One is a prequel to the other.
    • Griftlands Lovely aesthetics and addictive bite sized roguelike gameplay with multiple characters and stories to play through.
    • The Forgotten City I just think timeloops are neat. blob-no-thoughts
    • Potionomics Shop keeping game where technically you aren’t an evil capitalist because you’re avoiding slavery I guess? Also there’s DLC where you can fuck a shark.
    • Lobotomy Corporation Only play this if you love pain.
  • REgon [they/them]
    2 个月前

    I love inscryption! Easily one of my top 5 game.
    Rainworld kinda hit the same vibe for me, that vibe being “games that let you figure it out, but not in a masochistic way”.

    Return of the Obra Dinn is definitely the same type of game. I wish I could play it for the first time again.

  • Riffraffintheroom [none/use name]
    2 个月前

    I enjoyed Incryption but I didn’t feel it was as surprising or creepy as The Hex or Pony Island. That said, I didn’t finish it.


    _ I got as far as finishing what i believe to be all of the puzzles in the room and had only to beat the card game portion. From that point it didn’t seem like the plot and “character” portions of the cards were developing very much spoiler, but maybe I missed out on something? __

  • barrbaric [he/him]
    2 个月前



    How much did you engage with the ARG? I just watched the in-game videos so I feel like I was missing out on some of the experience, but ARGs are also extremely not my thing.

    Also, did you try out Kaycee’s Mod at all? I liked the game, but imo Act 1 is the strongest and I was burned out by the end of Act 3 so I never bothered.

    • g_g [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOP
      2 个月前

      i haven’t at all yet! i don’t even know exactly where to start and it’s not exactly my thing either but i’m sure there’s a good rabbit hole to dig into there from experiences other folks had from it (i was thinking i’d just try find a good video on it)

      as for Kaycee’s Mod - I haven’t checked it out yet either but definitely intend to because i do agree with it being the strongest gameplay wise

  • graymess [none/use name]
    2 个月前

    I finished The Beginner’s Guide literally like 20 minutes ago. It’s a 90 minute “experience” more than a game, by the developer of The Stanley Parable. Seems that a lot of people get something profound or personal out of it. Can’t say I did, but I’m in the minority here. Could be just what you’re looking for.

  • CredibleBattery [he/him, comrade/them]
    2 个月前

    Try Disco Elysium if you haven’t. its a fuckign amazing story.

    As for gameply, its the equivalent of a walking simulator with rpg elements, but if that’s not a problem for you, absolutely go for it. (pirate it however, robber-baron financiers have stolen the IP and the creators won’t ever see your money)

    • g_g [she/her, comrade/them]@hexbear.netOP
      2 个月前

      yes, agreed! i never played the first one and despite having owned the game for years now i still haven’t finished 2. thank you for reminding me, that game is very fun